söndag, maj 05, 2013

Irans terroroffensiv mot judar

IPT skildrar Irans världsomfattande
terroroffensiv mot Israel och judar
och terroristernas främsta kompo-
nenter, Qudsstyrkan och Hizballah:
"There are two main components to the
Iran-centered Shi'ite terror network:
The first is the Quds Force – the elite overseas
arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,
 tasked with carrying out attacks, subterfuge,
and arms smuggling around the world – and
the second is Tehran's proxy in Lebanon,
Both components are pursuing active terrorism
missions overseas, as part of a covert war
against Israel. If successful, these missions
could end up triggering wider confrontations,
destabilizing the Middle East further, and affecting
global security as a whole.
According to Israeli intelligence estimates, the
two organizations have divided up their
missions in the following manner:
The Quds Force is attempting to strike
official Israeli state symbols,
such as embassies and ambassadors,
while Hizballah's agents are moving against
soft targets, such as Israeli tourists hubs.
The Quds Force and Hizballah are in the midst
of a secret but very real effort to carry out atro-
cities around the world.
Israeli intelligence services are working around
the clock to thwart them. Dozens of attacks have
been intercepted by Israel in 2012 alone.
One attack, a Hizballah bombing of an Israeli
tourist bus in Bulgaria, succeeded in 2012, killing
six people and wounding dozens."

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