2012, ett år med ständigt ökande anti-
semitiska övergrepp i Frankrike kulminerade
till årsskiftet med ett synagogöverfall i Paris.
En medelålders jude överfölls, knivhöggs
Därför fanns det en polispostering i kvarteret,
som kunde gripa en av gärningsmännen.
som kunde gripa en av gärningsmännen.
Samtidigt genomfördes ett omfattande
islamistiskt spraymålande på bl a Metrostationer.
islamistiskt spraymålande på bl a Metrostationer.
shariagänget Barbarerna, som torterade ihjäl
den unge juden Ilam Halimi 2006 och salafisten
Mohamed Merah, som begick morden på den
Frankrikes judar har också anledning minnas
som ledde till att ett salafistgäng nystades
upp sedan dess ledare Jérémie Louis-Sidney
Det som varit utmärkande för de antisemitiska
överfallen under året är den ständiga kopplingen
till islamistiska gäng.
Frankrikes judar känner stor oro över
president Hollandes regering som
muslimer (där 93 % röstade på
"According to a survey of French voters
conducted by the polling firm OpinionWay
for the Paris-based newspaper Le Figaro,
an extraordinary 93% of French Muslims
voted for Hollande. By contrast, the poll
showed that only 7% of French Muslims
voted for the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy.
An estimated two million Muslims partici-
pated in the 2012 election, meaning that
roughly 1.7 million Muslim votes went to
Hollande rather than to Sarkozy. In the
election as a whole, however, Hollande
won by only 1.1 million votes. This figure
indicates that Muslims cast the deciding
votes which thrust Hollande into the Élysée
During the campaign, Hollande had offered
an amnesty to all of the estimated 400,000
illegal Muslim immigrants currently in France.
He also pledged to change French electoral
laws so that Muslim residents without French
citizenship would be allowed to vote in municipal
elections as of 2014. These measures, if
implemented, would enable the Socialist Party
to tighten its grip on political power, both at
the regional and national levels.
As the politically active Muslim population
in France continues to swell, and as most
Muslims vote for Socialist and leftwing
parties, conservative parties will find it
increasingly difficult to win future
presidential elections in France."