Mogadishu", alias Rinkeby, och
berättar om Al Shabaabs växande
aktivitet i stadsdelen:
"Ten subway stops from downtown
Stockholm is "little Mogadishu," a
drab suburb of the Swedish capital
where radical Islamists are said to be
recruiting the sons of Somali immigrants
for jihad in the Horn of Africa.
Police and residents say about 20 have
joined al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-linked
group waging a bloody insurgency
against Somalia's government, and
many of them came from the suburb
of Rinkeby - the heart of Sweden's
Somali community.
According to SAPO, the Swedish state
security police, five of them have been
killed and 10 are still at large in Somalia.
The issue has gained notice at a time of
worsening fears of Islamic radicalism in
the Scandinavian countries, home to more
than 40,000 Somalis who have fled their
war-ravaged homeland.
These fears sharpened with the Jan. 1
attack by a Somali immigrant in Denmark
on a cartoonist who caricatured the
Prophet Muhammad.
In Sweden, police say they can do little
to stop them leaving for Somalia unless
they can prove that they are conspiring
to commit terrorism. Unlike the U.S.,
Sweden has not put al-Shabab on any
terrorism list."