De fem islamistiska pirater som holländska marinen
grep på bar gärning utanför Somalias kust har tydligen
dragit en vinstlott. I ett holländskt fängelse kan man äta,
spela fotboll och titta på TV och så finns där riktiga vatten-
klosetter. Helt annorlunda än det strävsamma livet som
sjörövare, berättar Jihad Watch:
Once again, dhimmis allow Muslim aggression to be a win-win
for them: be a sea-faring pirate and earn lots of booty; get
caught and become a citizen of the Netherlands. "Netherlands:
Somali pirates thinking of immigrating," from Islam in Europe,
May 18:
Arrested Somali pirates who are now in the Netherlands on trial
for them: be a sea-faring pirate and earn lots of booty; get
caught and become a citizen of the Netherlands. "Netherlands:
Somali pirates thinking of immigrating," from Islam in Europe,
May 18:
Arrested Somali pirates who are now in the Netherlands on trial
for their deeds say they would like to stay in the Netherlands.
"It's a good life here."
Suspected pirate Sayid will stand trial on Monday with four of his
countrymen in the first Dutch pirate trial. "I want an education
during my imprisonment, and I appeal to the government not
to send me back to Somalia. The people who live here respect
human rights. I want to live here," he told Volkskrant.
Nothing like a little flattery to pull dhimmi heartstrings.
Fellow suspect Farah also thinks the Netherlands is good. "My
client feels safe here. He eat[s] well, can play football and watch
television. He thinks the toilet in his cell is so fantastic,"
"It's a good life here."
Suspected pirate Sayid will stand trial on Monday with four of his
countrymen in the first Dutch pirate trial. "I want an education
during my imprisonment, and I appeal to the government not
to send me back to Somalia. The people who live here respect
human rights. I want to live here," he told Volkskrant.
Nothing like a little flattery to pull dhimmi heartstrings.
Fellow suspect Farah also thinks the Netherlands is good. "My
client feels safe here. He eat[s] well, can play football and watch
television. He thinks the toilet in his cell is so fantastic,"
according to his lawyer Willem-Jan Ausma.
According to De Volkskrant Ausma explained to his client that he
could realistically get four years in prison and that he has a
chance for a residence permit. "He's naturally delighted.
He hopes to do computer training and to have his
According to De Volkskrant Ausma explained to his client that he
could realistically get four years in prison and that he has a
chance for a residence permit. "He's naturally delighted.
He hopes to do computer training and to have his
family come over."
The lawyer fee[l]s that the trials in the Netherlands, but
also in France, the US and Kenya, would encourage
potential pirates rather than deter them.
"Anything is better than sitting on a wharf in Somalia."
The lawyer fee[l]s that the trials in the Netherlands, but
also in France, the US and Kenya, would encourage
potential pirates rather than deter them.
"Anything is better than sitting on a wharf in Somalia."