Beskjutningen ökar med dagsljuset, bl a
fullträff på bostadshus i Askhelon i morse.
Iron Dome tycks fungera bra även i dag.
IDF rapporterar från natten:
"Overnight, IAF aircraft targeted dozens of under-
ground rocket launchers, causing severe damage
to the rocket launching capabilities of Hamas and
other terror organizations.
A short while ago, two sites in the northern Gaza
Strip were targeted: Saraya – a Hamas primary
training base and command center – and a com-
munications antenna used by Hamas to carry out
terror activity against the State of Israel.
A number of training bases owned by Hamas were
also targeted throughout the Gaza Strip.
Additionally, Israeli Navy soldiers targeted terror
sites on the northern Gaza shoreline."
Since Operation Pillar of Defense began
on Wednesday (November 14), nearly
500 rockets fired from Gaza have landed
in Israel.
In addition, the Iron Dome Active Defense
System has intercepted 267 rockets.
The IDF has targeted over 1,000 terror
sites in the Gaza Strip during the operation.
"The Sunday Times is reporting that Israeli
commandos are already operating behind
enemy lines in the Gaza Strip, where they’re
engaged in a “frantic search for long-range
rockets aimed at Israel.” According to the
report, any IDF ground operation in Gaza
would be spearheaded by the Paratroopers
"The Sunday Times is reporting that Israeli
commandos are already operating behind
enemy lines in the Gaza Strip, where they’re
engaged in a “frantic search for long-range
rockets aimed at Israel.” According to the
report, any IDF ground operation in Gaza
would be spearheaded by the Paratroopers
The report, penned by Uzi Mahnaimi, quoted
a defense official who speculated that Hamas
could go for a “desperate attempt” to outfit
rockets with chemical warheads. Still,
according to the report, there’s no indication
that any of Hamas’s mid-range Fajr-5 rockets,
which are capable of carrying a non-conventional
payload, have indeed been outfitted
with such warheads."
Ny raketattack mot Tel Aviv under förmiddagen.
Iron Dome slog ut raketen.
Intensivt bombregn mot Ashdod och Ashkelon.
Träffar på bostadshus i Beer Sheva, Ashdod och
Ashkelon. Inga förluster rapporterade.
Chefen för Hamas raketbrigad Yihya Abiya
mötte en israelisk robot vid 15-tiden och
vistas numera i terroristernas paradis.
Ben Gurion International Airport fungerar
helt normalt utan förseningar.
Ett tiotal civila skadade i Ofakim under
"The Iron Dome system intercepted
over 302 rockets since the beginning
of Operation Pillar of Defense.
Over 905 rockets were fired from
the Gaza Strip, of which 32 exploded
in urban areas in Israel, the IDF
Spokesperson's Unit reported."
Hamas propagandadepartement, där bl a
Al Aqsa TV och iranska TV-n sände från.
Det gör de inte längre...
En robot från ett israeliskt marinfartyg
slog ut en av Islamiska Jihads ledare
Ahmed Nahel för stund sedan.

Ny raketattack mot Tel Aviv under förmiddagen.
Iron Dome slog ut raketen.
Intensivt bombregn mot Ashdod och Ashkelon.
Träffar på bostadshus i Beer Sheva, Ashdod och
Ashkelon. Inga förluster rapporterade.
Chefen för Hamas raketbrigad Yihya Abiya
mötte en israelisk robot vid 15-tiden och
vistas numera i terroristernas paradis.
Ben Gurion International Airport fungerar
helt normalt utan förseningar.
Ett tiotal civila skadade i Ofakim under
"The Iron Dome system intercepted
over 302 rockets since the beginning
of Operation Pillar of Defense.
Over 905 rockets were fired from
the Gaza Strip, of which 32 exploded
in urban areas in Israel, the IDF
Spokesperson's Unit reported."
Hamas propagandadepartement, där bl a
Al Aqsa TV och iranska TV-n sände från.
Det gör de inte längre...
En robot från ett israeliskt marinfartyg
slog ut en av Islamiska Jihads ledare
Ahmed Nahel för stund sedan.
