Den brittiska tidningen Prospect Magazine intervjuar i augustinumret en ung fanatisk islamist från Manchester. Medan deras pakistanska föräldrar strävar efter integration och framgång i det engelska samhället hänger de unga skäggiga islamisterna på gathörnen och drömmer om martyrskapet.
"Hassan Butt, the young British Pakistani who was a spokesman for the extremist group al-Muhajiroun, and active in recruiting people to fight against the coalition forces in Afghanistan, embodies this journey from frustration and rootlessness to radical Islam. The world he describes before he was first approached, aged 17, by members of the Islamist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT), was a disordered one. When I interviewed him last year, he described HT as showing him an Islam that could bring order to his life. Accepting Islam meant the creation of a social equilibrium that had been absent before."