Sedan strax efter Covid-19:s utbrott i Kina har
det grasserat "nyheter" om att det handlar om
ett läkage från ett militärt laboratorium i Wuhan.
Virus från infekterade försöksdjur påstås via en
djurmarkad ha vållat den jättelika pandemin.
Även om det framförallt handlar om uppgifter från
de vanliga konspirationsteoretikerna på de oseriösa
delarna av de sociala medierna (ni vet de som älskar
att fantisera om Palmemordet, 911, AIDS uppkomst
etc) så finns det en del oroande fakta om bl a den
omfattande kinesiska kemiska och biologiska arsenalen...
Nu har USA:s försvarsledning kommenterat frågan
och avslöjat att de västerländska underrättelsetjänsterna
studerat viruset noggrant de senaste månaderna.
Som ni ser av artikeln ur IntelNews är resultatet att de
INTE funnit några belägg för att Covid-19 är ett kinesiskt
US Pentagon’s top general says COVID-19 has natural origins, but questions remain
April 15, 2020

United States Department of Defense’s top general has said that “the
weight of evidence” gathered by Western spy agencies points to COVID-19
having “natural” origins, but this is not yet conclusive. Ever since the
emergence of the novel coronavirus, prominent scientists have dismissed rumors that it could be a synthesized bioweapon. According to reports, this question is being carefully examined by Western intelligence agencies.
At a press conference on Tuesday, US Army General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked
by a reporter whether the Pentagon had “any evidence that the [novel
corona]virus began in a Chinese lab and maybe was released
accidentally”. General Milley response was as follows: “There’s a lot of
rumor and speculation in a wide variety of media, blog sites, etc. It
should be no surprise to you that we’ve taken a keen interest in that
and we’ve had a lot of intelligence [experts] take a hard look at that.
At this point it’s inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems
to indicate natural. But”, added the general, “we don’t know for
On the same day General Milley made these comments, an extensive report
on the subject by Yahoo News’ National Security and Investigations
Reporter Jenna McLaughlin said that the US Intelligence Community
continued to actively gather information on the outbreak. Citing “nine
current and former intelligence and national security officials familiar
with ongoing investigations” on the novel coronavirus, McLaughlin said
that American intelligence agencies had been gathering information on
the outbreak “as early as November” of last year. Scientists working for
US spy agencies had quickly dismissed the theory that the virus had
been deliberately weaponized. A consensus appears to be forming that the
virus is “of natural origin”, according to the report.