fängelser har lett till att var femte fånge idag
har konverterat till islam, berättar Arutz Sheva.
Inom vissa grupper konverterar ännu flera...
"Most recent statistics available show that one out
of three African-American inmates in U.S. prisons
convert to Islam while incarcerated.
The type of Islam to which they convert teaches
the same ideology as the 9/11 hijackers, which is
the ‘Wahhabi’ or ‘Salafi’ form of Islam that
originated in and is continually being exported
from Saudi Arabia… [T]he ideology behind this
‘fundamentalist’ form of Islam is completely
incompatible with the culture, politics, and social
fabric of the West. Nonetheless, it is being
embraced by numerous groups, agencies
and individuals inside the United States.
“The high rate of conversion of inmates to Islam,
and specifically the Wahhabi brand of Islam is no
accident. The lack of oversight of teaching materials
brought in to prisons to facilitate their conversion
is no accident.
The influx of Wahhabi chaplains into our prison
system and military is no accident. The entire
process is by design, and consists of a sophisticated
combination of personnel placement, funding, and
an active support structure of numerous
interrelated entities and individuals.
Läs hela artikeln
Någon motsvarande statistik för svenska
fängelser finns (naturligtvis) inte. Vi vet dock
att islamistiska grupper fått fria händer att
propagera i många fängelser.
...och två från Storbritannien