"A four-year-old girl has been withdrawn
from a
being subjected to repeated antisemitic
remarks by other pupils.
Her father, journalist Nick Johnstone, has
accused the head teacher, Philip Eaton,
of failing to deal with his complaints.
He has since complained to the local
education authority about Mr Eaton and
has also reported the matter to police
and his MP, Mark Field.
In an email to Mr Johnstone, the head
admitted that both he and the school
“have let your family down”.
Mr Johnstone’s daughter, whom he asked
not to be named, joined Hallfield Infants’
School in Paddington, a multi-faith but
predominantly Muslim school, in January.
Physical and verbal bullying of the girl
started some time ago and escalated last
week to religious abuse.
He said: “A girl told her that ‘Jewishes are
yuck’, ‘Jewishes don’t care about people’,
‘you can’t trust Jewishes’ and ‘you can’t
throw a ball to Jewishes because they kick
it in your face’. Another girl told her
‘Jewishes are not nice people’.
” She was told that “Allah would burn her
in the fire” because she was not Muslim."