onsdag, mars 21, 2012

"Det jihadistiska hotet mot VARJE jude..."

Det jihadistiska hotet mot varje jude över
hela världen är oförändrat, säger den nyligen
pensionerade chefen för Israels kontraterrorism
Nitzal Nuriel, efter måndagens antisemitiska
våldsdåd i Toulouse. Morden är en påminnelse
om att judar kan drabbas överallt, närsomhelst.
Det finns bara en trygghet för dem: Eretz Israel.
På samma sätt är franska soldater som har eller ska
tjänstgöra i Afghanistan högvilt för islamister

French President Nikolai Sarkozy vowed to catch those
"You cannot murder children like this on the territory
of the republic without being held to account," he said.
"Today is a day of national tragedy."
"I want to say to all the leaders of the Jewish community,
 how close we feel to them. All of France is by their side,"
Sarkozy said.**
Though the killer's connection is not yet
known, Nuriel told the Jerusalem Post that a
coalition of terrorist groups has agreed to strike
Israeli and Jewish targets anywhere possible.
"They attack whoever they can and wherever
security is lax," he said.
Israeli and American security officials have
  warned Jewish organizations in the United
States that they could be targeted in future terrorist
attacks, especially if Iran or Hezbollah decide
 to strike here.