måndag, juni 07, 2010

Hamasdykare angriper Israel - TT mörkar...

En grupp terrorister i dykarutrustning
från Gaza försökte idag landstiga i Israel.
Tack vare det vaksamma IDF sköts de
innan de hann genomföra sitt terrordåd.
Allvärldens medier skriver om attacken,
med ett undantag: TT tiger.
Islamistiska terrordåd mot civila passar
inte in i TT:s världsbild....
GAZA (Reuters) – An Israeli naval patrol
killed at least four Palestinian militants
in diving gear off the Gaza coast on Monday,
Hamas security officials and the Israeli army
"An Israeli naval patrol spotted a boat with
four men in diving suits on their way to carry
out a terror attack and fired at them," an
Israeli army spokesman said, adding that the
patrol had confirmed hitting its targets.
The spokesman did not say what the army
thought was the intended objective of the
security sources said four bodies had
been found and a fifth man was missing and
presumed dead.