upptäckte att hans dotter inte bara konverterat till
kristendomen utan också var en aktiv och uppskattad
bloggare som debatterade religion på nätet.
Polisen lät skära ut hennes tunga och höll sedan en
”debatt” med henne där hon inte kunde säga emot….
Till slut brändes hon till döds.
Mordet avslöjades av Gulf News i Emiraten:
Riyadh: A Saudi man working with the Commission
for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice
recently killed his daughter for converting to Christianity.
According to sources close to the victim, the religious
police member had cut the tongue of the girl and burned
her to death following a heated debate on religion.
The death of the girl sent shockwaves and websites where
the victim used to write with various nick names have
allocated special space to mourn her, while some others
closed temporarily in protest.
According to the Saudi Al Ukhdoud news
website, the victim wrote an article on the blog
of which she was a member under the nickname
“Rania” a few days before her murder. She wrote that her
life became an ordeal after her family members grew
suspicious about her after a religious discussion with them.