Åklagaren kräver 20 års fängelse för
terrormisstänkte marockanen Ahmed
Essafri, afffärsman i Stockholm. De 26
åtalade har nära kopplingar till Al Qaeda.
Rättegången förväntas avslutas denna
"Moroccan prosecutors on Tuesday requested
a court to impose prison sentences of up to
25 years against a group of 26 people,
including a Swede of Moroccan origin,
found guilty of acting as "recruiting agents"
for Iraq, judicial sources said Wednesday.
"The prosecutor of the anti-terrorist tribunal
has requested for a 25-year prison term
against the Moroccan Khalid Ali Ould Tahar,
20 years imprisonment for six other people,
including Ahmed Essafri, a 54-year old Swede
of Moroccan origin, and 15 years for five other
defendants," said a judicial officer under
the cover of anonymity. The prosecutor
also appealed for 10 years imprisonment
sentences against 12 more people and less
than 5 years for the rest of the group,
according to the same source.
Dismantled in 2007, the al Qaida-linked
terror network was originally composed
of 27 people, including one who died a
natural death while in custody, according
to security sources".