På Wikipedias sida om Egyptens moderna
historia berättas om tiden efter de ”Fria
Officerarnas” statskupp mot monarkin,
som ledde fram till Nassers socialistiska
Tänkvärt i dessa kaotiska dagar i Egypten…
Having excluded whites and Jews of being
Egyptian, placed the indigenous Coptic
community under partial Dhimmini status,
having ethnically cleansed
European and Jewish residents, and
having seized their real property, on
7 June 1956 the remaining corporations
which had any European, Jewish, or
Christian influence had their assets
seized under a law which promulgated
for the "Egyptianisation" of foreign
companies and joint ventures.
None of these who had their property
stolen by the RCC or had suffered
assaults, robberies, rapes, or murder
under the tumultuous revolution were
given compensation for their losses.