tisdag, oktober 31, 2006
Anmärkningsvärd ambassadör...
En praktikant på svenska ambassaden
i Tel Aviv tvingades i går lämna
sin tjänst med omedelbar verkan.
Orsak: Han är aktiv sverigedemokrat.
- Ett mycket anmärkningsvärt beslut,
säger statsvetaren Göran Bostedt.
"Ambassadör Robert Rydberg blev informerad
om Kent Ekeroths politiska åsikter i söndags.
- Jag kunde konstatera två saker.
För det första att Kent var mycket
aktiv i sverigedemokratiska sammanhang,
och att det var en bakgrund han
inte hade tagit upp i sin ansökan om
Den andra slutsatsen jag drog var
att ett aktivt engagemang i ett parti
som samtliga svenska riksdagspartier
anser vara odemokratiskt och
främlingsfientligt inte är förenligt med
att arbeta på en svensk
utlandsmyndighet, säger han."
Det mest anmärkningsvärda
torde ändå vara att en svensk
ambassadör inte vet att
Regeringsformen, en av
våra grundlagar,
gäller även på
svenska ambassader
i utlandet:
"varje medborgare är gentemot
det allmänna skyddad mot tvång
att giva till känna sin åskådning
i politiskt, religiöst, kulturellt
eller annat sådant hänseende."
(RF 2:2).
Grundlagen skyddar även
medborgarare vars åsikter
ambassadör Rydberg ogillar,
Själv känner jag att
jag definitivt inte
gillar tjänstemän av
ambassdörens typ.
Varför ska Sverige
representeras av ett
byråkratiskt fä i Israel ?
måndag, oktober 30, 2006
Al-Aqsa-stiftelsen - en gammal skandal

När jag startade Jihad i Malmö i maj 2005
var ett av de första ämnena jag tog upp terrorist-
butiken på Nobelvägen.
Många gånger har jag haft anledning återkomma
till de svenska myndigheternas pinsamma flathet
i frågan. Medan övriga Västerlandet försöker bekämpa
den islamistiska terrorismen gör Sverige ingenting...
Eller snarare: Uppmuntrade och understödde Hamas
och Islamiska Jihad liksom man tidigare gjort med Al-Fatah.
Därför kan man bara lyckönska SÄPO och
åklagaren som nu äntligen tillåts göra sin plikt !
Skammen över att det tagit så lång tid är inte
deras utan de politikers som genom manipulationer
förhindrat sanningen att komma fram....
Här är lite blandat material om Al-Aqsa. Somt har varit publicerat tidigare.
Somt är nytt:
Sammanfattning av Al-Aqsas verksamhet:
Treasury Designates Al-Aqsa International Foundation
as Financier of TerrorCharity Linked to Funding
of the Hamas Terrorist Organization
Ett antal av mina notiser om Al-Aqsa:
- HAMAS, Nobelvägen 79, Malmö
- Al-Aqsastiftelsen på Nobelvägen (fortsättning)
- Senaste nytt om Al-Aqsa i Norden
- Tyskland förbjuder Al-Aqsa - igen...
- ...och vem finner vi väl där ?
Bra bakgrundsmaterial om Al-Aqsa:
Intifadan skadar 14 poliser/dag - i Frankrike !

Ongoing 'intifada' in France
has injured 2,500 police in 2006
"We are in a state of civil war,
orchestrated by radical Islamists,"
said Michel Thoomis, secretary general
of the Action Police trade union.
"This is not a question of urban violence
any more.
It is an intifada, with stones
and firebombs."
The French Interior Ministry has acknowledged
The French Interior Ministry has acknowledged
the Muslim uprising. The ministry said more than
2,500 police officers have been injured in 2006.
lucrative drug networks, have
organized youngsters in housing
projects to ambush police and
confront security forces.
The response time allows hundreds of
Muslims to storm police cars and patrols
within minutes.
"You no longer see two or three youths
"You no longer see two or three youths
confronting police," Thoomis said.
"You see whole tower blocks emptying into
the streets to set their comrades free when
they are arrested."
Not surprisingly, Muslim neighborhoods
Not surprisingly, Muslim neighborhoods
are becoming autonomous zones,
with police and government workers too
scared to enter.
The police union is demanding the
Interior Ministry supply officers with
armored cars.
European law enforcement sources
European law enforcement sources
say France could be a model
for other countries.
The most worried are
Britain and the Netherlands.
Terrorstiftelsen stoppad i Malmö

Ledaren för den islamistiska ”bistånds-
organisationen” al-Aqsa Spannmål i
Malmö Khaled El-Yousef begärdes
på fredagen häktad, misstänkt för
* förberedelse till terroristbrott
* förberedelse till allmän ödeläggelse
* brott mot terrorfinansieringslagen.
Tingsrätten ansåg dock inte att det fanns
tillräckliga bevis för att mannen skulle
häktas. Han släpptes därför på fri fot
efter förhandlingen.
organisationen” al-Aqsa Spannmål i
Malmö Khaled El-Yousef begärdes
på fredagen häktad, misstänkt för
* förberedelse till terroristbrott
* förberedelse till allmän ödeläggelse
* brott mot terrorfinansieringslagen.
Tingsrätten ansåg dock inte att det fanns
tillräckliga bevis för att mannen skulle
häktas. Han släpptes därför på fri fot
efter förhandlingen.
”- Jag ser det inte som ett bakslag.
Tingsrätten ansåg åtminstone att han
på sannolika skäl är misstänkt för
brott mot finansieringslagen, men det
räckte inte för en häktning,
säger Agnetha Hilding Qvarnström,
vice chefsåklagare vid den nyinrättade
kammaren för säkerhetsmål
”- Jag ser det inte som ett bakslag.
Tingsrätten ansåg åtminstone att han
på sannolika skäl är misstänkt för
brott mot finansieringslagen, men det
räckte inte för en häktning,
säger Agnetha Hilding Qvarnström,
vice chefsåklagare vid den nyinrättade
kammaren för säkerhetsmål
i Stockholm till Sydnytt.”
Polisen gjorde i tisdags en razzia
mot stiftelsen al-Aqsa Spannmåls
lokal på Nobelvägen 79 i Malmö.
Samtidigt greps ordföranden
Khaled El-Yousef .
Stiftelsen tillhör ett världsomspännande
nätverk som finansierar terrorism i
De flesta EU-länder, liksom USA, har
sedan flera år förbjudit
organisationens aktiviteter i sina
Polisen gjorde i tisdags en razzia
mot stiftelsen al-Aqsa Spannmåls
lokal på Nobelvägen 79 i Malmö.
Samtidigt greps ordföranden
Khaled El-Yousef .
Stiftelsen tillhör ett världsomspännande
nätverk som finansierar terrorism i
De flesta EU-länder, liksom USA, har
sedan flera år förbjudit
organisationens aktiviteter i sina
Al-Aqsa har stoppats i bl a
Tyskland, Nederländerna, Schweiz
och Danmark.
I Sverige väcktes frågan av SÄPO
redan för fyra år sedan, men enligt
Al-Aqsa har stoppats i bl a
Tyskland, Nederländerna, Schweiz
och Danmark.
I Sverige väcktes frågan av SÄPO
redan för fyra år sedan, men enligt
uppgift stoppades brotts-
utredningen av den förra regeringen ,
som hade nära förbindelser med
såväl Muslimska Brödraskapet
som direkt med Hamas.
utredningen av den förra regeringen ,
som hade nära förbindelser med
såväl Muslimska Brödraskapet
som direkt med Hamas.
fredag, oktober 27, 2006
Hatobjektet "kristna zionister"
Extremvänstern och islamisterna har
många gemensamma hatobjekt:
USA, Israel, Påven, Jyllands-posten m fl
Nu bör vi naturligtvis inte glömma
kristna zionister. Det är uppenbarligen
sådana som jag....
Hur otäcka vi är skildrades nyligen i SVT-
programmet Existens.
Al Hamatzav refererar Näringslivets Mediainstituts
analys av programmet:
“Programmet är 25 minuter långt.
Av denna tid ägnas endast två
minuters intervjutid på de israelvänliga
frikyrkorörelserna. Av resterande intervjutid,
drygt tolv minuter, upplåts totalt
10 minuter exklusivt till Peter Weiderud
från de kristna socialdemokraterna i
Broderskapsrörelsen, som oemotsagd
levererar hård kritik mot det frikyrkliga
ngagemanget för Israel, och mot Israels politik.”
torsdag, oktober 26, 2006
Universitet som islamistiska plattformar
Hyllengren Blogg tipsar om en artikel
"Islamic radicalization is a threat on
campuses nation-wide." av Anthony Glees:
"At least 13 convicted Islamist terrorists
and four suicide bombers have
been students at British universities.
Radical Islamist student societies make
full use of university resources.
They operate Web sites, hosted by
university servers, which direct
visitors to organizations that glorify
jihad and terror. These "religious" groups
are given "prayer rooms" on campus,
which are also used to disseminate
extremist literature and DVDs.
Muslim students concerned about
these developments tell me that
at many of these Islamic societies
terrorism is portrayed as justified
acts of "resistance." A leading imam in
Birmingham often preaches on British
campuses that the London bombers have
to be seen as "martyrs."Organizations like
Hizb Ut Tahrir and Al Muhajiroun, which
advocate a world caliphate, demand that
Britain adopt the Shariah and express a
violent hatred for the West and Jews,
have repeatedly tried to gain student
converts at the University of East Anglia.
It is only thanks to a courageous
campus imam that their infiltration
attempts have been thwarted so far.
His colleague at London Metropolitan
University, Sheikh Musa Admani, repeatedly
warns about Islamic radicalization at
his and other London campuses.
Just two months ago, the head
of an Islamic student society and
several fellow students at London
Metropolitan were charged with
planning to smuggle explosives on a
plane bound for America. Yet university
authorities usually consider these
societies as "religious gatherings,"
and thus off limits."
onsdag, oktober 25, 2006
Islamisterna i Göteborg II
Fortsättning på rapporten från
. . . Meeting Place for Extremist Youth Groups
According to media reports, the Bellevue Mosque also serves as the meeting place for the extremist youth groups Tuff (Troende Unga Framtida Forebilder -- "Devout Young Future Examples") and Framtida Kulturella Ungdomsforening ("Future Cultural Youth Association"). Tuff was founded in 1998 by Islamic youth as a forum for young people following a lethal discotheque fire in Gothenburg. Although its website (www.tuff-foreningen.se) welcomes people of all ethnic groups and religious backgrounds and states that its goal is to "strengthen the position of Muslim youth in society," Tuff has evolved into a fundamentalist organization. Tuff also has a branch in Malmo, founded in 2005. The website of its sister organization for young Islamic women -- the only link on its website (www.tuff-foreningen.se), is located at www.muslimah.se.
The spokesman for Sweden's Young Muslims -- an umbrella organization for Muslim youth groups in the country -- described Tuff as "Swedes' worst stereotype of Muslims."
According to media reports, the Bellevue Mosque also serves as the meeting place for the extremist youth groups Tuff (Troende Unga Framtida Forebilder -- "Devout Young Future Examples") and Framtida Kulturella Ungdomsforening ("Future Cultural Youth Association"). Tuff was founded in 1998 by Islamic youth as a forum for young people following a lethal discotheque fire in Gothenburg. Although its website (www.tuff-foreningen.se) welcomes people of all ethnic groups and religious backgrounds and states that its goal is to "strengthen the position of Muslim youth in society," Tuff has evolved into a fundamentalist organization. Tuff also has a branch in Malmo, founded in 2005. The website of its sister organization for young Islamic women -- the only link on its website (www.tuff-foreningen.se), is located at www.muslimah.se.
The spokesman for Sweden's Young Muslims -- an umbrella organization for Muslim youth groups in the country -- described Tuff as "Swedes' worst stereotype of Muslims."
Tuff members have protested outside meetings of Sweden's Young Muslims alleging that the organization mixes men and women, and plays music (Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 9 February 2006). Framtida Kulturella Ungdomsforeningen was founded in 1995 as an independent youth group for Muslims of all nationalities. In addition to regular meetings, it organizes other activities for Muslim youth, such as skiing and bowling (www.mangkultur.goteborg.se). Aftonbladet reported that extremist preachers often lecture at its meetings that attract fundamentalist youth (19 November 2005). Its website, fkuf.freeservers.com, was available briefly in 2003 and has been shut down since, according to www.webarchive.org.
Anas Khalifa
(Aftonbladet, 2 June 2004) Speakers Espousing Fundamentalist Views
A frequent speaker at the Bellevue Mosque and Tuff meetings is Anas Khalifa, who is widely quoted as espousing Salafi views in the media, and is a frequent contributor to Muslim chatrooms in Sweden. Khalifa, who uses the name Abu Malik on the Internet, also runs several extremist websites. -- Sydsvenska Dagbladet described Khalifa as a charismatic speaker who appeals to youth because he is young and speaks their language ("immigrant Swedish"). He was a petty criminal before turning to Islam.
Anas Khalifa
(Aftonbladet, 2 June 2004) Speakers Espousing Fundamentalist Views
A frequent speaker at the Bellevue Mosque and Tuff meetings is Anas Khalifa, who is widely quoted as espousing Salafi views in the media, and is a frequent contributor to Muslim chatrooms in Sweden. Khalifa, who uses the name Abu Malik on the Internet, also runs several extremist websites. -- Sydsvenska Dagbladet described Khalifa as a charismatic speaker who appeals to youth because he is young and speaks their language ("immigrant Swedish"). He was a petty criminal before turning to Islam.
He also lectures for the fundamentalist Islamic Cultural Association in Malmo (9 February 2006).
-- Khalifa preaches segregation of the Muslim community, claiming Muslims "cannot be friends with Christians or Jews" and "must not mix with them" because then "you become like them" (Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 9 February 2006; Swedish Television, 25 April 2006). Internet Presence
Khalifa and Abu Usama El-Swede are frequent contributors to Muslim forums in Sweden, the largest being www.noor.se and www.sindbad.se. According to a Swedish Television report, the extremists switched to www.noor.se after discovering that www.sindbad.se was being closely monitored by the authorities (26 April 2006). Noor.se requires registration and a password to view messages.
-- Abu Usama El-Swede is the most prolific contributor to www.noor.se with 2,484 postings (15% of the total, and almost double that of the next most frequent contributor). Khalifa, under the screen name Abu Malik, has 41 postings, and ranks somewhere in the middle on the membership list (www.noor.se).
-- El-Swede has 660 postings on www.sindbad.se, which puts him among the top fifteen on the membership list, while Abu Malik has 238.
-- Abu Malik's postings on www.sindbad.se generally concern the tenets of Islam, while Abu Usama El-Swede's can be more inflammatory. On 29 August 2006, for instance, El-Swede declared democracy an "enemy of Islam." In a September 2006 discussion on why he supported bin Ladin, El-Swede explained that Usama was his "brother in Islam who fights for Allah and for Muslims!" His characteristic signature on the Internet postings is "Take me with you to Jihad and save me from the world to love death, there is nothing good in life if we remain for then we live in emptiness" (www.sindbad.se).
-- Abu Usama El-Swede lists his website on the membership list for www.sindbad.se as www.noor.se, and a domain search confirmed that www.noor.se is registered to Abdu-Raouf Wadman -- his real name.
Khalifa and El-Swede also operate several Islamist websites, some of which have been shut down. Noor.se's membership roster lists Abu Usama El-Swede's website as www.at-tawheed.com. The site, which is password protected and does not accept new members, is, in fact, the website for At Tibyan Publications, an organization with links to Islamic hackers.
At-Tibyan Publications was behind a website shut down earlier this year in Denmark for distributing videos and recruitment material for former Al-Qa'ida leader in Iraq, Abu Mu'sab Al-Zarqawi, according to a Danish paper.
The organization reportedly has links to UK terrorist suspect Younis Tsouli -- arrested last year in connection with the Maximus case -- and Usama Kassir, a Lebanese Swede currently in prison in Prague (Ekstra Bladet, 7 March 2006).
The website www.tawxiid.com, accesible only to authorized users, is also registered to Abdu-Raouf Wadman, according to www.allwhois.com.
Website information:
Domain name: tawxiid.com
Owner: Abdu-Raouf Wadman
e-mail: goodir1@hotmail.com
Address: c/o Elmi Haad
Berggardsgardet 45
42432 Angered, Sweden
Telephone: +46 076-206-8856 (Source: www.allhois.com)
Aftonbladet reported that Khalifa was behind www.omislam.com that, according to the paper, advocated jihad (2 June 2004). A search on www.webarchive.org indicated the site was online from 2003 until just after the publication of the Aftonbladet article in 2004, during which time it posted many disturbing pictures of Muslim war victims.
Aftonbladet reported that Khalifa was behind www.omislam.com that, according to the paper, advocated jihad (2 June 2004). A search on www.webarchive.org indicated the site was online from 2003 until just after the publication of the Aftonbladet article in 2004, during which time it posted many disturbing pictures of Muslim war victims.
Another site (www.ansar.se) associated with Khalifa, and possibly El-Swede, according to Aftonbladet, was online from 2004-2006 (www.webarchive.org). Its stated goal was to "get Muslim youth to live by Islam's rules," which, the site admitted, "is a problem in today's Sweden." The website was also shut down recently after posting "Coming Soon--Inshallah" notices under many links on its menu. The site had links to Tuff and its sister organization for Islamic women.
Websites Associated with Khalifa and El-Swede Anas Khalifa Abu Usama El-Swede
Islamisterna i Göteborg I
Laura Mansfield (LauraMansfield.com) publicerar en
intressant rapport om den islamistiska aktiviteten
kring Bellevue-moskén i Göteborg.
OSC Report 19 Oct: Sweden:
Gothenburg Mosque Hub for Extremist Activities Sweden -
- OSC Report Thursday, October 19, 2006
Sweden: Gothenburg Mosque Hub for Extremist Activities
Sweden: Gothenburg Mosque Hub for Extremist Activities
The Islamic Sunni Center in Gothenburg, which runs the Bellevue Mosque, has become a center for extremism in western Sweden, according to media reports. The Swedish terrorism suspect on trial in Sarajevo, Mirsad Bektasevic, attended the mosque, as did the recently arrested Abu Usama El-Swede, described by the press as Bektasevic's "mentor". Two extremist youth groups are also associated with the mosque. The spokesman for one of the groups and El-Swede are very active on the Internet.
The Islamic Sunni Center is co-located with and runs the Bellevue Mosque in an immigrant neighborhood in the western city of Gothenburg, with the prayer rooms on the first floor and the Sunni Center located on the second floor of the building (Goteborgs-Posten, 25 November 2005).
A study conducted by the city of Gothenburg indicates that the center is one of the largest Islamic organizations in the city. Founded in 1993, it has about 5,000 members from some 30 ethnic groups. The center attracts many international visitors (www.mangkultur.goteborg.se). It also organizes an annual conference for Muslims in Sweden, according to a Swedish Television report (25 April 2006).
Address and telephone numbers for Sunni Center and Bellevue Mosque:
Islamiska Sunni Centret i Goteborg
Generalsgatan 2A,
41505 Goteborg
Phone: 031-846304, 031-846364, or 031-849224
Fax: 031-843917 Cell phone: 070-439-9287
Email: ISSCentret@Telia.com
The Sunni Center also has a branch in the suburb of Bergsjon.
The Bellevue Mosque is the largest in Gothenburg, with over 2,000 members. The majority of them are Somali, but many Arabs also attend it. The mosque conducts prayers in Arabic and Swedish, and has two imams: Sheikh Yusuf Ahmed from Somalia and Imam Osman (Goteborgs-Posten, 25 November 2005).
Swedish Television reported that the Saudi government gave money to the Bellevue Mosque to purchase a site for a new mosque. The mosque authorities have identified the location, but construction has not yet begun (25 April 2006).
The Bellevue Mosque made the news when it was revealed that Mirsad Bektasevic, aka Maximus -- arrested in Sarajevo in October for planning terrorist attacks and recruiting terrorist via the Internet -- had attended prayers there. After this revelation, mosque leaders gave their first-ever press conference.
-- Mohammed Aden, a member of the board of the mosque, told the centrist Goteborgs-Posten that the mosque, which apparently has no official website, was trying to become more "open." He denied that Bektasevic was educated there, and said its imams "have never encouraged anyone to hurt others." He also added that the Swedish security police had informed the board their phones had been wiretapped (25 November 2005). Bellevue as Extremist Hub . . .
The tabloid daily Aftonbladet reported that Bektasevic's mentor at the mosque was a Swedish convert to Islam, known by his online name Abu Usama El-Swede, who was arrested by the Swedish and British police in May 2006. The British police reportedly asked the Swedes to apprehend him after they came across his name among the contacts of a British suspect in custody. Authorities believed that El-Swede was also connected with Abu Hamza in the UK. He was released after interrogation, but was told he remained a suspect under investigation (30 May 2006).
El-Swede with back turned to avoid identification (Aftonbladet , 30 May 2006)
Born Ralf Wadman, El-Swede changed his name to Abdu Raouf when he converted to Islam during his first prison term in 1998, following a history of petty crime and involvement in neo-Nazi groups. After the release, he moved to Morocco, where he married his first wife. Upon returning to Sweden, he divorced and became involved in narcotics. In 2003 he was arrested while smuggling the African drug khat from Denmark to Sweden. Before he could serve his sentence, he was arrested again for threatening a policeman. During the second prison term, he reassumed his Swedish last name (Metro, 31 May 2006).
According to Aftonbladet, El-Swede is a prolific contributor to Muslim chatrooms, where he has urged readers to "destroy Islam's enemies and put fear into the hearts of the scum." He has also issued threats against a Swedish evangelist preacher who last year called Muhammad a "pedophile" The same paper reported that in 2004 El-Swede maintained contact with a well-known neo-Nazi via one of his websites, and that the two discussed "taking up arms" and "storming" the Swedish Prime Minister's office (19 November 2006, 27 January 2006).
Varning för (parti)politik

“Keep clear of politics.
Politics is bad for you.
It leads to compromise and deals
and confusion and vote-getting
and lying and cheating and
all these, in the end.”
Lord Harris of High Cross
(Tipstack till Brussels Journal och Demokrati för Iran)
måndag, oktober 23, 2006
Under mullornas vingar...
"The military pact
Palestinian Hamas interior minister
Said Siyam signed with his Iranian
counterpart Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi in
Tehran on Oct. 12 are designed
to transform Hamas’ military wing,
the Ezz e-Din al Qassam, into a
crack operational arm of the
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards,
and Gaza into a second Lebanon.
Syam was in Tehran for two days
Syam was in Tehran for two days
at the head of a 7-man delegation.
DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report
DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report
Tehran has committed to
training Hamas’ rapid deployment
force of 6,500 men in Hizballah
combat tactics, with the accent
on missiles, especially the anti-tank
variety which were used with
devastating effect against Israeli
tanks in the Lebanon War.
The force will be sent over in
batches for six-week courses
at Revolutionary Guards
installations in southern Iran.
Iran will foot the $60 million
Iran will foot the $60 million
bill for the training as well as
for the top-notch weaponry. "
Biståndsskandal i Hamastan

Olyckan Carin Jämtin är ju
äntligen avlägsnad från
Det är naturligtvis skönt att
slippa ett statsråd som hävdar
att Israel begår ritualmord
på arabiska barn och som
fullständigt struntade i EU:s
bojkott av terrorregimen i
fantasistaten "Palestina"
Men hur står det egentligen
till med Europas bistånd till
de PLO-ockuperade områdena ?
Vår gamle vän Fjordman gör
ett gästspel i Brussels Journal
med en avslöjande analys:
"The European Union gave the
Palestinians $342.8 million in
aid in 2005 — or, more accurately,
$612.15 million when assistance from
the 25 EU governments is included.
Even the United States has
repeatedly donated millions
of American tax dollars to
the Palestinian Authority, though
not at EU levels.
In July 2005, as a response
to the Islamic terrorist attacks on
London a few days earlier,
leaders of the G8, the group of
influential industrialized nations,
offered the PA some $9 billion,
dubbed an “alternative to the hatred.”
"The West’s largesse continued
despite a demographic study in
2005 which revealed that the
number showing the Palestinian
population in the West Bank
and Gaza had been inflated by 50%
by the government."
Almost all of the new infrastructure
in the Palestinian territories
from the beginning of the
Oslo Peace Process in the 1990s
— schools, hospitals, airports —
were arranged and paid for by Brussels.
As Jihad was once again
unleashed with the second Intifada
in 2000, Israel stopped its transfer
of payments to the Palestinians.
So the EU stepped in with
another 10 million Euros a month in
direct budgetary assistance to
the Palestinian Authority.
EU Commissioner for External
Affairs Chris Patten stated in 2002
that “there is no case for stating that
EU money has financed terrorism,
has financed the purchase
of weapons, or any similar activities.”
However, a report by the
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
later found that: “There is indisputable
evidence that PA money has been used
to fund terrorist activities.”
This was confirmed by Fuad
Shubaki, who used to serve as the
finance chief in the Palestinian security
forces. According to him, former Palestinian
Authority chairman Yasser Arafat ordered
millions of dollars, taken from international
aid funds, tax money transferred by
Israel and from Arab countries,
to be used to purchase weapons and
ammunition, including the 50 tons
of armaments on board the ship Karine A.
The transaction was coordinated
between the PA, Hizballah in Lebanon
and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards."
Läs hela artikeln
med fler avslöjanden !
äntligen avlägsnad från
Det är naturligtvis skönt att
slippa ett statsråd som hävdar
att Israel begår ritualmord
på arabiska barn och som
fullständigt struntade i EU:s
bojkott av terrorregimen i
fantasistaten "Palestina"
Men hur står det egentligen
till med Europas bistånd till
de PLO-ockuperade områdena ?
Vår gamle vän Fjordman gör
ett gästspel i Brussels Journal
med en avslöjande analys:
"The European Union gave the
Palestinians $342.8 million in
aid in 2005 — or, more accurately,
$612.15 million when assistance from
the 25 EU governments is included.
Even the United States has
repeatedly donated millions
of American tax dollars to
the Palestinian Authority, though
not at EU levels.
In July 2005, as a response
to the Islamic terrorist attacks on
London a few days earlier,
leaders of the G8, the group of
influential industrialized nations,
offered the PA some $9 billion,
dubbed an “alternative to the hatred.”
"The West’s largesse continued
despite a demographic study in
2005 which revealed that the
number showing the Palestinian
population in the West Bank
and Gaza had been inflated by 50%
by the government."
Almost all of the new infrastructure
in the Palestinian territories
from the beginning of the
Oslo Peace Process in the 1990s
— schools, hospitals, airports —
were arranged and paid for by Brussels.
As Jihad was once again
unleashed with the second Intifada
in 2000, Israel stopped its transfer
of payments to the Palestinians.
So the EU stepped in with
another 10 million Euros a month in
direct budgetary assistance to
the Palestinian Authority.
EU Commissioner for External
Affairs Chris Patten stated in 2002
that “there is no case for stating that
EU money has financed terrorism,
has financed the purchase
of weapons, or any similar activities.”
However, a report by the
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
later found that: “There is indisputable
evidence that PA money has been used
to fund terrorist activities.”
This was confirmed by Fuad
Shubaki, who used to serve as the
finance chief in the Palestinian security
forces. According to him, former Palestinian
Authority chairman Yasser Arafat ordered
millions of dollars, taken from international
aid funds, tax money transferred by
Israel and from Arab countries,
to be used to purchase weapons and
ammunition, including the 50 tons
of armaments on board the ship Karine A.
The transaction was coordinated
between the PA, Hizballah in Lebanon
and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards."
Läs hela artikeln
med fler avslöjanden !
fredag, oktober 20, 2006
Det bästa ur Jihad (150.000-jubileum)
Idag tittar den
etthundra femtiotusende
besökaren in på Jihad !
Här är ett litet axplock
av tidigare artiklar, som
jag kallar
Det bästa ur Jihad:
Tjugo islamistiska organisationer i Sverige
En antisemitisk skrivbordsmördare
Galen antisemit ännu på fri fot
Senaste nytt om Al-Aqsa i Norden
Islamistiska bedrägerier i Malmö
Aldebes utspel stör brödernas Plan
Säreget "bistånd" till Libanon

En grupp tjetjenska quislingar
och kriminella har sänts som
"bistånd" av president Putin
till Libanon.
Gruppen leds av den deserterade
muhajedinledaren Sulim Yamadaev,
som senast låg bakom en stor rån-
kupp mot en fabrik i S:t Petersburg...
Deras officiella uppdrag är att
skydda ett kompani ryska
ingenjörssoldater, som ska
reparera broar i Libanon.
Yamadaevs inofficiella uppdrag
är (enl Debka-file) helt annorlunda:
1. The Putin administration wants
to demonstrate to Russia’s teeming
Muslim community its willingness
to step into Middle East conflicts
– on behalf of the Muslim-Arab interest.
This straw in the wind indicates
the Kremlin’s orientation on
the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
2. Moscow is building another
bridge to Tehran through a
joint, potentially interactive
presence in Lebanon.
3. As a step to promote cooperation
with Hizballah, with whom the Chechens,
with their long record of extremist
Muslim terrorist action against
the Russian army, have much
in common – in contrast to
the European contingents of UNIFIL.
4. The Russian Chechen unit’s
cooperation with Hizballah in t
he parts of Lebanon under its
control will pave the way for a
Russian Muslim military presence
north of Israel which is independent
of the UN and not bound
by accords to which Israel is a party.
torsdag, oktober 19, 2006
Islamistisk bigamist och riksdagsman ??
Igår polisanmäldes den moderate
riksdagsmannen Reza Khelili för
- bigami
- licensskolk
- bedrägeri
Khelili är tidigare mest känd för sina
kontakter med mullornas regim.
Hur många fler skandaler tål (m) ???
"Libanon ? Det handlar om islamism !"
Den tidigare "anti-zionistiska" journalisten
Jannich Kofoed skriver om sina slutsatser
av 25 års "utveckling" i Mellanöstern:
"Israel tabte. Hizbollah vandt.
Jannich Kofoed skriver om sina slutsatser
av 25 års "utveckling" i Mellanöstern:
"Israel tabte. Hizbollah vandt.
Det var den samstemmende
vurdering i den islamiske og den vestlige
verden efter sommerens kamp-
handlinger i Libanon.
Men det er en ny myte,
ligesom den gamle, fastgroede myte om,
at Hizbollah har en fortjent status
som hele Libanons patriotiske forsvarer.
Tværtimod kan Hizbollah nu enten
nedlægge våbnene eller gå efter
sit virkelige mål, der ikke handler
om territoriale grænser og
national suverænitet,
onsdag, oktober 18, 2006
Tysk kamp mot antisemitism
islamistiska antisemitismen
i Europa har jag haft anledning skriva om
alltför ofta.
På senare tid bl a om:
Den senaste sammanställningen
Därför är det med glädje
jag presenterar ett
exempel på ett lokalt
i Berlin:
"-When Aycan Demirel looks out his
office window onto the main street
of the Kreuzberg neighborhood,
center of the Turkish community in
Germany's capital, he is unimpressed by
the diverse human mosaic for which
"Little Istanbul" is famous.
Businesses along Oranienstrasse are
populated by young Germans eating
shwarma to the sounds of Turkish music,
but Demirel pointedly recalled the darker
side of the neighborhood experience.
"The residents here love to treat
this neighborhood as a model of
multiculturalism and tolerance,
but that image is fraudulent," he said.
"The Jews have no place in
this multiculturalism," Demirel said.
"If you wear a kippa or a Magen David,
there's a big chance you'll be cursed
at and even assaulted.
Anti-Semitism is rearing its head
in Germany, only now the
anti-Semites are young Muslims."
Aycan Demirel, 38, emigrated from Turkey
16 years ago. In today's Germany,
his decision to confront radical Islam
places him on the frontlines of
one of the stormiest social debates
the country has known.
According to Demirel, the recent
expressions of anger by radical Muslims in
Germany are just the tip of the iceberg
of what he terms the "culture of hate"
in Muslim communities.
Daily exposure to a "barrage of
anti-Semitic Islamist propaganda" led him
two years ago to found KIGA
whose local activists
- of German, Turkish, and Arab origin -
work with schools and youth centers to
fight anti-Semitism, primarily in Muslim communities.
Ur sjuka hjärnors djup...
i den globala judiska konspirationen....
Se filmen (#1278)
För ytterligare inblickar
i den islamistiska världsbilden:
där "sago-imamen" berättar
om judarnas ondska....
måndag, oktober 16, 2006
Islamistisk imam i blåsväder...
"Imam smidt ud af moske
En strid mellem den århusianske
En strid mellem den århusianske
imam Raed Hlayhel og dele af bestyrelsen
bag moskeen på Grimhøjvej i Brabrand
ved Århus er nu endt med, at Raed Hlayhel
er blevet smidt ud af moskeen.
Ifølge Jyllands-Posten er Hlayhel
nu tilknyttet en mindre somalisk
moske i Århus-forstaden Åbyhøj.
Talsmanden herfra siger, at imamen ikke
er ansat, men at han ofte har
været i moskeen.
nu tilknyttet en mindre somalisk
moske i Århus-forstaden Åbyhøj.
Talsmanden herfra siger, at imamen ikke
er ansat, men at han ofte har
været i moskeen.
Striden gik ifølge Jyllands-Posten på,
at Raed Hlayhel kritiserede lokale
muslimers støtte til Hizbollah under
konflikten med Israel i august.
Desuden skriver avisen,
at en indsamling til krigens ofre
i Libanon ifølge Raed Hlayhel burde
være gået til den landsby uden for
Tripoli, som han selv stammer fra, mens
flertallet af bestyrelsesmedlemmerne
kommer fra flygtningelejre i Baalbek og
derfor ønskede, at pengene skulle
gå til disse lejre."
Hämtat från danska TV2:s
Text-TV igår.
För undvikande
av missförstånd:
Hlayel är salafist,
Text-TV igår.
För undvikande
av missförstånd:
Hlayel är salafist,
d v s extrem sunnimuslim.
Hans motstånd
mot stödet till Hizbollah
beror inte på att de är
terrorister, utan på att
de är shia-terrorister...
Hans motstånd
mot stödet till Hizbollah
beror inte på att de är
terrorister, utan på att
de är shia-terrorister...
Hlayel var mycket
aktiv i kampen för
för att svärta ner
Danmark och starta
en internationell
islamistisk bojkott
mot danska varor
under ”karikatyrkrisen”,
d v s en riktig fiende till
yttrandefrihet, demokrati och
aktiv i kampen för
för att svärta ner
Danmark och starta
en internationell
islamistisk bojkott
mot danska varor
under ”karikatyrkrisen”,
d v s en riktig fiende till
yttrandefrihet, demokrati och
Dessutom ger notisen
en fascinerande inblick
i hur de insamlade
pengarna hanteras...
(- Vems kusin ska
vi sända dem till...?)
en fascinerande inblick
i hur de insamlade
pengarna hanteras...
(- Vems kusin ska
vi sända dem till...?)
Mord i Tibet
onsdag, oktober 11, 2006
Nu brinner ambassaden igen !

Ca 15-20 brandbomber kastades igår kväll
mot den danska ambassaden i Tehran.
Den iranska kravallpolisen stod lugnt och
tittade på....
Det ger väl en god antydan om vilka
som låg bakom.
"Spontana " demonstrationer tillåts inte i
mullornas diktatur.
När oppositionen vågar sig ut på gatorna
slår polisen till, snabbt och skoningslöst.
Nej, igår luktade det helt klart mullah
om demonstranterna...
Nu kan DU se Muhammed-filmen !

upprörande videon av berusade
ungdomar som tecknar Muhammed
(eller om det nu var en kamel)
är här en sista chans.
Tack vare ett tips från kollegan
Snaphanen erbjuds nu
Filmen är urtråkig
och kvaliteten usel,
men posta den gärna
till dina saudiarabiska
Vill du se något bra
kring islamisterna
tisdag, oktober 10, 2006
När Malmö fått nog...
vanligt samtalsämne, d v s bland vanliga
malmöbor, inte hos kultureliten
och proffstyckarna...
När jag några gånger kommenterat
dyker det omedelbart upp
någon förstå-sig-påare
som talar om att vi Malmöbor
har FEL, allt fungerar så
bra i det kulturberikade Malmö.
Därför känns Fredrik Ekelunds
berättelse om en kväll med
sina gamla arbetskamrater
Gamla varvsarbetare och
socialister som fått nog av
rasistisk kriminalitet (mot "svennar"),
förslummade skolor och en
havererad integrationspolitik.
Vanlig strävsam arbetarklass
med resterna av den svenska
"skötsamhetskulturen" känner
sig helt desorienterade i
den multikulturella slummen.
För många blir hoppet en
röst på (sd)...
Nu tror jag inte det är lösningen,
men å andra sidan lyckas inget
av de sju systempartierna presentera
något förslag till lösning, ja ännu värre,
de flesta vill inte ens erkänna att
problemet finns...
Så lycka till,
puttra sakta i eget spad
fram till nästa val !
Spion på väg "hem"
greps förra året i Israel och erkände
för att spionera och värva agenter.
Achouh, som var bosatt i Århus,
lyckades efter danska diplomatiska
ansträngningar få straffet nedsatt till
33 månader och är nu på väg
tillbaka till Danmark....
Achouh spionerade i norra Israel,
som i somras utsattes för raket-
beskjutning av Hizballah.
Beskjutningen visade hur väl
terroristerna kartlagt
området i förväg...
Många danskar ifrågasätter redan
varför han ska avvisas till Danmark
istället för till sitt hemland...
måndag, oktober 09, 2006
Ny Muhammed-hysteri
vara bra trötta på hysteriska
islamister vid det här laget.
Nu är det en filmsnutt som en
vänsterextrem infiltratör tagit på
DFU (Danska Folkepartis Ungdoms)
sommarläger som hetsat upp vissa.
När ingen seriös tidning var intresserad
lyckades han sälja den till en
av de nya gratistidningarna.
Se´n blev det liv i luckan....
Filmen visar med största tydlighet att
DFU-are dricker. Mycket...
Och som bekant, när spriten går
in så går vettet ut.
De leker fåniga lekar som t ex
rita Muhammed som full kamel..
Tyvär har filmen försvunnit igen från
Tyvär har filmen försvunnit igen från
nätet, men fotot ovan antyder väl
kvaliteten på det hela...
Det intressanta är hur snabbt
fungerar. Efter bara några timmar dyker
Pakistan, Saudiarabien, Indonesien m fl
av yttrandefrihetens bålverk.
d v s allt är som vanligt.
Men jag låter Pia Kjärsgaard
få sista ordet:
"- Når sprutten går ind,
går forstanden ud.
Det er ikke kønt at se på en
flok fjolser, der render rundt
og tér sig.
Men jeg må klart tage
afstand fra, hvis andre lande
og Det Muslimske Broderskab
nu vil til at bestemme,
hvad vi gør i Danmark.
Der bliver ikke nogen undskyldning
fra partiets side, sagde Pia Kjærsgaard
på et pressemøde på Christiansborg."
Iranska monarkister på offensiven !
monarkisternas verksamhet.
Nu kommer det glädjande nog hela
tiden nya unga stridbara
sekulära monarkister på
webben som tar upp striden
mot mullorna.
Se t ex:
onsdag, oktober 04, 2006
Oriana Fallaci RIP
defenders Western civilization had in
these latter days, and the West rewarded her
by hounding, persecuting and vilifying her.
Such is the state of the society and culture she loved and
Such is the state of the society and culture she loved and
tried to save from itself.
Many times in her last months,
Many times in her last months,
after she did me the honor of calling me her friend,
I thought to myself, What can I do for Oriana?
Of course, the only answer was to
do exactly what I am doing here at
this site, and in my books, and in traveling
around the country speaking, trying to alert
people to the reality and magnitude of the global jihad.
I invite you, then, on this day of sadness and loss,
I invite you, then, on this day of sadness and loss,
to pay tribute to Oriana.
There is no way we can make up for what
we have lost in her.
But the best way we can pay tribute to Oriana
is by becoming Oriana.
Let there be a hundred new Orianas today,
a thousand new passionate and articulate and
absolutely unbowed defenders of Western culture
and civilization, with a fine contempt
for all the many weapons of physical and
psychological intimidation that the
jihadists and their non-Muslim allies and
tools in the Western media and government
establishments use to try to
silence and discredit us.
Give them to your friends and coworkers.
Explain to them why she said --
as is quoted in the obituary linked above --
that "Europe becomes more and more a
province of Islam, a colony of Islam."
Explain to them why that matters for
so much that they hold dear.
Enlist them also in the anti-jihad resistance.
And when we prevail,
And when we prevail,
we will be able to memorialize her fittingly,
as a light that shone in our darkest days.
May her memory be eternal.
May her memory be eternal.
- Islamister ska bekämpas !

"Islamisterne er fascister,
som europæiske demokratier bør
bekæmpe med ubøjelig fasthed.
Islamisterne forhindrer frie ytringer,
undertrykker religiøse og seksuelle mindretal,
støtter terrorisme og truer såvel
Vesten som muslimske lande."
Det sa den algeriske
journalisten Mohammed Sifaoui
på lördagen vid en debatt som
arrangerats av Demokratiske Muslimer
i Folketinget i Köpenhamn.
Sifaoui fortsatte (ref i Jyllands-Posten)
"- Jeg taler ikke med ekstremister,
jeg bekæmper dem.
Vi må være fuldstændig ubøjelige.
Vi må alle være modige,
for islamisterne
har vundet ét slag.
Det næste slag er primært
rettet mod europæiske regeringer."
Utförligt reportage, bilder
och t o m några filmer i
(även © på fotot ovan)
måndag, oktober 02, 2006
Stöd professor Redeker !

Den förföljde filosofiprofessorn
Robert Redeker
får (naturligtvis) varken stöd från sin arbets-
givare utbildningsministern eller sitt fackförbund.
Frågan är för "känslig"....
Däremot tipsar kollegan
Snaphanen (=Dansk-svensk)
om en namninsamling till förmån
för professor Redeker:
"There have been death threats against
a courageous professor of philosophy,
Robert Redeker, and his family
(he must change his home every night,
under the aegis of a special services of the anti-terror police).
These death threats began a day a
Mozart Opera was banned in Germany
(because the productions includes
display of decapitated heads of Poseidon, Jesus,
Buddha and Muhammad),
a few days after Pope Benedict's speech on
the impossibility of a rational link between
God and violence.
Robert Redeker has just declared
that he is not supported by any teachers labor union,
nor by his the education ministry.
Show him that he is not alone!
Post comments and sign our petition.
Nous vous invitons à signer cette pétition."
Skriv under !
Jagad professor

Den franske filosofiprofessorn Robert Redeker
har några veckor levt med polisskydd.
Det beror på att han den 19 september skrev
en insändare i Le Figaro där han kritiserade
den historiske personen Muhammed.
Han gjorde bl a den helt korrekta observationen
att Muhammed var "en skoningslös krigsherre,
plundrare, judemördare och polygamist".
Flera islamistiska hemsidor har sedan meddelat
att "svinet Redeker" nu är dödsdömd och
försett potentiella mördare med professorns
foto och bostadsadress...
Franska polisen flyttar nu Redeker
mellan olika logier och bevakar
honom dygnet runt.
Hotet från islamisterna anses
Läs Robert Spencers artikel i FrontPage.
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