islamismen i Somalia, har nyheter om gamla bekanta:
Sveriges betydelse för Somalias omvandling till jihadist-
kontrollerat område är fortsatt stor. Det svenska jihadist-
forumet Al Qimmah (som drivs av Ralf Wadman, alias
Abu Usama El Swede) arrangerade i fredags en
konferens på Paltalk, där terroriströrelsen Shabaabs
talesman Mukhtar Robow och den svenske medborgaren
Fuad Mohamed Qalaf (Khalaf) berättade att Somalia
snart skulle förklaras vara ett Islamiskt emirat
(alltså samma term som talibanerna använde för
Enligt Nick Grace på The Long War Journal:
Leaders of Shabaab, the Young Mujahideen Movement
Leaders of Shabaab, the Young Mujahideen Movement
in Somalia, stated Friday that the group is preparing for
the establishment of an Islamic Emirate and that an
announcement is expected within days. The statement
came as the group consolidated power in the Lower
Juba region, which borders Kenya, and formed a sharia-
based administration in Kismayo.Shabaab spokesman
Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, who is also known as Abu
Mansur, and top leader Sheikh Fuad Mohamed
'Qalaf told a Paltalk forum organized by the radical
al Qimmah Forum that fighters "are close to uniting
their ranks" and would integrate under the rule of
the Islamic Emirate of Somalia. They said that the
formation of the emirate is "imminent" and that
an announcement would be made "very soon."
Jane's Intelligence Review har en artikel (prenumeration
krävs) om Shabaab, författad av norske forskaren
Stig Jarle Hansen (forskning). Som vanligt finns det
svenska kopplingar, i synnerhet vad gäller just Rinkeby-
imamen Fuad.
The Shabab's most prominent political figure was Sheikh
The Shabab's most prominent political figure was Sheikh
Fuad Muhammad Qalaf. A former imam from the now
closed Rinkeby Mosque in Sweden, Sheikh Fuad was
given a position in the Executive Committee, the UIC's
equivalent of a cabinet, probably because he was a conduit
for money flowing in from diaspora Somalis and foreign
Islamist supporters. He used his youth and education
portfolio to mobilise schools and universities for the military
struggle. Sheikh Fuad's links to the Shabab were initially
unclear, but he has subsequently emerged as one of the
group's principal ideologues.