För ett år sedan lyckades CIA av
Sedan Hizballah övervakat hur
en inkompetent amerikansk tjänste-
man träffade alla sina agenter på
Pizza Hut kunde terroristerna nysta
övervakning av iranska, syriska och
Hizballahaagenter i Libanon.
The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah
has unraveled much of the CIA's mission
in Lebanon, capturing up to a dozen U.S.
spies in the country and effectively shutting
down the agency's crucial operations there.
"Beirut station is out of business," a
The incident is a major blow to the CIA
and to U.S. intelligence.
The agency's posting in Lebanon has for
decades been one of its most aggressive,
most highly valued, and, for its staff, most
prestigious. Though the CIA base there
aggressively tracks Hezbollah, it is also
a headquarters for monitoring and often
countering Syria and Iran.
Journalisterna har döpt fadäsen till
Operation PIZZA.