måndag, februari 20, 2012

Iran och Al Qaeda planerar stor Olympiadattack

Iran och Al Qaeda planerar en terror-
attack mot sommarens Olympiad i
London. En attack som kan jämföras
med massakern 11 september eller 
den vid Münchenolympiaden 1972...
Den varningen kommer just nu från 
De senaste veckornas terrordåd mot
israeliska mål i Asien ses av många som
en övning inför sommarens megaattack...
Samtidigt trappar Iran upp samarbetet
med Al Qaeda.
As a result, Tehran has loosened restrictions
on high level al–Qaeda operatives under its
controls as well as offering financing and
training to the terrorist group's senior planners.
Security experts said that recent intelligence
suggested Iran and al–Qaeda could attempt
to find a common project in Europe, possibly
targeting the London Olympics, which
opens in July.
"This is a warning to the West that 'if you
consider attacking our facilities then there
will be consequences'," said Anthony Skinner,
the director of the political risk consultants,
"This would be a significant development
that would represent a massive upgrade in
al–Qaeda's capacity to strike."

Sedan 2003 finns en AQ-planeringsgrupp
stationerad i Tehran. Hittills har den tvingats
hålla mycket låg profil  och närmast suttit i
husarrest. Ledaren för Al-Qaeda i Iran uppges
vara syriern Yasin al-Sura, som USA utfäst en
belöning på 10 miljoner dollars på.
Nu uppges gruppen ha fått full frihet att
resa samtidigt som den fått omfattande
ekonomiskt och logistiskt stöd
av mullornas regim.
Iran and al Qaeda's core leadership under
Ayman al Zawahiri have established an
"operational relationship" amid fears the
terror group is planning a spectacular
attack against the West.
There are concerns such an attack, possibly
targeting Europe, would be in revenge for
the killing of Osama bin Laden by the US last
Sky News' intelligence sources have said Iran
has been supplying al Qaeda with training
in the use of advanced explosives, "some
funding and a safe haven" as part of a deal
first worked out in 2009 which has now
led to "operational capacity".
Ett PM från MI6, som läckt till Sky News
sammanfattar läget:
“Against the background of intensive cooperation
over recent months between Iran and al-Qaida,
with a view to conducting a joint attack against
Western targets overseas, Iran has significantly
stepped up its investment, maintenance and
improvement of operational and intelligence
ties with the al-Qaida leadership in Pakistan
in recent months.”
The intelligence sources also told Sky News

that Iran’s link to al-Qaida is “most likely to be
used in revenge for any military strikes against
Iran’s nuclear capacities. Iran wants to be able to
say, ‘We can hit you back.’”
But one source warned:
“The danger is that Iran and al-Qaida may
be keen to show this capacity ahead of
any attacks on Iran, as a kind of warning.”