Över 90 av USA:s främsta serietecknare
kommer den 11 september att minnas
det islamistiska dådet mot World Trade
Center genom speciella teckningar som
på olika sätt högtidlighåller tioårsdagen.
Jim Borgman säger:
"As a cartoonist we would have all been
wondering 'Is it OK to deal with this topic
in our work?' Of course you can, but there
is something comforting about the thought
that a bunch of us are going to be struggling
to say something on that day," he said.
"My colleagues — cartoonists — are an
astonishingly varied and talented group of
people. I fully expect we'll see a broad range
of approaches that day."
Det blir alltifrån det mycket sentimentala
till det aktivistiska som kommer att möta
läsarna den dagen.