lördag, maj 05, 2007

Kampen för yttrandefrihet i Finland (!)

Senaste tiden har det skrivits mycket
om bloggare i Egypten som trakasseras
av myndigheterna.
Men tyvärr sker sådant även på närmare
håll. Under fredagen slog flera kollegor
larm om attacken mot den finländske
liberalen Mikko Ellilä, vars anti-islamistiska
blogg misshagat en av alla de "ombudsmän",
som även Finland tycks vara nedlusat med.
Tyska Gegenstimme gav mig första
tipset om vad som hänt.

Sandt's Observations ger bakgrunden:
"A libertarian Finnish blogger,
is under police investigation for incitemen
against a national or religious group.
The police was alerted by Mikko
Puumalainen, the Ombudsman for
Minorities. The blog mostly deals with
Eurabia issues and is very critical of the
Muslim immigration wave into Europe
which is seen as a threat to classical
liberal values.So, this is what's happening
in Finland, the number one country in
press freedom. I guess it's easy to avoid
conflicts with the state in a homogeneous
country that has silenty agreed to be as
politically correct as possible (none of our
major newspapers published the Mohammed
cartoons last year). It doesn't look good:
European journalists have been forced to
go underground and live under police
protection or move abroad for publishing
cartoons and opinions critical of Islam.
Now individual bloggers are being
investigated by the police.

At the same time the islamization of
Europe continues as imams keep
chanting against western values,
immigrants continue to riot and Muslims
use the threat of violence to affect the
outcome of elections."

Mikko skriver själv till alla bloggare:
"This is a very important symbolic case,
the first of its kind in Finland. Noone
has ever been interrogated before in
this country for blog posts
critisising Islam"