Den brittiske miljöministern Jim Fitzpatrick
varnar för att en ny islamistgrupp med centrum i
London infiltrerar avdelning efter avdelning inom
deshikvarter, kontrollerar idag i praktiken bl a
kommunen Tower Hamlets i East End.
IFE arbetar aktivt för införandet av sharia
som lagstiftning i Storbritannien.
Gruppen driver också rasistiska kampanjer
mot judar och svarta i landet.
Undersökande journalister från Daily Telegraph
och Channel 4 har kartlagt IFE:s skadeverkningar inom regeringspartiet Labour.
IFE activists boasted to the undercover reporters that
they had already “consolidated … a lot of influence
and power” over Tower Hamlets, a London borough
council with a £1 billion budget.
We have established that the group and its allies were
awarded more than £10 million of taxpayers’ money,
much of it from government funds designed to “prevent
violent extremism”.
IFE leaders were recorded expressing opposition to
democracy, support for sharia law or mocking black
people. The IFE organised meetings with extremists,
including Taliban allies, a man named by the US
government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the
1993 World Trade Center bombing, and a man under
investigation by the FBI for his links to the September
11 attacks.
Moderate Muslims in London told how the IFE and its
allies were enforcing their hardline views on the rest
of the local community, curbing behaviour they deemed
På sin hemsida skryter IFE med att ha en mängd
avdelningar i utlandet, bl a i Sverige och Norge .....
With its head office based in London IFE has branches in
most of the European countries including: Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland