lördag, oktober 04, 2014

Jihadist från Bergsjön gripen

Gudmundson och brittisk press avslöjar:
Den "svensk-filippinske" jihadisten Bherlin Gildo
från det ökända Bergsjön, greps i lördags på
Heathrow under en flygning från Kastrup till
Gildo gjorde jihad i Syrien 2012-13.
Han är den förste av de s k hemvändarna
som gripits.
Många av dem tycks ha fått terroruppdrag
att utföra i Väst.
The Guardian rapporterar:

"Gildo, who was remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey
on 27 October, faces three counts, including attending a place
used for terrorist training between 31 August 2012 and
1 March 2013, contrary to the Terrorism Act 2006.

He is also charged under the Terrorism Act 2000 with receiving
instruction or training in the use of firearms “wholly or partly for
purposes connected with commission or preparation of acts
of terrorism”.

The 36-year-old is also alleged to have made a record on a
laptop at Heathrow of three electronic magazines called
Ultimate Guide to USA Army Combat, 39 Ways to Serve and
Participate in Jihad, and 44 Ways to Serve and Participate
in Jihad, as detailed in the charges before the court.

Gildo is understood to have been arrested by
counter-terrorism officers while in transit en route from
Copenhagen, Denmark, to Manila, in the Phillippines."
Stolta över sitt mördande har jihadisterna
försett de sociala medierna med bloddrypande bilder.
Hoppas de kan fungera som bra bevis vid
de kommande rättegångarna....
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