“So much is written and said about me, with
my given name Eric Breininger. The Internet
and the media are full of it, but most of it is
made up and lies.”
So begin the memoirs of Eric Breininger, the
German jihadist who was killed by Pakistani
soldiers in the border region of
at the end of April. His autobiography was
posted on the Internet on Wednesday.
Right from the first pages, it seems as
though Breininger, who went by the name
Abdul Gaffar Almani, knew that death
was near.
“Even as this work is being composed, I am
not sure that it will ever be completed, as
we find ourselves at war.”
The appendix, written by a comrade, makes
it clear that Breininger worked on his memoirs
until just a few days prior to his death.
Breininger called his memoirs
“My Path to Jennah,”
using the Arabic word for “paradise.”
And it is an impressive document, offering a
detailed look into militant jihadism. It is an
account of the day-to-day life of radical Islamists
fighting in the
look at the thoughts of a radical who is
certain he is in the right.
Breininger was an associate of the so-called
Sauerland Cell, a group of German radicals
who plotted to bomb US targets in
in 2007. Confessions from that group have
provided an excellent source for insights into
German jihadists fighting in the border
regions of
Breininger’s autobiography sheds even more
light on their activities and thoughts.
Ladda ned Breiningers memoarer
(108 sid .pdf, på tyska)