Det senaste åren har det
gång på gång avslöjats
Här är ett litet urval marockanska
terrorister som opererat eller
opererar i Sverige:
är välkänd för polisen sedan minst 10 år
men fördes först 2006 upp på
FN:s och EU:s terroristlistor
med ett urval identiteter och adresser:
Mohamed Moumou
(alias Mohamed Mumu, Abu Shrayda,
Abu Amina, Abu Abdallah,
Abou Abderrahman).
Address: (a) Storvretsvagen 92, 7 TR. C/O Drioua,
142 31 Skogas, Sweden,
(b) Jungfruns Gata 413;Postal address Box 3027,
13603 Haninge, Sweden,
(c) Dobelnsgatan 97, 7 TR C/O Lamrabet,
113 52 Stockholm,Sweden,
(d) Trodheimsgatan 6, 164 32 Kista, Sweden.
Date of birth: (a) 30.7.1965, (b) 30.9.1965.
Place of birth:Fez, Morocco.
Nationality: (a) Moroccan, (b) Swedish.
Passport No: 9817619
(Swedish passport, expires on 14.12.2009).
Mohamed Moumou's extremist activities
date back to the mid-1990's, when he traveled
to Afghanistan to participate in the al
Qaida-run Khalden terrorist training camp.
A Moroccan national with Swedish
citizenship, Moumou was the uncontested
leader of an extremist group centered
around the Brandbergen Mosque in
Stockholm, Sweden.
Moumou's leadership derives from
connections to senior al Qaida leaders,
some of whom he had met in Afghanistan
and Pakistan in the late-1990s.
Moumou reportedly served, at some
time in the past, as Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's
representative in Europe for issues related
to chemical and biological weapons.
Moreover, Moumou reportedly maintains
ties to al-Zarqawi's inner circle in Iraq.
(Se också Gudmundsons grundliga genomgång)
Den 25 december 2006 greps
under ett besök i Marocko.
Han är misstänkt för att tillhöra
I samband med detta pekade
myndigheterna även ut
som marockansk terrorist
bosatt i Sverige.
Han tycks fortfarande vara
på fri fot...
Den 29 mars häktades
med stöd av en europeisk
häktningsorder utfärdad
av Tyskland. Miftah kommer
att utlämnas till Tyskland
liksom sin jordanske sambo.
Båda misstänks ha kopplingar
till Al Qaeda.
"In their new book
"Quand le Maroc sera islamiste"
(When Morocco will be Islamist),
journalists Nicolas Beau and Catherine
Graciet paint a very bleak albeit
realistic picture of the Kingdom.
Indeed, one of the top French anti-terrorism
officials, cited by Beau and Graciet,
recently stated that Morocco is
by far the most worrying
country in North Africa.
The official's comparison:
"today, Morocco is 1916 Russia."
Also, according to Spanish anti-terror judge
Baltazar Garzon:
"Morocco is the worst terrorist
threat for Europe."
He estimated that the al Qaeda-linked
cells number more than 100 and that at
least 1,000 terrorists are now being actively
sought by Moroccan authorities."
Se också