
Alavi Foundations miljardförmögenhet.
(Justitiedepartementets pressmeddelande)
Den består bl a av en skyskrapa på 650 Fifth Avenue
i New York och fastigheter över hela USA. Många av
dem används som moskéer.....
In addition to the skyscraper, the Alavi Foundation
owns four "Islamic Education Centers" in Potomac,
Md.; Queens, N.Y.; Houston, Texas; and Carmichael,
Calif. The Maryland property alone is valued at more
than $5.7 million, according to real estate records.
The Houston property is worth an estimated $3.2
In Queens, N.Y., the foundation has pumped more
than $10.4 million into its Imam Ali Islamic Education
Center since March 1991. The foundation has an
assortment of other real estate holdings around the
country, including 20 acres of prime development
land in Catharpin, Va., assessed at $1.9 million but
potentially worth several times that amount to
Alavi Foundation härstammar från shahens stora väl-
görenhetsstiftelse Pahlavi Foundation, vars tillgångar
uppskattades till mellan 3 och 12 miljarder dollars.
Efter mullornas statskupp 1979 konfiskerades stiftelsen
och styrelsen byttes ut mot mullahtrogna iranier.
Istället för välgörenhet gick miljarderna till spridning
av islamism och naturligtvis en slant i mullornas
många mullor till mångmiljonärer....
Alavi Foundation har i över 25 år finansierat islamistisk
extremistverksamhet, framförallt i USA.
Förutom en mängd "kulturcentra" och moskéer med
mullor utsedda av regimen i Tehran, har den använts
till att ge "bidrag" till mutbara politiker och skribenter.
Nyligen avslöjades att expresident Clinton fått
30.000 dollars av stiftelsen 2006.
Alavi Foundation har i över 25 år finansierat islamistisk
extremistverksamhet, framförallt i USA.
Förutom en mängd "kulturcentra" och moskéer med
mullor utsedda av regimen i Tehran, har den använts
till att ge "bidrag" till mutbara politiker och skribenter.
Nyligen avslöjades att expresident Clinton fått
30.000 dollars av stiftelsen 2006.
Bland stiftelsens mera kuriösa verksamheter har
varit att ge ut en muslimsk encyklopedi och köpa
ett flygfält i Tyskland....
Myndigheternas tillslag mot stiftelsen sker enligt lag-
stiftningen mot terrorfinansiering. Det finns också väl-
grundade misstankar att stiftelsen är inblandad i stora
inköp av utrustning till regimens kärnvapenprogram.
Samtidigt strider ett antal anhöriga till offer för Iran-
finansierade terrordåd för att tvinga regimen betala
stora skadestånd.
Steven Flatow is a New Jersey businessman whose
20-year-old daughter Alisa was killed by a terrorist
bomb in the Gaza in 1995. He sued the government
of Iran, alleging it sponsors terrorism, and won a
judgment of $225 million — but he has not collected
a dime because of the constraints of international law.
Alavi Foundation komer säkert att bli en följetong i
amerikanska domstolar många år framåt. Ägande-
förhållandena kring stiftelsen och dess fastigheter
är en stor härva med bl a terrorfinansierande
storbanken Bank Melli och ett stort antal
Myndigheternas tillslag mot stiftelsen sker enligt lag-
stiftningen mot terrorfinansiering. Det finns också väl-
grundade misstankar att stiftelsen är inblandad i stora
inköp av utrustning till regimens kärnvapenprogram.
Samtidigt strider ett antal anhöriga till offer för Iran-
finansierade terrordåd för att tvinga regimen betala
stora skadestånd.
Steven Flatow is a New Jersey businessman whose
20-year-old daughter Alisa was killed by a terrorist
bomb in the Gaza in 1995. He sued the government
of Iran, alleging it sponsors terrorism, and won a
judgment of $225 million — but he has not collected
a dime because of the constraints of international law.
Alavi Foundation komer säkert att bli en följetong i
amerikanska domstolar många år framåt. Ägande-
förhållandena kring stiftelsen och dess fastigheter
är en stor härva med bl a terrorfinansierande
storbanken Bank Melli och ett stort antal
brevlådeföretag inblandad....
Några stora mullahkontrollerade fastighetsägare
i USA:
Three state-owned banks, which continue to maintain
representative offices in the United States and have
extensive financial operations and property holdings,
directly and through subsidiary corporations;
Three state-owned banks, which continue to maintain
representative offices in the United States and have
extensive financial operations and property holdings,
directly and through subsidiary corporations;
(The revolutionary government in Iran nationalized
all Iranian banks in 1979. Even today, there are no
private banks in Iran. Under the constitution
of the Islamic republic, the banks have no
independent legal existence; they are agencies of
government, not corporations.
Three of Iran's largest banks operate and own property
Three of Iran's largest banks operate and own property
in the United States: Bank Melli, Bank Saderat
and Bank Sepah. As foreign banks, their activities
are regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank.)
The Alavi Foundation of New York, a non-profit
corporation considered by Iran as a subsidiary of
the Bonyad-e Mostazafan va Janbazan (Foundation
of the Oppressed), the Tehran-based repository for
property seized from the Shah and his supporters in
the wake of the revolution. Under Iranian law, the
foundation is under the sole control of the supreme
leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is
The Alavi Foundation of New York, a non-profit
corporation considered by Iran as a subsidiary of
the Bonyad-e Mostazafan va Janbazan (Foundation
of the Oppressed), the Tehran-based repository for
property seized from the Shah and his supporters in
the wake of the revolution. Under Iranian law, the
foundation is under the sole control of the supreme
leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is
considered state property.
Former diplomatic properties, now rented out by the
U.S. State Department, with the monies going into
blocked accounts
Former diplomatic properties, now rented out by the
U.S. State Department, with the monies going into
blocked accounts
Real estate and other property held through
registered agents and front companies for the
Iranian government.
Real estate and other property held through
registered agents and front companies for the
Iranian government.
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