Islamiseringen och därmed antisemitismen ökar ständigt
i Frankrike. Fransmännen upprörs just nu över hur en
ung jihadist i Paris mördade sin judiska granne, en
äldre kvinna, genom att bryta sig in i hennes lägenhet
och kasta ut henne genom fönstret...
Naturligtvis efter att ha skrikit Allahu Akbar !
Times of Israel om mordet.
New English Review ger en intressant tillbakablick
över islamistisk antisemitism i Frankrike de senaste åren:
Let review the details of the current Halimi murder as reported by Israel National News, before we recall what happened in 2003, 2006, 2012 and 2015, two of which were originally reported by our colleague, Nidra Poller.
“They tried to cover up the terror:”
Paris police are checking suspicions that a 27-year-old Muslim murdered his Jewish neighbor, Sarah Lucy Halimi, following a confrontation in her apartment.
According to a report in Yediot Aharonot, 66-year-old Halimi was attacked by the terrorist as she slept in her bed. He stabbed her and pushed her from her third-story apartment to her death while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”
Halimi is to be laid to rest today, Thursday, at 11:30 at the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Jerusalem. Her family asked that the public come and pay final respects.
Halimi was found lifeless on Monday night outside her apartment in Paris. Neighbors told police that, at a late hour of the night, the terrorist ascended to the third floor of the apartment complex, yelled “Allahu Akbar” and acted wildly before pushing Halimi to her death.
During the police investigation, the terrorist asserted that the Koran had commanded him to murder her. He was sent for psychiatric evaluations.
Halimi’s family says the incident was a terror attack and blames police for trying to silence the murder for political reasons related to elections in France.
Sarah Lucy Halimi leaves behind a son who lives in Israel and two daughters who live in France. Her body was flown last night from Paris to Israel and is to be brought today for burial in Jerusalem.
Here were those incidents we chronicled, including the prior Halimi murder:
In Paris in 2003, young Jewish disc jockey Sebastien Selam, a.k.a. DJ Lam.C, was brutally murdered by his childhood friend Adel Amastaibou in one of the banlieuse. According to reports in the Jerusalem Post, Adel Amastaibou took out a long knife and stabbed Sebastien Salem repeatedly in the chest, killing him. He went upstairs to his mother's apartment and told her and then the police when they arrived, "I killed a Jew, and I will go to paradise. Allah made me do it." Amastaibou was examined by a panel found mentally ill, confined to a mental hospital, not brought to trial and released. Subsequently after denials of trials it was discovered that Amastaibou had a rap sheet that included “10 prior violent convictions, including assaulting rabbis, threatening pregnant Jewish women and making Molotov cocktails.”
Nidra Poller wrote in January 2010:
The ghastly murder and mutilation of Sébastien Selam was committed in the midst of the worst wave of anti-Semitic attacks since WW2. And, it should be noted, in the month of Ramadan. Psychiatric expertise, in Amastaibou’s case, purified murderous Jew hatred into psychotic fantasies detached from reality. But the experts are not alone. Overwhelming pressure to deny the anti-Semitic motive was immediately exerted from all sides. The media, law enforcement, government officials, and Jewish organizations concurred in the cover up. The grieving Selam family was slyly accused of having somehow participated in its own misfortune or suspected of trying to attract sympathy by framing a vulgar criminal act in a noble anti-Semitic narrative. Several lawyers in succession failed to prod law enforcement and the courts into seriously investigating the case.
[French Lawyer] Axel Metzker when he took over as counsel for the Selam family found proof that the registered letter informing them that the case was closed had never been delivered. Marked “unknown at this address,” it lay in a pile of neglected mail at the post office. Based on this proof, he pleaded successfully to reopen the case and allow his clients to appeal. This culminated in the January 5, 2010 verdict, which [was] appealed to France’s highest court.
On February 13th Youssouf Fofana, the Brain of the Barbarians, took an emaciated battered Ilan to Ste. Geneviève des Bois, stabbed him in the throat, sprinkled him with inflammable liquid, set him afire, and left him to die by the railroad tracks. Three years later Fofana–along with 27 accessories and accomplices– was tried behind closed doors in juvenile court and was sentenced to “life” in prison, with no possibility of parole in the first 22 years.
His mother is married to the father of Sabri Essid, a leading member of the Toulouse radical milieu who was captured in Syria in 2006. Essid and another Frenchman were running an al Qaeda safe house in Syria for fighters going to Iraq. In a 2009 trial that came to be known in the press as "Brothers for Iraq," they and six others were convicted in France of conspiracy for terrorist purposes. Essid was sentenced in 2009 to five years imprisonment.
We noted these comments from a December 2014 10 DK News 10 article by Danish psychologist Nicolas Sennels about why violence is endemic to Muslim culture, ““Psychology: Why Islam creates monsters”:
During numerous sessions with more than a hundred Muslim clients, I found that violence and repetition of religious messages are prevalent in Muslim families.
Muslim culture simply does not have the same degree of understanding of human development as in [Western] societies, and physical pain and threats are therefore often the preferred tool to raise children. This is why so many Muslim girls grow up to accept violence in their marriage, and why Muslim boys grow up to learn that violence is acceptable. And it is the main reason why nine out of ten children removed from their parents by authorities in Copenhagen are from immigrant families. The Muslim tradition of using pain and intimidation as part of disciplining children are also widely used in Muslim schools — also in the West.
Not only does a traditional Islamic upbringing resemble classical brainwashing methods, but also, the culture it generates cultivates four psychological characteristics that further enable and increase violent behavior.
These four mental factors are anger, self-confidence, responsibility for oneself and intolerance.