måndag, december 11, 2017

Pizza till IDF-hjältar

Om några dagar firar världens judar
Samtidigt tjänstgör tusentals soldater dygnet runt
i IDF för att bevaka och försvara Israel.
Liksom tidigare år finns det en möjlighet göra
deras hårda tjänstgöring i t ex terrorns Hebron
lite drägligare.
En israelisk pizzabagare är beredd leverera
pizza, falafel eller doughnuts + dryck till soldaterna i
fält. Du bjuder, IDF-soldaterna äter.
Offra en middag hemma och bjud istället en pluton
IDF-hjältar i Judéen eller Samarien
syltbullar eller pizza ! 

ON behalf of the soldiers of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), we wish thank the many, many people the world over who sent Pizza, and the new years care packages to our heroes
Channuka is on its way and its time again for our Jelly doughnuts operation.


Our deliveries include soldiers on regular military service as well as those who have left their families, homes and jobs to serve the Jewish people as Miluim (Reserve Duty) fighters. Your pizza reaches soldiers in tension-filled and volatile locations.
Our soldiers continue to work night and day , especially in this latest wave of terror, putting themselves in first line of danger and protecting the citizens of Israel.
Click here to send your gift to the IDF heroes
Help us show our soldiers that no matter what it may seem like in the global media, they have support from friends all over the World

Chanukah Jelly Doughnuts for a Section

10 Donuts  

Chanukah Jelly Doughnuts for a Platoon

30 Donuts

Chanukah Jelly Doughnuts for a Company

90 Donuts

Chanukah Jelly Doughnuts for a Battalion

300 Donuts

Pizza & Soda for a Patrol (5 soldiers) Pie + soda


3 Pizza pies & Soda for a Section (10 soldiers)


8 Pizza pies & Soda for a Platoon (30 soldiers)


23 Pizza pies & Soda for a Company (90 soldiers)


Falafel & Soda for a Jeep Patrol on Active Duty (4 soldiers)


Falafel & Soda for a Section on Active Duty (10 soldiers)
