måndag, juni 30, 2008

Danmarks viktiga roll i kampen mot talibanerna

Overkonstabel af 1. grad,
blev den 14:e danske soldat
som stupade i Afghanistan.
De danska styrkorna har en central
roll i kampen mot talibanerna.
Tillsammans med brittiska trupper
skyddar de den viktiga Helmand-
provinsen i sydöstra delen av landet.
Til ære for de danske soldater
der faldet i krig
Tidigare artiklar om
Danmark i Afghanistan:

söndag, juni 29, 2008

Lägesrapport från Afghanistan

Pentagon har för första gången översänt
en lägesrapport från Afghanistan till
kongressen. Säkerhetssituationen har
förbättrats, de afghanska regerings-
trupperna har i ökande omfattning
kunnat ta över bevakning och lokala
operationer, medan de allierade kon-
centrerar sig på de två starkaste taliban-
områdena Helmand/Kandahar och gräns-
området mot Pakistan.
Samtidigt riktar sig talibanernas terror
framförallt mot s k mjuka mål, d v s
civilbefolkning, skolor, sjukvård och
lokal polis. Fram till årsskiftet hade
ca 6.500 civila mördats av talibaner.
De största problemen för afghanska
regeringen just nu är den ökande opium-
odlingen, som finansierar talibanernas
terrorverksamhet, och det faktum att
talibanerna och deras allierade i praktiken
tagit över de s k tribal areas i västra
Pakistan. De pakistanska myndigheterna
har helt tappat kontrollen över stora
områden, där bl a Osama bin Laden
och Mullah Omar förmodas ha sina baser.

lördag, juni 28, 2008

UPDATE: De kidnappade släppta

i Somalia släpptes under eftermiddagen
och är nu på väg hem. Däremot finns det
inga uppgifter om att de somalier som
kidnappades samtidigt kommer att släppas.
Risken torde vara stor att de försvinner in
i det växande islamistiska Gulag som håller
på att skapas i Somalia. Jämför dagens
Samarra, Irak med sju ihjältorterade
Här är en film från Al-Shabaabs terror-
övningar, spridd via deras hemsida

FLASH: Svensk kidnappad av Al-Shabaab

Minst en FN-anställd svensk har
Enligt de senaste uppgifterna
handlar det om en svensk och en
dansk minröjare. Svensken är utsänd
av Räddningsverket.
Dådet skedde strax efter midnatt
då den lilla staden Hodur, 40 mil
väster om Mogadishu angreps och
kortvarigt ockuperades. Stadens
guvernör sårades vid angreppet
och flera somalier har också
kidnappats av terroristerna.
Al-Shabaab är samma terrorgrupp som
Sverige och Norge. Tre terrorister
som suttit häktade under våren
släpptes nyligen.....

fredag, juni 27, 2008


Vår krönikör Daniel Krygier är
förundrad över hur växlande
israeliska regeringar använt alla
tänkbara politiska strategier UTOM
total israelisk SEGER......
Allt sedan Peres i början av 1990-talet
övertygade Yitzhak Rabin om att "man
sluter inte fred med sina vänner men
med sina fiender" så har flertalet av de
efterföljande israeliska regeringarna fört
en politik vars minsta gemensamma nämnare
har varit: allt utom seger. Det importerade
mantrat från Europas vänsterkretsar "det
finns ingen militär lösning" till konflikten
blev ledstjärnan för den israeliska nihilitiska
vänstern och gäller än idag.
Netanyahu-regeringens rationella krav
under slutet av 1990-talet på reciprocitet,
d v s att varje israelisk kompromiss skulle
matchas av en motsvarande arabisk kom-
promiss fördömdes som ett "hot mot freden"
och en "högerextrem politik".
Hur kan man förklara att Israel, med en
av världens starkaste och mest sofistikerade
försvarsmakter fortfarande inte har
besgrat Hezballah och Hamas? Många
misstag har naturligtvis gjorts från israelisk
sida, men den primära anledningen till att
Hamas och Hezballlah fortfarande utgör ett
hot är att Israels politiska ledarskap har
accepterat detta hot genom att bakbinda
den israeliska försvarsmaktens militära
operationer till fördel för personlig vinning
för politiker som Olmert och Barak och en
illusion om en mer Israel-vänlig omvärld.
Faktum är att israeliska regeringar har
under de senaste 15 åren provat nästan
alla politiska kurser UTOM den som hade
säkrat en permanent fred: total israelisk
militär och politisk seger.
Kan någon idag tänka sig ett fredligt Europa
efter 1945 om de allierade under åren 1939-
1945 hade guidats av mantrat "det finns ingen
militär lösning" till konflikten visavi Hitler ?
Mer sofistikerade vänsterpolitiker erkänner
det militära alternativets legitimitet men
tillägger snabbt att konflikter i slutänden
måste få en politisk lösning. Detta är förvisso
korrekt men konceptet är taget ur sin
relevanta kontext. Andra världskriget fick
också i slutänden en politisk lösning men
endast EFTER att tyskarna, japanerna och
italienarna hade besegrats militärt. Först då
ersattes en militär seger med en politisk process
som styrdes och definierades av de allierade
segermakterna. De besegrade aggressorerna
Tysklands, Japans och Italiens ståndpunkt
ignorerades. Problemet i Mellanöstern är att
även om Israel vinner militärt, så är det
araberna som vinner politiskt, vilket omöjliggör
en realistisk fredsuppgörelse i den
arabisk-israeliska konflikten.
Så länge som Israels politiska ledarskap
tillåter att omvärlden hindrar Israel att
omsätta militära segrar till politiska segrar
är förutsättningarna för en genuin fred lika
med noll. Vid de fåtal tillfällen då den
israeliska försvarsmakten fått fria händer
har både Hamas och Hezballah lidit ett
svidande militärt nederlag och då har
omvärlden snabbt skyndat sig med att
tvinga fram ytterligare en"vapenvila"
och ge Hamas och Hezballah en möjlighet
att återhämta sig.
Det existerar dessvärre inga genvägar
till en genuin fred och den enda, om än
mödosamma, vägen till en genuin fred
i Mellanöstern går via en total israelisk
militär seger över de arabisk-islamistiska
aggressorerna som därefter kan förankras
i en permanent israelisk politisk seger.
Endast då kan israeliska folket uppleva
en genuin fred utan terror och endast
då tvingas arabvärlden ändra sin politik
och prioritera demokratisk, social,
ekonomisk och politisk utveckling i arab-
länderna framför den extremistiska
drömmen om att fördriva judarna ut
i Medelhavet.

Daniel Krygier

DÄRFÖR bör Sverige bojkotta Durban II !

(Affisch från Durban-konferensen 2001)


Bloggen EYE on the UN
ger en beklämmande insyn
i vad som planeras för Durban II:

Israel-bashing agenda emerges as
substantive discussion of Durban II
gets underway in the first meeting
of the Intergovernmental Working


On May 27, 2008 states negotiating
the substance and procedure of the
Durban Review Conference/Durban II
revealed the anti-Israel agenda
in the first "non-paper" outlining issues
intended to be discussed.
The non-paper was released
in Geneva during the first meeting
of the "Intersessional open-ended
intergovernmental working group
to follow up the work of the
Preparatory Committee for the
Durban Review Conference.
"Under the subject "Victims of
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia
and related intolerance", the "victims
identified" by an intergovernmental
working group include "the Palestinian
people under foreign occupation."
The paper suggests that the "vulnerability"
of Palestinians "is connected to racial
or ethnic distinction from the occupying
power."In other words, Palestinians are
victims of Israeli racism. This is the recast
UN formulation of the 1975 General Assembly
resolution declaring 'Zionism is racism'.
Durban II is intended to implement the
Durban Declaration and Programme of
Action adopted on September 8, 2001
and that Declaration included a statement
singling out Israel as guilty of racism against
Palestinians.Leading the effort to once
again isolate Israel, and demonize the Jewish
state as racist, are Iran and Egypt.
In the section "Other contemporary forms
of racism as reported by different countries"
Iran pointed to "the situation in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories, which constitutes a
violation of a wide range of civil and political
rights." As part of "Strategies to achieve
full and effective equality, including…mechanisms
in combating racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance"
Egypt insisted that "…Other issues to be
addressed include…foreign occupation.
"The Durban II agenda should ring other
alarm bells for democratic societies, as
the non-paper declares a clear
assault on the freedom of expression
under the guise of combating alleged
Islamophobia. Here are some of
the issues and suggestions now on the table:
*"Permissible limitations on the exercise of
the right to freedom of expression
should be codified."
* "The need to draw up a code of conduct"
for journalists
*"Define the threshold for legitimately
restricting freedom of expression in
order to protect the victims."
*"The imbalance between the defence
of secularism and respect for
freedom of religion"
* "The ideological pre-eminence of
freedom of expression."

FN-alliansen av islamister och
kommunister använder sin
vanliga taktik:
Beskylla alla motståndare
för att vara "islamofober"...

torsdag, juni 26, 2008

Bojkotta Durban II-konferensen !

FN-konferensen i Durban 2001
blev en otäck uppvisning i anti-
semitism. Nu är det tänkt att den
ska upprepas i Genéve nästa år.
Den franske filosofen Pascal Bruckner
uppmanar alla demokratier att bojkotta
mötet. Kanada har redan beslutat
vägra deltaga.
At the 2001 UN Conference against
Racism in Durban, anti-colonialism bared
its anti-Semitic face. Democracies should
stay away from a repeat performance
next year in Geneva.
By Pascal Bruckner
In September 2001 the South African
city of Durban played host to the third
which was aimed at achieving recognition
for crimes related to slavery and colonialism.
The event's organisers hoped that the whole
of mankind would use this ceremonious occasion
to face up to its history and chronicle events
with equanimity.These good intentions rapidly
degenerated into one-upmanship among victims
and bloodlust directed at Israeli organisations
and anyone else suspected of being Jewish.
The original intent, which was to heal the
wounds of the past through a sort of collective
therapy and arrive at new standards for human
rights, twisted into an outburst of hatred which,
in the wake of the September 11 attacks that
followed only days later, disappeared from the
public eye.
It's time we had another look. Against
the wishes of the organisers, Durban became an
arena where people screamed and hurled insults
at each other in a re-enactment of the comedy
of damned, in the face of the white exploiter.
"The pain and anger are still felt. The dead,
through their descendants, cry out for justice",
Kofi Annan said on August 31 of the same year
– an astounding choice of words for a UN
secretary general and more a call for
revenge than reconciliation. The delegates at
the conference, particularly those from the
Arab-Muslim states, also understood it
as such and, together with the African group,
they transformed the conference into a stage
for anti-colonialist revenge. The West, which is
genocidal by nature, should recognise its
crimes, beg for forgiveness and pay symbolic
and financial reparations to the victims of its
oppression. Emotions ran high and anger
was brought to the boil by coverage of the second
intifada which was being violently quashed
by the Israeli army.
Zionism was condemned
outright as the contemporary form of Nazism
and apartheid, but so was "white viciousness",
which had caused "one Holocaust after the other
in Africa" through human trafficking, slavery
and colonialism. Israel should disappear, its
politicians should be brought before an
international tribunal similar to the one
in Nuremberg. Anti-Semitic cartoons were
circulated, copies of "Mein Kampf" and the
"Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were handed out.
Beneath a photo of Hitler were the words
that Israel would never have existed and the
Palestinians would never have had to spill
their blood if he had been victorious. A number
of delegates were physically threatened, there
were calls of "Death to Jews". This farce came to
a head when the Sudanese Minister of
Justice, Ali Mohamed Osman Yasin, demanded
reparations for historical slavery, while in his
own country, people were being shamelessly
thrown into slavery as he spoke. It was like a
cannibal suddenly calling for vegetarianism.
One might think that this sinister comedy
would give the UN second thoughts about
repeating its mistake. But there is no
underestimating the extraordinary determination
of dictators and fundamentalists, who have
transformed the UN Human Rights Commission
into a platform for their demands.
A Durban II (The Durban Review Conference)
is due to take place in Geneva 20 to 24 April 2009,
and it promises to be a repeat of Durban 1.

Sharia-underkastade företag

För någon tid sedan skrev jag om
den stora tillväxtbranschen
som redan omsätter över 500
miljarder om året och växer
oroväckande snabbt.
Nu är det tid att lära sig
en ny term:
Sharia-compliants companies,
d v s företag som frivilligt under-
kastar sig sharia, den medeltida
muslimska lagen.
Fler och fler västerländska företag
kämpar för att bli dhimmifierade och
få underkasta sig sharias bestämmelser.
Först var det banker och andra finans-
bolag. Nu är det alla typer av företag som
vill komma med på islamisternas goda listor.
De får hjälp bl a Dow Jones och S & P som
över sharia-underkastade företag.
Sådana företag underviker fläsk, sprit,
tobak, banker, fria medier
och nöjesverksamhet; handlar inte
med Israel och anställer förmodligen
inte judar......
I Sverige finns det ännu inte, men såväl
Folksam som Nordea har nosat på sharia-
I Danmark har fyra små jylländska spar-
banker startat Amanah Kredit A/S,
som förmedlar bostads-"lån" åt
Ska man bli ett riktigt sharia-underkastat
företag så behöver man ett eget sharia-råd
med kända imamer som tolkar "lagen" för
företaget och garanterar att det inte följer
nationell lag utan endast SHARIA.
följer utvecklingen med
kritiska ögon

onsdag, juni 25, 2008

"Young Muslims turning to extremism"

Extremists are winning the battle for
the hearts and minds of Britain's young
Muslims, a disturbing police report warns.
Increasing numbers have become so
alienated from mainstream society
that they could even lend their support
to jihadi terrorism, the study claims.
While most reject violence, many distrust
police and are reluctant to inform on extremists.
The report was commissioned by the
Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo)
after last year's failed bomb attacks in
London's West End and at Glasgow Airport.
It is to be discussed at Acpo's annual
conference this week.
The study, entitled Hearts and Minds
and Eyes and Ears: Reducing Radicalisation
Risks Through Reassurance Orientated
Policing, warns that "the threat to the
UK from jihadist terrorism may increase
in the future".
It concludes: "Increasing numbers of
young Muslim people are becoming sufficiently
disaffected with their lives in liberal-democratic
-capitalist societies that they might be willing
to support violent terrorism to articulate their
disillusionment and disengagement."
Across Britain, the security services have said
they are tracking 2,000 individuals suspected
of having links to terrorism, investigating 200
networks and monitoring 30 plots.
Professor Innes's report warns that Islamist
terror groups are increasingly operating
away from traditional Muslim areas, and
are seeking new ways to radicalise vulnerable
young people. It comes as police investigate
alleged terror plots in Exeter and Bristol.
A poll last year by Populus found that
13 per cent of Muslims aged 16 to 24
"admire organisations like al-Qa'eda that
are prepared to fight the West".
He told The Telegraph: "Within Muslim
communities there are those people
completely against the means and aims
of terrorism, and there are those in favour.
"Then there is a disturbing proportion
of people in the middle whose ideas,
beliefs and support for extremism will
shift depending on what's happening
around them, what al-Qa'eda and their
like are doing, and what the police are doing."

Al-Haramain på terroristlistan !

USA:s Finansdepartement har fört
upp den rika saudiska stiftelsen
på listan över terroristorganisationer.
Departementet har påvisat kopplingar
mellan AHIF och bl a Al Qaeda, Egyptian
Islamic Jihad (EIJ), Jemaah Islamiyah,
Al-Ittihad Al-Islamiya (AIAI), Lashkar
E-Taibah och HAMAS.
"Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHF)
represents itself as a private, charitable,
and educational organization dedicated
to promoting Islamic teaching throughout
the world. It is one of the principal Islamic
non-governmental organizations active
throughout the world. Funding generally
comes from grants from other countries,
individual Muslim benefactors, and special
campaigns, which selectively target Muslim-
owned business entities around the world
as sources of donations."
Al-Haramain har också varit aktiva
i Sverige. Stiftelsen har bl a haft
affärsförbindelser med Islamic Center
i Malmö. Dess VD förnekar att man
mottagit några bidrag, men då centrets
ekonomi befinner sig i totalt kaos och
dessutom hålls hemlig (även för
församlingsmedlemmarna) så kan
det inte uteslutas att AHIF köpt sig
inflytande i Malmö Islamic Center.
Under ett skede tycks AHIF även varit
inblandade i det stora mosképrojektet
stiftelsens terrorknytningar blev
kända har numera saudiska finans-
departementet övertagit finansieringen.

tisdag, juni 24, 2008

"Jerusalem var judiskt medan ni dyrkade avgudar...."

Den israeliske professorn Mordechai Kedar
stod upp för Israel i en stormig debatt i
Muslimska Brödraskapets TV-kanal
Al-Jazeera häromveckan. Han påminde
muslimerna om att Jerusalem var den
judiska huvudstaden redan för 3.000 år
sedan, medan muslimernas förfäder drack
vin, offrade människor och dyrkade avgudar.
Den våldsamt upprörde studioreportern
försökte då hävda att Jerusalem har en
särställning i koranen, vilket fick Kedar
att konstatera:
-Jerusalem nämns inte en enda gång
i koranen. Jerusalem är en judisk stad !

måndag, juni 23, 2008

Islamist-poeten och taliban-tandläkaren

Ni minns kanske Sohail Qureshi,
tandläkaren i London som greps på
väg att ansluta sig till talibanerna
i Afghanistan.

Hans kompis islamisten Samina Malik
hjälpte till att spionera på Heathrows
säkerhetspersonal. På fritiden skrev hon
jihadistiska poem, som var uppskattade
bland Storbritanniens talibaner och jihadister.
Hon kallade sig själv ”The Lyrical Terrorist”
och blev den första kvinna som dömdes enligt
den nya anti-terrorismlagen.


Nu har NEFA Foundation skrivet en
rapport om deras kuriösa fall:

Operation Orbile:
The Case of Samina Malik & Sohail Qureshi

lördag, juni 21, 2008


List of terrorist incidents, 2008

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a timeline of acts and failed attempts that can be considered non-state terrorism in 2008.


DateDead/InjuredLocation and description
January 3 ≈7≈66Flag of Turkey Diyarbakir. PKK militants were suspected by Turkish authorities to be behind a car bomb explosion.[1][2]
January 7≈19≈50Flag of Iraq Baghdad. Six bombings.[3]
January 10≈23≈58Flag of Pakistan Lahore. One suicide bomber blew himself up in a police crowd.[4][citation needed]
January 132≈5Flag of Burma Yangon. A bomb exploded in a public toilet in a railway station, injuring one woman. This was the third bombing incident in three days. One other took place on Friday, in a railway station toilet in Nay Pyi Taw, killing one woman. Another man died, and four people were injured, when a bomb exploded in Pyu, north of Rangoon.[5]
January 1411≈55Flag of Pakistan Karachi. A bomb exploded in Karachi during President Pervez Musharraf's visit.[6]
January 14≈6≈6Flag of Afghanistan Kabul. A suicide bomber kills six at the Kabul Serena Hotel.[7]
January 153≈22Flag of Lebanon Beirut. A bomb targeting a US Embassy vehicle detonates, killing bystanders and injuring the occupants.[8]
January 150≈39Flag of Thailand South Thailand. Suspected Islamist separatist bombed a market.[9]
January 163065Flag of Sri Lanka Buttala: A civilian bus was bombed, and the fleeing passengers were gunned down and the feeing gunmen also attacked farmers, killing at least 30 people.[10][11] The Sri Lankan government claimed that the gunman belonged to LTTE.
January 1696Flag of Iraq Khan Bani Saad: A woman wearing a vest lined with explosives blew herself up near Shiite worshippers in turbulent Diyala province north of the capital Wednesday, killing nine of them.[12]
January 1808Flag of Israel Sderot ;Western Negev. In 72 hours, more than 120 Qassam rockets and 65 mortars were fired towards the Western Negev, an exceptionally high number. More than 8 Israelis are injured by the rocketattacks. Two rockets nearly missed a kindergarten, full with children. See List of Qassam rocket attacks[13]
January 1844Flag of Yemen Hadhramaut Governorate. Gunmen opened fire on a group of tourists, killing two Belgian women, their Yemeni driver and a Yemeni man believed to be a tourist guide. Belgian tourist and a Yemeni were wounded in the incident. Al-Qaida suspected.[14]
January 2000Flag of Greece Athens. A Chilean diplomatic car was destroyed by an IED. An organization calling itself “Radical Solidarity” claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had been in support of Chile’s indigenous population.[15]
January 211822Flag of Iraq Al-Hajaj. Suicide bomber kills 18 in a funeral tent .[16]
January 2414Flag of Israel West Bank. Two Palestinians infiltrated a religious seminary and stabbed 3 students in the West Bank settlement of Kfar Etzion before being shot dead. The same day, Palestinian gunmen opened fire at Israelis outside the Shuafat refugee camp on the outskirts of Jerusalem, killing a border police officer and seriously wounding a female officer.[17]
January 264≈36Flag of Lebanon Beirut. A powerful car bomb killed one of Lebanon’s top terrorism investigators and three other people in eastern Beirut.[18]
January 29420Flag of Algeria Thenia. Four people killed and 20 wounded in an attack by a suicide bomber on a police station at Thenia, 50 kilometres (30 miles) east of Algiers.[19]
January 30≈6≈18Flag of Afghanistan Lashkar Gah. Taliban insurgents were blamed for a suicide bomb attack in a mosque, killing at least six including a provincial deputy governor, Per Mohammad.[20][21]


DateDeadInjuredLocation and description
February 1 60Flag of Pakistan North Waziristan. A suicide bomber rammed an explosive-laden car into a Pakistani security force checkpost in the North Waziristan tribal region on Friday, killing six men. [22]
February 103Flag of Mauritania Nouakchott. Gunmen opened fire on Israel's embassy in Mauritania, wounding three French nationals [23]
February 198≈200Flag of Iraq Baghdad. Two mentally disabled women were strapped with explosives and sent into busy Baghdad markets, where they were blown up by remote control. The bombs killed at least 98 people and wounded more than 200 at two popular pet markets [24]
February 22050Flag of Sri Lanka Dambulla. A bus carrying civilians bombed.[25]
February 312≈100Flag of Sri Lanka Colombo. Suspected Tamil Tiger suicide bomber blew herself up outside a train at the main railway station in Colombo.[26]
February 3≈8≈9Flag of Somalia Mogadishu. A landmine destroyed a mini-bus.[27][28][29][citation needed]
February 419Flag of Israel Dimona. A Palestinian suicide bomber detonates an explosion belt in a shopping centre and kills one woman and injures nine other people. A second suicide bomber is hurt in the blast and shot to death by Israeli police before he could detonate his own belt.[30][31] See Dimona attack.
February 41320Flag of Sri Lanka Weli-Oya and Colombo.Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels killed 13 people with two roadside bombs on Monday, just hours after the government celebrated the island's 60th anniversary of independence with a parade of military might in the capital. [32]
February 525≈90Flag of Somalia Bossaso. Two separate bombs went off in northern Somalia, killing at least 25 civilians and wounding more than 90 others [33]
February 762Flag of the United States Kirkwood, Missouri. A gunman storms into city hall, killing six people before being shot and killed by police.
February 92750Flag of Pakistan Charsada, Peshawar province. The bombing of a political gathering killed 27 and wounded more than 50 people.[34]
February 11≈25≈40Flag of Iraq Balad, Iraq is struck by a car bomb. See 2008 Balad bombing.[35]
February 111013Flag of Pakistan North Waziristan. A suicide bomber killed at least ten people, including an election candidate, and wounded 13 others [36]
February 14518Flag of the United States DeKalb, Illinois. A gunman shoots 23 people in a specific sector of an Oceanography class, killing 5, at Northern Illinois University, before killing himself.
February 1639≈100Flag of Pakistan Parachinar. A suicide bomber attacked supporters of assassinated Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.[37]
February 1765≈50Flag of Afghanistan Kandahar. Taleban suspected of a suicide bomb attack at a dog-fighting competition.[38][39][40][21]
February 183730Flag of Afghanistan Near Pakistan border. A suicide bomber targeted a foreign military convoy.[41]
February 1913Flag of Afghanistan Kandahar car bomb kills 1. [42]
February 2000Flag of India Panvel. A small explosion occurred in a movie theater screening Jodhaa Akbar, a film deemed insulting to some Hindutva groups.[43][44]
February 265Flag of Afghanistan Roadside bomb kills 5 policemen [45]
February 292740Flag of Pakistan Suicide bomb at Pakistan funeral kills 27 [46]


DateDead/InjuredLocation and description
March 6 810Flag of Israel Jerusalem. A Palestinian gunmen opened fire in the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, one of the most prominent Jewish educational centres in Jerusalem killing 8 and injuring 10. Hamas praised the attack. See Mercaz HaRav shooting.[47]
54≈130Flag of Iraq Baghdad. In a popular market in the Karada shopping area, a roadside bomb detonates. As a crowd gathered around the site of the blast, a few minutes later a suicide bomber blew himself up which killed dozens and wounded scores.[48]
March 10 30Flag of Iraq Kanaan. A female suicide bomber entered the home of Sheik Thaeir Ghadhban al-Karkhi, a prominent Sunni who had turned against al-Qaeda, and blew herself up, killing al-Karkhi, his 5-year-old niece, and a security guard.[49]


DateDead/InjuredLocation and description
April 12 13~200Flag of Iran Shiraz. An bomb exploded inside of the Shohada Hosseiniyeh mosque at around 9 p.m. during a sermon by a cleric well-known for criticism of Wahhabism and Bahaii. Tehran blamed Western-backed monarchists for the attack.[50][51] On its website, a group called Anjoman-e Padeshahi-e Iran (API), or Soldiers of the Kingdom Assembly of Iran, claimed responsibility.[52]
April 15 ~53~90Flag of Iraq Baquba. At least 53 died and another 90 were injured when explosives packed in a bus detonated outside a restaurant near a court in Baquba, north of Bagdad.[53]
April 15 13Flag of Iraq Ramadi. 13 were killed in a suicide bombing at a kebab restaurant where policemen were eating in Ramadi[53]


DateDead/InjuredLocation and description
May 2 ~15~55Flag of Yemen Yemen, Sa'dah Governorate. 15 are killed and 55 are injured in a bombing at the Ben Salman mosque.[53]
May 10 1129Flag of Sri Lanka Ampara. A bomb attributed to Tamil Tiger rebels ripped through a cafe, 11 killed, 29 injured.
May 13 63213Flag of India Jaipur. A simultaneous bomb blast at eight different sites, including a crowded shopping site and a Hanuman temple, no one has claimed responsibility.
May 14 14Flag of Spain Legutiano, Alava. A powerful bombing outside a civil guard, blamed on Basque separatist ETA group, killing one guard.
May 16 993Flag of Sri Lanka Downtown Colombo. A suicide bomb exploded near the Sri Lankan president residence, blamed on LTTE.
May 18 1320Flag of Pakistan Mardan. A bomb exploded a bakery shop near Pakistani Army site, which blamed on Taliban militants.
May 21 60Flag of Ethiopia Addis Ababa. a bomb went off on minibus near Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, where blamed on Oromo Liberation Front.
May 26 872+Flag of Sri Lanka Colombo. A packed commuter train carrying 200 passenger onboard which time bombing exploded at Dehiwela railroad station, that blamed on LTTE.[54]
May 28 35Flag of Ethiopia Negele Boran. A bomb blast at Kidane Mihret and Shuferoch hotel, Islamic militants suspected.
May 29 217Flag of the Philippines Zamboanga. a cell-phone time bomb exploded outside Edwin Andrews Air Base, where blamed on Abu Sayyaf militants.
May 3100Flag of India Navi Mumbai. Police defused a small explosive at a movie theater screening Jodhaa Akbar, a film deemed insulting to some Hindutva groups.[55][56]


DateDead/InjuredLocation and description
June 2 ~8~30Flag of Pakistan Islamabad. A suicide car bombing blast occurred at around 1 p.m. local time outside of the Danish embassy. Nearby buildings also suffered damage. The attack is thought to be the work of fundamentalist terrorists.[57]
June 4 0~18Flag of Sri Lanka Colombo. A bomb blast targeted a commuter train as it sped towards the capital. The explosive had been left along the track and detonated at around 7:10 a.m. as the last car passed. Government sources implicated the LTTE.[58]
June 4 07Flag of India Thane. A bomb exploded in the parking lot of an auditorium hosting a play that parodied the Mahabharat. Two men, ages 50 and 34, admitted guilt to the attack and others on February 20th and May 31st. Although the men claimed membership in Hindutva groups, they stated that they acted alone without support.[59][60]
June 6 2147Flag of Sri Lanka Moratuwa suburb of Colombo. A roadside bomb blast targeted a crowded state-run commuter bus at about 7:35 a.m. The government quickly placed blame upon LTTE, who had yet to claim responsibility.[61]
June 6 220Flag of Sri Lanka Kandy district. The Sri Lankan government blamed LTTE militants for a bomb explosion that occurred aboard a commuter bus only a few hours after a similar attack near the capital.[62]
June 9 12Flag of Algeria Boumerdès Province. Two explosions kill 13 in the town of Beni Amrane, Algeria. Islamic militants suspected. [63]
June 15 2~12Flag of Nepal Rautahat District. A group calling itself the Tarai Army claimed responsibility for an explosion in a crowded bus station in southern Nepal. The bomb had been hidden in a wheat sack.[64][65]
June 15 08Flag of Turkey Istanbul. An explosion in a cafe in the Büyükçekmece district on the European side of the Bosporus was attributed to a bomb.[66]
June 16 1240+Flag of Sri Lanka Northern Province, Sri Lanka. A explosives in a motorcycle is detonated in front of a police station in Vavuniya, killing 12 members of police and injuring 40, including children. [67]


(Av utrymmesskäl tog jag bort referenserna.)

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