Dagens hjälte i Israel är kommissarien Kobi Mor
som sköt den andre självmordsbombaren i Dimona
sekunden innan han utlöste sitt bombbälte.
Monday's unquestionable hero in Israel was
Chief Inspector Kobi Mor, the police officer
who shot the second suicide bomber in Dimona
the drama which took place at the southern town's
commercial center, after a woman was killed and
about 10 people were injured.
"When I arrived at the area, one of
the people told me that there was a terrorist
there who was still alive. I pulled out my gun and
saw him reaching towards the explosive belt.
I fired at the terrorist, along with another
sapper who fired at him.
"The terrorist's hand dropped and
began twitching. I thought he was dying,
but two minutes later he raised his hand again.
I went into a kneeling position and fired
four more shots at his head."
En film från det ögonblicket sjukvårdarna upptäckte
att de höll på att plåstra om en man med bombbälte,
kommissariens alerta ingripande och terroristernas
att de höll på att plåstra om en man med bombbälte,
kommissariens alerta ingripande och terroristernas