Afrikas tre största islamistiska terror-
grupper: Boko Haram, Al Shabaab och
Al Qaeda i Islamiska Maghreb utökar sitt
ekonomiska, logistiska och operativa sam-
arbete berättar befälhavaren för USA:s
afrikanska kommando:
Washington - Three of Africa's largest extremist
are sharing funds and swapping explosives
in what could signal a dangerous
escalation of
security threats on the continent, the commander
of the US
military's Africa Command said on
General Carter Ham said there are indications
that Boko
Haram, al Shabaab and Al Qaeda in
the Islamic Maghreb - groups that he labelled
the continent's most violent - are sharing money
and explosive materials
while training fighters
“Each of those three organisations is by itself a
dangerous and worrisome threat,” Ham said at
an African Centre for Strategic
Studies seminar
for senior military and civilian officials from
Africa, the
United States and Europe.
“What really concerns me is the indications that
three organisations are seeking to coordinate
and synchronise their efforts,”
Ham said.
“That is a real problem for us and for African
security in general.”
Bilden: Boko Harams emir Abubakar Shekau