torsdag, juli 07, 2016

På Kalifatets slavmarknader

Kalifatet ISIS lever helt enligt den
onde profetens "heliga" skrift, koranen.
Den utgår ifrån situationen i arabiska
öknen på 600-talet. Alla "otroende" ska
bekämpas och om de tillfångatas
förvandlas  till segrarens egendom,
Kvinnliga slavars uppgift är att stå
till ägarens förfogande sexuellt.
Männen har i stor utsträckning mördats
och kvinnor och barn sålt på kalifatets
Klockan har vridits 1.400 år tillbaka...
HRC konstaterar:

ISIS has committed the crime of genocide as well as multiple crimes
against humanity and war crimes against the Yazidis, thousands of whom
are held captive in the Syrian Arab Republic where they are subjected
to almost unimaginable horrors.
ISIS has sought to destroy the Yazidis through killings; sexual
slavery, enslavement, torture and inhuman and degrading
treatment and forcible transfer causing serious bodily and
mental harm; the infliction of conditions of life that bring about
a slow death; the imposition of measures to prevent Yazidi
Children from being born, including forced conversion of
adults, the separation of Yazidi men and women, and mental
trauma; and the transfer of Yazidi children from their own
families and placing them with ISIS fighters, thereby cutting
them off from beliefs and practices of their own religious
community, and erasing their identity as Yazidis.
The public statements and conduct of ISIS and its fighters
 clearly demonstrate that ISIS intended to destroy the Yazidis
of Sinjar, composing the majority of the world’s Yazidi
population, in whole or in part.
Yaziderna är en bortglömd grupp idag.
En av de få som engagerat sig för dem
som hjälpt 200 offer för islamistiska
massvåldtäkter söka asyl i Tyskland.