tisdag, februari 22, 2011

Antisemitismen jäser i Grekland

Den ekonomiska krisen har återupplivat

antisemitismen i Grekland. Kända personer

från kultur och politik som Mikis Theodorakis,

uppträder nu öppet som antisemiter och

varnar för "den judiska konspirationen"...


LA Times berättar:

Reporting from Athens

Nearly 70 years later, Athens, one of the last European

capitals to commemorate those who perished at the

hands of Nazi forces, finally has a Holocaust memorial.


But since its dedication in May, synagogues have been

targeted, Jewish cemeteries desecrated, Holocaust

monuments elsewhere in Greece vandalized and the

Jewish Museum of Greece, in the capital, defaced with

swastikas. What's more, an alarming chunk of Athenians

in November supported the election of a neo-Nazi

candidate to the capital's city council.


This month, scores of Jewish American leaders arrived

in Athens to advance Israel's revived relations with

Greece, but not all here were happy to see yarmulkes

on Greek streets, much less in the offices of senior

politicians, including the country's president.


"We're in danger!" warned renowned composer

Mikis Theodorakis, who in the course of a television

interview openly conceded that he was an anti-Semite.

"Zionism and it leaders are here, meeting in our country!

"This is no laughing matter," he railed, berating Zionism

and its "control over America and the banking system

that Greece is now a victim of."

Such beliefs aren't new. Nor are they just Greek.

What's different in Greece is the level of tolerance

for anti-Semitism.


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