Paul Beliens artikel om
den modiga socialarbetaren
Marij Uijt den Bogaard
Nu har hon själv skrivit en analys
av islamiseringens följder i en
europeisk storstad. Speciellt
kritiserar hon den s k Euroislam
som lanserats av Muslimska
Brödraskapet via sitt akademiska
språkrör Tariq Ramadan. Resultatet
blir miljoner frustrerade ungdomar,
helt isolerade från det omgivande
"In my opinion Muslims are welcome to live
in Europe, but only if they show respect
for our culture and history.
Mr Ramadan’s philosophy does not
offer us anything of value.
Just look at the sorrowful conditions of
many Muslims in Islamic states.
These people flee their own countries and
come to the West, where they demand that
their way of life be introduced here.
Indeed, Tariq Ramadan’s book “Western
Muslims and the future of Islam” would never
have been written if Muslims had not
en masse left their own countries searching
for a better life in Europe than in the
countries where Islam dictates the
political, economic and social structures.
We must be aware that Ramadan’s
“European Islam” is a Trojan horse in our midst.
If Western authorities remain
blind to this, it may soon be too late."