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While German Chancellor Angela Merkel
has not mobilized her electoral base
around hatred of the U.S.—like her
predecessor Gerhard Schröder—she
also does not have the required fire in
her belly to confront radical Islam.
The running list of media reports detailing
Germany as a kind of oasis for jihadist
activities is the story behind the latest
expression of Germany’s dismissal of
radical Islamic attacks.
Washington Post columnist Jackson Diehl
posed this sharp question: “Have
Germany's security services
learned nothing in the last
He answered his question by saying they
had become “dangerously complacent.”
Ahmed Sidiqi, a German militant currently
held by Americans in Afghanistan, is the
source of the recent warnings about al
Qaeda "Mumbai-style" terror attacks in
The daily German paper Die Welt headlined
a recent article “Germany on Its Way to
Becoming Terror-Export World Champion”
because of the rising number of home-grown
German Islamists fighting against Americans
in the Pakistan/Afghanistan region.
According to the report, 40 trained radical
German Islamic explosive experts are
operating in Germany, training future
jihadists.German legislators such as
Jerzy Montag from the Green Party are
more rankled over the targeted (and
justified) U.S. drone killings of German
radical Islamists in Pakistan waging a
terror war against the West than
stopping the export of “made in Germany”
foot soldiers against U.S. forces.
Montag, who rejects drone attacks, is
pushing for parliamentary investigation
of the U.S. measures against radical
Islamists.On a side note, Montag chairs
the “German-Israeli parliamentary group”,
which is supposed to advance Israel’s
security interests, but really serves to
oppose unilateral German sanctions
against Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons
program and contribute to undercutting
Israel’s national security.
With friends like these … you can
imagine how the Israelis feel.
The pressing intelligence problem is an
obsolete German strategy to crackdown
on growing German jihadists.
Germany’s domestic intelligence agency,
Verfassungsschutz, has relied on a lax and
antiquated strategy to combat radical Islam.
Passivity is the controlling mechanism and
that means simply monitoring fanatical
Islamists who enjoy wide latitude in the
Federal Republic.It took nine years for
the German authorities to shut down the
Al Quds Mosque in Hamburg, which served
as the organizational hub for the Islamic
terror attacks on 9/11. “Jihadi tourism”
was the term used by a German intelligence
to describe the role of the Al Quds Mosque in
breeding awe and inspiration among German
Hezbollah remains a legal entity in
Germany and its 900 members are
active in promoting Iran’s revolutionary
Islam. If Germany is to be taken seriously
on the world stage, it must dissolve
Hezbollah’s operation and aggressively
shut down mosques that promote
revolutionary Islamic terror.
In short, the phase of monitoring has to
be complemented by cracking the
German security whip to stop home-
grown radical Islam.
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