David Melle, min kollega på bloggen Facts of Israel har skrivit en lång och spännande instruktion för hur man spårar och avslöjar vem som ligger bakom hatmail.
Utifrån ett konkret exempel, ett riktigt grovt antisemitiskt mail, visar han hur jakten genom webben går från USA till Australien och till slut avslöjar en australisk militär som nu väntar på krigsrätt och sannolikt avsked.
En nyttig handledning för oss som då och då råkar ut för galningar med skrivklåda.
Det lönar sig att reagera och slå tillbaka !
tisdag, maj 31, 2005
måndag, maj 30, 2005
Konsten att bekämpa antisemiter med mail
Simon Wiesenthal Center i USA kämpar sedan många år i Simon Wiesenthals anda mot antisemitism och rasism över hela världen. Särskilt effektiv har deras förmåga att snabbt mobilisera tiotusentals, ja ibland hundratusentals, mail i konkreta kampanjer fungerat. Myndigheter, organisationer och medier har ofta backat inför sådana enorma opinionsyttringar.
Två aktuella exempel:
Två aktuella exempel:
- Franska regeringen stoppade Hizbollahs tv-kanal Al-Manar på de franska kabelnäten efter att ha fått 15.000 protester på två dagar.
- Brittiska universitetslärarförbundet Association of University Teachers avbryter sin bojkott av samarbetet med israeliska universitet efter 25.000 protester
Vår/sommarnumret av SWC:s tidskrift Response med temat den nya antisemitismen i Europa kan laddas ned som .pdf-fil:
(OBS ! Den som inte har bredband måste tyvärr räkna med lång väntetid)
fredag, maj 27, 2005
Beklämmande beslut
Den danska opinionen reagerade kraftigt på den islamistiska organisationen Hizb-ut-Tahrirs verbala och handgripliga terror mot oliktänkande för några år sedan. Ordföranden dömdes till villkorligt fängelsestraff för hets mot folkgrupp sedan han uppmanat till mord på judar. Flera muslimer som vågade protestera mot HUT misshandlades och mordhotades.
Alla demokratska partier och medier tog kraftigt avstånd från rörelsen.
Dansk Folkeparti krävde ett förbud mot HUT, men det dribblades över till en evig utredning hos Riksåklagaren.
Torsdag kväll behandlade kommunfullmäktige i Köpenhamn ett förslag från Venstre att förbjuda HUT att använda kommunens lokaler för sina möten. Ett, kan man tycka, mycket rimligt beslut för alla demokrater.
Vad blev då resultatet av omröstningen ?
Endast Venstre och Dansk Folkeparti röstade för förbudet.
Konservative avstod....
Socialdemokraterna, Radikale Venstre och de två kommunistpartierna Enhedslisten och Socialistisk Folkeparti röstade mot.
Således: en seger för islamisternas obegränsade rätt att utnyttja kommunens lokaler för sin extremistverksamhet.
Det var ingen stor kväll för den danska demokratin....
Alla demokratska partier och medier tog kraftigt avstånd från rörelsen.
Dansk Folkeparti krävde ett förbud mot HUT, men det dribblades över till en evig utredning hos Riksåklagaren.
Torsdag kväll behandlade kommunfullmäktige i Köpenhamn ett förslag från Venstre att förbjuda HUT att använda kommunens lokaler för sina möten. Ett, kan man tycka, mycket rimligt beslut för alla demokrater.
Vad blev då resultatet av omröstningen ?
Endast Venstre och Dansk Folkeparti röstade för förbudet.
Konservative avstod....
Socialdemokraterna, Radikale Venstre och de två kommunistpartierna Enhedslisten och Socialistisk Folkeparti röstade mot.
Således: en seger för islamisternas obegränsade rätt att utnyttja kommunens lokaler för sin extremistverksamhet.
Det var ingen stor kväll för den danska demokratin....
Spårhund stoppar Jihad-hemsidor
Det finns många sätt att motarbeta islamisterna.
En grupp amerikanska IT-specialister har startat hemsidan Internet Haganah,
som spårar och försöker stoppa antisemitiska och islamistiska hemsidor.
De har bl a ett otroligt galleri över sådana sidor.
Verksamheten är mycket framgångsrik. Alltfler operatörer drar sig för att hyra ut serverplats till extremister. Priset blir ofta för högt i form av bad-will och förlorade kunder.
Ett uppmuntransvärt jobb !!
Se deras hemsida:
En grupp amerikanska IT-specialister har startat hemsidan Internet Haganah,
som spårar och försöker stoppa antisemitiska och islamistiska hemsidor.
De har bl a ett otroligt galleri över sådana sidor.
Verksamheten är mycket framgångsrik. Alltfler operatörer drar sig för att hyra ut serverplats till extremister. Priset blir ofta för högt i form av bad-will och förlorade kunder.
Ett uppmuntransvärt jobb !!
Se deras hemsida:
Nedtystad rapport från obskyr myndighet
Det brukar bli huggsexa bland staterna när EU ska inrätta nya myndigheter.
Alla vill ha pengar, arbetsplatser och medial uppmärksamhet.
Så var det definitivt inte för några år sedan när EU hastigt och lustigt inrättade en myndighet för övervakning av rasistiska aktiviteter (EUMC) i Wien. Både tillkomsten och placeringen var mest avsett som en förolämpning mot den nya borgerliga österrikiska regeringen där Jörg Haider tagit säte.
Inte oväntat producerade EUMC inte heller något av värde de första åren.
Till slut blev trycket från andra EU-myndigheter för stort och man blev tvungna ta tag i det största rasistiska problemet i dagens Europa, antisemitismen.
En kartläggning och analys beställdes från den främsta akademiska expertisen på området
Center for Research on Antisemitism vid Tekniska Universitetet i Berlin.
Rapporten konstaterade på grundval ett gediget faktamaterial att antisemitismen växer sig allt starkare i de flesta europeiska länder och att det framförallt är de islamistiska krafterna som underblåser den. Huvuddelen av de antisemitiska dåden kan spåras till muslimska gäng som påverkas av islamistiskt judehat.
Detta var inte politiskt korrekt för EUMC-chefen Beate Winkler (med ett förflutet inom extremvänstern) som stoppade rapporten i skrivbordslådan för, som hon trodde, tid och evighet.
Lyckligtvis "läckte" den till medierna, vilket till slut tvingade fram ett offentliggörande.
Per T Ohlsson i Sydsvenskan berättade i en krönika om vad som hände:
Rapporten finns här
Alla vill ha pengar, arbetsplatser och medial uppmärksamhet.
Så var det definitivt inte för några år sedan när EU hastigt och lustigt inrättade en myndighet för övervakning av rasistiska aktiviteter (EUMC) i Wien. Både tillkomsten och placeringen var mest avsett som en förolämpning mot den nya borgerliga österrikiska regeringen där Jörg Haider tagit säte.
Inte oväntat producerade EUMC inte heller något av värde de första åren.
Till slut blev trycket från andra EU-myndigheter för stort och man blev tvungna ta tag i det största rasistiska problemet i dagens Europa, antisemitismen.
En kartläggning och analys beställdes från den främsta akademiska expertisen på området
Center for Research on Antisemitism vid Tekniska Universitetet i Berlin.
Rapporten konstaterade på grundval ett gediget faktamaterial att antisemitismen växer sig allt starkare i de flesta europeiska länder och att det framförallt är de islamistiska krafterna som underblåser den. Huvuddelen av de antisemitiska dåden kan spåras till muslimska gäng som påverkas av islamistiskt judehat.
Detta var inte politiskt korrekt för EUMC-chefen Beate Winkler (med ett förflutet inom extremvänstern) som stoppade rapporten i skrivbordslådan för, som hon trodde, tid och evighet.
Lyckligtvis "läckte" den till medierna, vilket till slut tvingade fram ett offentliggörande.
Per T Ohlsson i Sydsvenskan berättade i en krönika om vad som hände:
Rapporten finns här
torsdag, maj 26, 2005
Det saudiska inflytandet
Saudiarabien är den ekonomiska basen för huvuddelen av den extrema sunniislam som skaffar sig ett allt starkare grepp om många "moderata" muslimska församligar och organisationer. Ett nätverk av saudikontrollerade stiftelser arbetar över hela världen och sprider den wahabistiska och salafistiska tolkningen av islam.
I både Köpenhamn och Stockholm kontrolleras de största moskéerna av dessa stiftelser.
I Malmö lär enligt uppgift tre imamer vara anställda med saudiska medel. Det finns definitivt
anledning återkomma till detta.
Den holländska säkerhetstjänsten AIVD var tillräckligt oroad över utvecklingen för att sammanställa en intressant och viktig rapport förra hösten
Med rubriken Saoedische invloeden in Nederland. Verbanden tussen salafitische missie,
radicaliseringsprocessen en islamistisch terrorisme (Saudiskt inflytande i Nederländerna. Sambandet mellan salafistisk mission, radikaliseringsprocessen och islamistisk terror) väckte den stor uppmärksamhet.
Tyvärr finns den bara på holländska...
Ska försöka översätta och publicera några utdrag efterhand. Det finns alldeles för stora likheter mellan utvecklingen i Holland och Sverige för nonchalera deras erfarenheter.
För den som vill läsa rapporten i original finns den här:
I både Köpenhamn och Stockholm kontrolleras de största moskéerna av dessa stiftelser.
I Malmö lär enligt uppgift tre imamer vara anställda med saudiska medel. Det finns definitivt
anledning återkomma till detta.
Den holländska säkerhetstjänsten AIVD var tillräckligt oroad över utvecklingen för att sammanställa en intressant och viktig rapport förra hösten
Med rubriken Saoedische invloeden in Nederland. Verbanden tussen salafitische missie,
radicaliseringsprocessen en islamistisch terrorisme (Saudiskt inflytande i Nederländerna. Sambandet mellan salafistisk mission, radikaliseringsprocessen och islamistisk terror) väckte den stor uppmärksamhet.
Tyvärr finns den bara på holländska...
Ska försöka översätta och publicera några utdrag efterhand. Det finns alldeles för stora likheter mellan utvecklingen i Holland och Sverige för nonchalera deras erfarenheter.
För den som vill läsa rapporten i original finns den här:
Theo och hans film
Den 2 november 2004 mördades den holländske filmregissören Theo van Gogh på öppen gata i Amsterdam. Han blev skjuten, fick halsen avskuren och fick slutligen två knivar inhuggna i bröstet. Mördaren var den unge marokanske islamisten Mohammed Bouyeri, som tillhörde den s k Hofstad-gruppen med kopplingar till Al Qaeda.
Den direkta anledningen till mordet var van Goghs nya film Submission om islamistisk kvinnosyn och kvinnomisshandel. Manuset till filmen skrevs av den somaliskfödda holländska parlamentsledamoten Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Enligt ett hotelsebrev som lämnades kvar på van Goghs lik stod Hirsi Ali på tur för "bestraffning".
Trots att hon levt under kraftig polisbevakning sedan mordet har Hirsi Ali inte gett upp kampen mot islamisterna. På sin blogg kommenterar och varnar hon ständigt för islamismens ökande inflytande över framförallt muslimska ungdomar i Europa.
Hon har också lagt ut filmen Submission så att alla kan se varför Theo van Gogh mördades.
Den direkta anledningen till mordet var van Goghs nya film Submission om islamistisk kvinnosyn och kvinnomisshandel. Manuset till filmen skrevs av den somaliskfödda holländska parlamentsledamoten Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Enligt ett hotelsebrev som lämnades kvar på van Goghs lik stod Hirsi Ali på tur för "bestraffning".
Trots att hon levt under kraftig polisbevakning sedan mordet har Hirsi Ali inte gett upp kampen mot islamisterna. På sin blogg kommenterar och varnar hon ständigt för islamismens ökande inflytande över framförallt muslimska ungdomar i Europa.
Hon har också lagt ut filmen Submission så att alla kan se varför Theo van Gogh mördades.
onsdag, maj 25, 2005
Al-Aqsastiftelsen på Nobelvägen (fortsättning)
Ett pressmeddelande från amerikanska finansdepartementet (JS-439 29 maj 2003) sprider mera ljus över stiftelsens verksamhet:
Treasury Designates Al-Aqsa International Foundation as Financier of TerrorCharity
Linked to Funding of the Hamas Terrorist Organization
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Treasury Department has designated the Al-Aqsa Foundation as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity under Executive Order 13224. As a result of this designation by Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), all assets of the Al-Aqsa Foundation are blocked and transactions with the organization are prohibited.
“By designating the Al-Aqsa Foundation, we have deprived the Hamas terrorist organization of a vital source of funding and have shut off yet another pipeline of money financing terror. Today’s action demonstrates our commitment to prevent the perversion of charitable organizations for terrorist ends,” Secretary Snow stated.
Al Aqsa is a critical part of Hamas’ terrorist support infrastructure. Through its headquarters in Germany and branch offices in the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Pakistan, South Africa, Yemen and elsewhere, Al Aqsa funnels money collected for charitable purposes to Hamas terrorists.
Other nations, including the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Britain, Luxembourg and Switzerland, have also taken action against the Al-Aqsa Foundation.
The Al Aqsa Foundation is the 18th financier of terror disguised as a charitable organization designated by the Treasury Department. With today’s action, there are now 264 individuals and entities designated as SDGTs and over $137 million in their assets frozen worldwide.
Further details on the Al-Aqsa Foundation are attached.
AKAs: Al-Aqsa International Foundation, Al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation, Sanabil al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation, Al-Aqsa Sinabil Establishment, Al-Aqsa Charitable Organization, Charitable Al-Aqsa Establishment, Mu'assa al-Aqsa al-Khayriyya, Mu'assa Sanabil Al-Aqsa al- Khayriyya, Aqssa Society, Al-Aqsa Islamic Charitable Society, Islamic Charitable Society for al-Aqsa, Charitable Society to Help the Noble al-Aqsa, Nusrat al-Aqsa al-Sharif
The AL-AQSA FOUNDATION is a critical part of Hamas' transnational terrorist support infrastructure. Hamas is designated by the Secretary of State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (66 Fed. Reg. 51088) and as Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) under Executive Order 13224, "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism."
Hamas is known to raise at least tens of millions of dollars per year throughout the world using charitable fundraising as cover.
The AL-AQSA FOUNDATION, until recently headquartered in Germany, uses humanitarian relief as cover to provide support to the Hamas terrorist organization. Mahmoud Amr, the Director of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Germany, is an active figure in Hamas. The AL-AQSA FOUNDATION also is known to maintain branch offices in The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Pakistan, South Africa, Yemen and elsewhere. AL-AQSA FOUNDATION offices are included in lists of organizations that contributed to the Hamas-affiliated Charity Coalition in 2001 and 2002.
Since the summer of 2002, authorities in The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and the U.S. have taken administrative and/or law enforcement action against the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION and some of its leaders based on evidence of the organization's support for Hamas and other terrorist groups. Pursuant to a July 31, 2002 administrative order, German authorities closed the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Germany for supporting Hamas.
In April 2003, Dutch authorities blocked AL-AQSA FOUNDATION assets in The Netherlands based on information that funds were provided to organizations supporting terrorism in the Middle East. Criminal charges against some AL-AQSA FOUNDATION officials were also filed.
On January 1, 2003, the Danish government charged three AL-AQSA FOUNDATION officials in Denmark for supporting terrorism. Also, the head of the Yemeni branch of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION, Shaykh Muhammad Ali Hassan AL-MUAYAD, was arrested for providing support to terrorist organizations including Al-Qaeda and Hamas in January 2003 by German authorities.
In Scandinavia, the Oslo, Norway-based Islamic League used the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden to channel funds from some members of the Islamic community in Oslo, Norway to Hamas. In late 2001 for example, a human courier was used to transfer funds from the Islamic League in Norway to the AL- AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden. In another instance in 2002, money, gold and jewelry were collected by the Islamic League (in Oslo, Norway) and transferred to the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden to be provided to Hamas.
At the Islamic League of Norway's annual conference held on May 18 and 19, 2002, the General Secretary of the Islamic League in Sweden urged all Muslims to provide support and to participate in continuing the suicide operations against Israel. He called for further financial support from all conference participants to the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden, noting that this financial support could contribute to the destruction of Israel.
Strong ties have existed between the Hamas and AL-AQSA FOUNDATION offices in Yemen. Officials of the organizations met frequently and the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION was identified as a "Hamas-affiliate." As discussed in a previously unsealed FBI Affidavit, AL-MUAYAD, the head of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Yemen, has allegedly provided money, arms, recruits and communication equipment for Al-Qaeda. At least until AL-MUAYAD's arrest, Ali Muqbil, the General Manager of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Yemen and a Hamas official, transferred funds on AL-MUAYAD’s orders to Hamas, PIJ or other Palestinian organizations assisting "Palestinian fighters." The disbursements were recorded as contributions for charitable projects. Through channels such as this, AL-MUAYAD reportedly provided more than U.S. $3 million to the "Palestinian cause".
HEAD OFFICE:Aachen, Germany
BRANCH OFFICES:Rotterdam, Holland
Copenhagen, Denmark
Brussels, Belgium
San’a, Yemen
Malmo, Sweden
Johannesburg, South Africa
Islamabad, Pakistan
Treasury Designates Al-Aqsa International Foundation as Financier of TerrorCharity
Linked to Funding of the Hamas Terrorist Organization
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Treasury Department has designated the Al-Aqsa Foundation as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity under Executive Order 13224. As a result of this designation by Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), all assets of the Al-Aqsa Foundation are blocked and transactions with the organization are prohibited.
“By designating the Al-Aqsa Foundation, we have deprived the Hamas terrorist organization of a vital source of funding and have shut off yet another pipeline of money financing terror. Today’s action demonstrates our commitment to prevent the perversion of charitable organizations for terrorist ends,” Secretary Snow stated.
Al Aqsa is a critical part of Hamas’ terrorist support infrastructure. Through its headquarters in Germany and branch offices in the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Pakistan, South Africa, Yemen and elsewhere, Al Aqsa funnels money collected for charitable purposes to Hamas terrorists.
Other nations, including the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Britain, Luxembourg and Switzerland, have also taken action against the Al-Aqsa Foundation.
The Al Aqsa Foundation is the 18th financier of terror disguised as a charitable organization designated by the Treasury Department. With today’s action, there are now 264 individuals and entities designated as SDGTs and over $137 million in their assets frozen worldwide.
Further details on the Al-Aqsa Foundation are attached.
AKAs: Al-Aqsa International Foundation, Al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation, Sanabil al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation, Al-Aqsa Sinabil Establishment, Al-Aqsa Charitable Organization, Charitable Al-Aqsa Establishment, Mu'assa al-Aqsa al-Khayriyya, Mu'assa Sanabil Al-Aqsa al- Khayriyya, Aqssa Society, Al-Aqsa Islamic Charitable Society, Islamic Charitable Society for al-Aqsa, Charitable Society to Help the Noble al-Aqsa, Nusrat al-Aqsa al-Sharif
The AL-AQSA FOUNDATION is a critical part of Hamas' transnational terrorist support infrastructure. Hamas is designated by the Secretary of State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (66 Fed. Reg. 51088) and as Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) under Executive Order 13224, "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism."
Hamas is known to raise at least tens of millions of dollars per year throughout the world using charitable fundraising as cover.
The AL-AQSA FOUNDATION, until recently headquartered in Germany, uses humanitarian relief as cover to provide support to the Hamas terrorist organization. Mahmoud Amr, the Director of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Germany, is an active figure in Hamas. The AL-AQSA FOUNDATION also is known to maintain branch offices in The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Pakistan, South Africa, Yemen and elsewhere. AL-AQSA FOUNDATION offices are included in lists of organizations that contributed to the Hamas-affiliated Charity Coalition in 2001 and 2002.
Since the summer of 2002, authorities in The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and the U.S. have taken administrative and/or law enforcement action against the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION and some of its leaders based on evidence of the organization's support for Hamas and other terrorist groups. Pursuant to a July 31, 2002 administrative order, German authorities closed the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Germany for supporting Hamas.
In April 2003, Dutch authorities blocked AL-AQSA FOUNDATION assets in The Netherlands based on information that funds were provided to organizations supporting terrorism in the Middle East. Criminal charges against some AL-AQSA FOUNDATION officials were also filed.
On January 1, 2003, the Danish government charged three AL-AQSA FOUNDATION officials in Denmark for supporting terrorism. Also, the head of the Yemeni branch of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION, Shaykh Muhammad Ali Hassan AL-MUAYAD, was arrested for providing support to terrorist organizations including Al-Qaeda and Hamas in January 2003 by German authorities.
In Scandinavia, the Oslo, Norway-based Islamic League used the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden to channel funds from some members of the Islamic community in Oslo, Norway to Hamas. In late 2001 for example, a human courier was used to transfer funds from the Islamic League in Norway to the AL- AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden. In another instance in 2002, money, gold and jewelry were collected by the Islamic League (in Oslo, Norway) and transferred to the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden to be provided to Hamas.
At the Islamic League of Norway's annual conference held on May 18 and 19, 2002, the General Secretary of the Islamic League in Sweden urged all Muslims to provide support and to participate in continuing the suicide operations against Israel. He called for further financial support from all conference participants to the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Sweden, noting that this financial support could contribute to the destruction of Israel.
Strong ties have existed between the Hamas and AL-AQSA FOUNDATION offices in Yemen. Officials of the organizations met frequently and the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION was identified as a "Hamas-affiliate." As discussed in a previously unsealed FBI Affidavit, AL-MUAYAD, the head of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Yemen, has allegedly provided money, arms, recruits and communication equipment for Al-Qaeda. At least until AL-MUAYAD's arrest, Ali Muqbil, the General Manager of the AL-AQSA FOUNDATION in Yemen and a Hamas official, transferred funds on AL-MUAYAD’s orders to Hamas, PIJ or other Palestinian organizations assisting "Palestinian fighters." The disbursements were recorded as contributions for charitable projects. Through channels such as this, AL-MUAYAD reportedly provided more than U.S. $3 million to the "Palestinian cause".
HEAD OFFICE:Aachen, Germany
BRANCH OFFICES:Rotterdam, Holland
Copenhagen, Denmark
Brussels, Belgium
San’a, Yemen
Malmo, Sweden
Johannesburg, South Africa
Islamabad, Pakistan
tisdag, maj 24, 2005
Öppet brev angående antisemitismen i Malmö
Till Malmö stad, Polisen och media
Under senare år har hotbilden mot den judiska församlingen och enskilda judar i Malmö-regionen och f.ö. i hela Sverige allvarligt förvärrats. Det tar sig bl.a. uttryck i skadegörelse på begravningsplatser, kapell och annan egendom som ägs av den judiska församlingen och enskilda judar. Detta sänder kusliga signaler i hela vårt samhälle med associationer till de händelser och mekanismer som föregick och möjliggjorde Förintelsen.
När de danska judarna räddades undan nazisternas utrotning 1943 blev Malmö en räddningens hamn och en fristad för många. Svenska myndigheter, organisationer och enskilda gjorde stora insatser i denna numera legendariska räddningsaktion.
Det finns nu anledning för Malmö stad och Polisen att åter göra en insats. Det skulle bli en kraftfull markering mot den tilltagande antisemitismen. Ett utmärkt sätt att visa detta är att ansvara för nödvändig bevakning och för kostnader för skyddsanordningar, säkerhet och reparationer p.g.a. skadegörelse. Det senaste året har t.ex. det judiska begravningskapellet på Östra kyrkogården i Malmö utsatts för minst sex attentat. Att ta ansvaret för de kostnader som antisemitismen orsakar borde vara en uppgift för samhället.
Vi ser det som fullständigt orimligt att offren själva skall stå för kostnaderna för övergreppen. Varje form av främlingsfientlighet och diskriminering är av ondo, men just antisemitismen är av en allvarligare och mer destruktiv karaktär än något annat och alltid riktad mot ett och samma folk. Antisemitismen är djupt rotad i tusenåriga fördomar och har ständigt orsakat hat, hot, ofattbart lidande och död för det judiska folket. Det gamla talesättet ”det börjar med judarna” äger tyvärr fortfarande sin aktualitet.
Judar som överlevt Förintelsen bildade i Malmö 1991 en förening med namnet Förintelsens Ögonvittnen. Gruppens medlemmar har, utan ekonomisk ersättning, hittills berättat i främst skolor i vår region om sina egna traumatiska upplevelser för över 100 000 elever och skolanställda. Trots att det ständiga berättandet varje gång är som att återuppleva lidandet har Förintelsens Ögonvittnen gjort denna stora personliga uppoffring som sitt bidrag i kampen mot antisemitism och främlingsfientlighet. Detta har varit och är en ovärderlig samhällsinsats som på allt sätt bör uppmuntras och uppskattas. Vi får inte glömma att Förintelsen faktiskt ägt rum mitt i Europa i vår egen tid.
Här i Malmö har vi en stor judisk befolkningsgrupp med bl.a. en omtalad och vacker synagoga. Ett kraftfullt gemensamt agerande i Malmö skulle upplevas som en tydlig markering i det godas tjänst och det skulle väga tyngre än orden i uttalanden och deklarationer. Malmö skulle då komma att uppfattas som ett föredöme i Sverige och i hela världen, där antisemitismens konsekvenser blir alltmer påtagliga.
Öppet brev antaget vid årsmöte den 18 maj 2005.
Samfundet Sverige-Israel avdelning Malmö-Lund
Under senare år har hotbilden mot den judiska församlingen och enskilda judar i Malmö-regionen och f.ö. i hela Sverige allvarligt förvärrats. Det tar sig bl.a. uttryck i skadegörelse på begravningsplatser, kapell och annan egendom som ägs av den judiska församlingen och enskilda judar. Detta sänder kusliga signaler i hela vårt samhälle med associationer till de händelser och mekanismer som föregick och möjliggjorde Förintelsen.
När de danska judarna räddades undan nazisternas utrotning 1943 blev Malmö en räddningens hamn och en fristad för många. Svenska myndigheter, organisationer och enskilda gjorde stora insatser i denna numera legendariska räddningsaktion.
Det finns nu anledning för Malmö stad och Polisen att åter göra en insats. Det skulle bli en kraftfull markering mot den tilltagande antisemitismen. Ett utmärkt sätt att visa detta är att ansvara för nödvändig bevakning och för kostnader för skyddsanordningar, säkerhet och reparationer p.g.a. skadegörelse. Det senaste året har t.ex. det judiska begravningskapellet på Östra kyrkogården i Malmö utsatts för minst sex attentat. Att ta ansvaret för de kostnader som antisemitismen orsakar borde vara en uppgift för samhället.
Vi ser det som fullständigt orimligt att offren själva skall stå för kostnaderna för övergreppen. Varje form av främlingsfientlighet och diskriminering är av ondo, men just antisemitismen är av en allvarligare och mer destruktiv karaktär än något annat och alltid riktad mot ett och samma folk. Antisemitismen är djupt rotad i tusenåriga fördomar och har ständigt orsakat hat, hot, ofattbart lidande och död för det judiska folket. Det gamla talesättet ”det börjar med judarna” äger tyvärr fortfarande sin aktualitet.
Judar som överlevt Förintelsen bildade i Malmö 1991 en förening med namnet Förintelsens Ögonvittnen. Gruppens medlemmar har, utan ekonomisk ersättning, hittills berättat i främst skolor i vår region om sina egna traumatiska upplevelser för över 100 000 elever och skolanställda. Trots att det ständiga berättandet varje gång är som att återuppleva lidandet har Förintelsens Ögonvittnen gjort denna stora personliga uppoffring som sitt bidrag i kampen mot antisemitism och främlingsfientlighet. Detta har varit och är en ovärderlig samhällsinsats som på allt sätt bör uppmuntras och uppskattas. Vi får inte glömma att Förintelsen faktiskt ägt rum mitt i Europa i vår egen tid.
Här i Malmö har vi en stor judisk befolkningsgrupp med bl.a. en omtalad och vacker synagoga. Ett kraftfullt gemensamt agerande i Malmö skulle upplevas som en tydlig markering i det godas tjänst och det skulle väga tyngre än orden i uttalanden och deklarationer. Malmö skulle då komma att uppfattas som ett föredöme i Sverige och i hela världen, där antisemitismens konsekvenser blir alltmer påtagliga.
Öppet brev antaget vid årsmöte den 18 maj 2005.
Samfundet Sverige-Israel avdelning Malmö-Lund
HAMAS, Nobelvägen 79, Malmö

I en liten affärslokal på Nobelvägen 79 finns Al-Aqsa Spannmåls Stiftelse.
Den ser oskyldig ut och uppger sig samla in pengar till änkor och faderlösa i Mellanöstern. I verkligheten är den en av den islamistiska terrororganisationen Hamas många täckorganisationer i Europa. De bryr sig inte ens om att maskera verksamheten särskilt väl. På en engelsk Hamas-hemsida listas under rubriken Guds Union 17 föreningar och stiftelser i Västeuropa. De flesta använder namnet Al-Aqsa och samtliga slussar stora belopp varje år till Hamas verksamhet.
De tyska och danska myndigheterna har stängt Al-Aqsa-stiftelserna i sina länder sedan de kunnat konstatera att åtskilliga miljoner sänts direkt till Hamas s k militära verksamhet, d v s terror mot civila i Israel.
Stiftelserna har omsatt mycket stora belopp eftersom zakat, (den frivilliga) religösa skatten från en mängd församlingar betalats in till dem.
Den lilla affären på Nobelvägen tar emot all zakat från Norge, Sverige och sannolikt Danmark. Svenska myndigheter, och då talar jag ffa om SÄPO, har känt till verksamheten i flera år men inte gjort något. Min misstanke är att det har ansetts som så politiskt känsligt att UD har tillfrågats och sedan sker självklart ingenting.
Stiftelsens egen presentation finns här
måndag, maj 23, 2005
Leaving no french islamist behind
Leaving No French Islamist Behind
By Olivier GuittaThe Weekly Standard May 20, 2005
An official report dealing with religious expression in French schools has become a must read for anyone interested in the Islamization of France. Written under the auspices of the top national education official, Jean-Pierre Obin, the report was not initially released by the Ministry of Education. But it was leaked on the Internet in March and now can be found in its entirety at www.proche-orient.info and other websites.
The 37-page report is the product of a study carried out between October 2003 and May 2004 by a team of 10 inspectors, including Obin. In addition to examining the recent literature on religion and schools in France, they visited 61 academic and vocational high schools in 24 départements, chosen not as a cross-section of public schools, but rather as schools typical of those where religious expression has become a problem because of the high concentration of ethnic and religious minorities. Many are located in ethnically segregated neighborhoods now often referred to, the report says, "by analogy with the United States, as 'ghettos.'"
In each school, inspectors interviewed the management team, staff, and teachers, as well as lay people from the community, including parents, social workers, and elected officials. In addition, regional education officials were asked to submit accounts of their experiences in primary schools.
Amid much diversity--some of the schools were rural, some urban; some had fairly homogeneous student populations, others immigrants from many different countries--the inspectors report two consistent findings: a marked increase in religious expression, especially Muslim expression, in schools; and denial on the part of officials at all levels--from the classroom, to the principal's office, to the regional administration--that this phenomenon is occurring.
The researchers began by studying the neighborhoods surrounding the schools. Mostly, these were depressed areas abandoned by anyone with a secure income. The report describes the flight of "French" residents and "European" shops--sometimes after they have been the targets of violence--in tandem with the arrival of immigrants and the collapse of real estate values.
Scores of informants told the Obin team that these neighborhoods were undergoing a "rapid and recent swing" toward Islamization, thanks to the growing influence of religious activists. These young men, intense and highly intellectual in their piety, are sometimes former residents of the neighborhood who have been to prison, where they were converted to Islam. More often, however, they are educated men with degrees from universities in France, North Africa, or the Middle East. They have come to be known as "bearded ones" (distinctive beards are a marker of Muslim purists and extremists--think of bin Laden) or "big brothers" (a name evocative of the worldwide jihadist movement's Muslim Brotherhood), and they offer young people a proud identity--Muslim--in place of the dismal identity of unassimilated immigrant.
The biggest social change entailed by this Islamization, Obin reports, is a deterioration in the position of females. Teenage girls are forbidden to play sports and are constantly watched by an informal religious police made up of young men, sometimes their own younger brothers. Makeup, skirts, and form-fitting dresses are forbidden; dark, loose trousers are the strongly recommended attire. To go to the blackboard in front of a class, some Muslim girls put on long coats. Often, they are forced to wear the headscarf, or hijab, and forbidden to frequent coed movie theaters, community centers, and gyms, or even to go out at all on weekends. Lots of young women were afraid to tell the Obin team what punishments are in store for them if they disobey. Not only female students but also female teachers, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, are frequently subjected to sexist remarks by male teenagers.
In primary schools, the report cites instances of first grade boys' refusing to participate in coed activities and Muslim children's refusing to sing, dance, or draw a face. In one school, restrooms were segregated: some for Muslim students and some for "French." Some lunchrooms were segregated, by section or table. Some students required halal meat; at one school, the principal provided only halal meat for everyone.
With Muslim proselytizing on the rise, the report states that students are under pressure to observe Ramadan, the annual month during which Muslims fast during the day. In some high schools, it is simply impossible for Muslim kids not to join in, whether they like it or not. Obin cites one student who tried to commit suicide because of intimidation and threats from other kids over this issue. Obin also emphasizes that many conversions to Islam are taking place under duress.
Inevitably, the report records rampant "Judeophobia," to use the term in vogue in France. Among even the youngest students, the term "Jew" has become the all-purpose insult. Obin deplores the fact that principals and teachers do not strenuously object to this, treating it simply as part of the youth culture. Even more serious is the increase in assaults on Jews or those presumed to be Jewish. Usually the assailants are Muslim students. Sometimes the victims are, too: One Turkish high-school girl was relentlessly harassed and bullied at school because her country is an ally of Israel. The section of the report on anti-Semitism winds up with this sad conclusion: In France today, Jewish kids are not welcome at every school. Many are forced to switch schools or even conceal their identity to escape anti-Semitism.
According to the report, Muslim students perceive a large gap between the French and themselves. Even though most of the Muslim kids are actually French citizens, they see themselves as Muslims first, and more and more of them hail Osama bin Laden as their hero. In their eyes, he represents a victorious Islam triumphing over the West.
Finally, the report discusses a host of difficulties teachers encounter in dealing with specific subjects in the classroom. Most Muslim kids refuse to participate in sports or swimming, the girls out of modesty, the boys because they do not want to swim in "girls' water" or "non-Muslim water." When it comes to literature, French philosophers such as Voltaire and Rousseau are very often boycotted because of their supposed Islamophobia. Molière, the father of French satiric comedy, is among the writers most often boycotted.
As for history, Muslim students object to its Judeo-Christian bias and blatant falsehood. They loudly protest the Crusades, and commonly deny the Holocaust. Under the circumstances, many teachers censor their own material, often skipping entire topics, like the history of Israel or of Christianity. The report cites one teacher who keeps a Koran on his desk for reference whenever a thorny issue arises. It cites Muslim students who refuse to use the plus sign in mathematics because it looks like a cross. Field trips, especially to churches, cathedrals, and monasteries, are boycotted.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, these pathologies are now present across France. Muslim "ghettos" are found not only in the suburbs of major cities but in towns and villages as well. Obin describes them as islands of counterculture, sealed off and opposed to modern democratic society.
Summing up, Obin explains his disturbing findings as the result primarily of indoctrination orchestrated over years by international Muslim organizations. From an early age, students are taught what to think, what to believe, and to regard their school teachers as liars. The goal of the radical groups seeking to segregate Muslim communities and denouncing integration as oppression, Obin writes, is to take the Muslim residents of France out of the French nation and make them think of themselves as part of the international Muslim community.
In a particularly interesting observation, Obin notes that it is the schools that have reached accommodations with the extremists that are most plagued by violence against girls, Jews, and teachers. Schools that refuse to tolerate the intolerable have coped much better with the problems described in the report. As a result, Obin calls for a policy of no compromise with Islamist demands.
Still unclear is how French educators can be expected to hang tough while their government refuses to own up to the problem--as demonstrated by its failure to make public the Obin report. With the Muslim share of the French population already over 10 percent and growing, the schools are only the tip of the iceberg.
Olivier Guitta is a freelance writer specializing in the Middle East and Europe
By Olivier GuittaThe Weekly Standard May 20, 2005
An official report dealing with religious expression in French schools has become a must read for anyone interested in the Islamization of France. Written under the auspices of the top national education official, Jean-Pierre Obin, the report was not initially released by the Ministry of Education. But it was leaked on the Internet in March and now can be found in its entirety at www.proche-orient.info and other websites.
The 37-page report is the product of a study carried out between October 2003 and May 2004 by a team of 10 inspectors, including Obin. In addition to examining the recent literature on religion and schools in France, they visited 61 academic and vocational high schools in 24 départements, chosen not as a cross-section of public schools, but rather as schools typical of those where religious expression has become a problem because of the high concentration of ethnic and religious minorities. Many are located in ethnically segregated neighborhoods now often referred to, the report says, "by analogy with the United States, as 'ghettos.'"
In each school, inspectors interviewed the management team, staff, and teachers, as well as lay people from the community, including parents, social workers, and elected officials. In addition, regional education officials were asked to submit accounts of their experiences in primary schools.
Amid much diversity--some of the schools were rural, some urban; some had fairly homogeneous student populations, others immigrants from many different countries--the inspectors report two consistent findings: a marked increase in religious expression, especially Muslim expression, in schools; and denial on the part of officials at all levels--from the classroom, to the principal's office, to the regional administration--that this phenomenon is occurring.
The researchers began by studying the neighborhoods surrounding the schools. Mostly, these were depressed areas abandoned by anyone with a secure income. The report describes the flight of "French" residents and "European" shops--sometimes after they have been the targets of violence--in tandem with the arrival of immigrants and the collapse of real estate values.
Scores of informants told the Obin team that these neighborhoods were undergoing a "rapid and recent swing" toward Islamization, thanks to the growing influence of religious activists. These young men, intense and highly intellectual in their piety, are sometimes former residents of the neighborhood who have been to prison, where they were converted to Islam. More often, however, they are educated men with degrees from universities in France, North Africa, or the Middle East. They have come to be known as "bearded ones" (distinctive beards are a marker of Muslim purists and extremists--think of bin Laden) or "big brothers" (a name evocative of the worldwide jihadist movement's Muslim Brotherhood), and they offer young people a proud identity--Muslim--in place of the dismal identity of unassimilated immigrant.
The biggest social change entailed by this Islamization, Obin reports, is a deterioration in the position of females. Teenage girls are forbidden to play sports and are constantly watched by an informal religious police made up of young men, sometimes their own younger brothers. Makeup, skirts, and form-fitting dresses are forbidden; dark, loose trousers are the strongly recommended attire. To go to the blackboard in front of a class, some Muslim girls put on long coats. Often, they are forced to wear the headscarf, or hijab, and forbidden to frequent coed movie theaters, community centers, and gyms, or even to go out at all on weekends. Lots of young women were afraid to tell the Obin team what punishments are in store for them if they disobey. Not only female students but also female teachers, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, are frequently subjected to sexist remarks by male teenagers.
In primary schools, the report cites instances of first grade boys' refusing to participate in coed activities and Muslim children's refusing to sing, dance, or draw a face. In one school, restrooms were segregated: some for Muslim students and some for "French." Some lunchrooms were segregated, by section or table. Some students required halal meat; at one school, the principal provided only halal meat for everyone.
With Muslim proselytizing on the rise, the report states that students are under pressure to observe Ramadan, the annual month during which Muslims fast during the day. In some high schools, it is simply impossible for Muslim kids not to join in, whether they like it or not. Obin cites one student who tried to commit suicide because of intimidation and threats from other kids over this issue. Obin also emphasizes that many conversions to Islam are taking place under duress.
Inevitably, the report records rampant "Judeophobia," to use the term in vogue in France. Among even the youngest students, the term "Jew" has become the all-purpose insult. Obin deplores the fact that principals and teachers do not strenuously object to this, treating it simply as part of the youth culture. Even more serious is the increase in assaults on Jews or those presumed to be Jewish. Usually the assailants are Muslim students. Sometimes the victims are, too: One Turkish high-school girl was relentlessly harassed and bullied at school because her country is an ally of Israel. The section of the report on anti-Semitism winds up with this sad conclusion: In France today, Jewish kids are not welcome at every school. Many are forced to switch schools or even conceal their identity to escape anti-Semitism.
According to the report, Muslim students perceive a large gap between the French and themselves. Even though most of the Muslim kids are actually French citizens, they see themselves as Muslims first, and more and more of them hail Osama bin Laden as their hero. In their eyes, he represents a victorious Islam triumphing over the West.
Finally, the report discusses a host of difficulties teachers encounter in dealing with specific subjects in the classroom. Most Muslim kids refuse to participate in sports or swimming, the girls out of modesty, the boys because they do not want to swim in "girls' water" or "non-Muslim water." When it comes to literature, French philosophers such as Voltaire and Rousseau are very often boycotted because of their supposed Islamophobia. Molière, the father of French satiric comedy, is among the writers most often boycotted.
As for history, Muslim students object to its Judeo-Christian bias and blatant falsehood. They loudly protest the Crusades, and commonly deny the Holocaust. Under the circumstances, many teachers censor their own material, often skipping entire topics, like the history of Israel or of Christianity. The report cites one teacher who keeps a Koran on his desk for reference whenever a thorny issue arises. It cites Muslim students who refuse to use the plus sign in mathematics because it looks like a cross. Field trips, especially to churches, cathedrals, and monasteries, are boycotted.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, these pathologies are now present across France. Muslim "ghettos" are found not only in the suburbs of major cities but in towns and villages as well. Obin describes them as islands of counterculture, sealed off and opposed to modern democratic society.
Summing up, Obin explains his disturbing findings as the result primarily of indoctrination orchestrated over years by international Muslim organizations. From an early age, students are taught what to think, what to believe, and to regard their school teachers as liars. The goal of the radical groups seeking to segregate Muslim communities and denouncing integration as oppression, Obin writes, is to take the Muslim residents of France out of the French nation and make them think of themselves as part of the international Muslim community.
In a particularly interesting observation, Obin notes that it is the schools that have reached accommodations with the extremists that are most plagued by violence against girls, Jews, and teachers. Schools that refuse to tolerate the intolerable have coped much better with the problems described in the report. As a result, Obin calls for a policy of no compromise with Islamist demands.
Still unclear is how French educators can be expected to hang tough while their government refuses to own up to the problem--as demonstrated by its failure to make public the Obin report. With the Muslim share of the French population already over 10 percent and growing, the schools are only the tip of the iceberg.
Olivier Guitta is a freelance writer specializing in the Middle East and Europe
Calls for Israel´s destruction in London
Calls for Israel's destruction in London
May. 22, 2005
A central London rally organized by the British Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Saturday heard Respect Party MP George Galloway advocate a general boycott of Israel, as well as other speeches calling for Israel's destruction.
Dark gray clouds poured heavy rain on London's Trafalgar Square, as a crowd waving Palestine flags and anti-Israel banners filled the square to hear speakers shout vitriolic anti-Israel speeches. Demonstrators chanted Islamic slogans and flags calling for "victory to the intifada" were waved. Leading figures in Britain's anti-Israel coalition also lined up to attack Israel.
Andrew Birgin, of the Stop the War Coalition, urged the destruction of the State of Israel. "Israel is a racist state! It is an apartheid state! With its Apache helicopters and its F-16 fighter jets! The South African apartheid state never inflicted the sort of repression that Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians," he said to loud applause. "When there is real democracy, there will be no more Israel!" concluded Birgin. "Allahu Akbar!" yelled several men repeatedly in response.
Speaking to The Jerusalem Post, Birgin said he was referring to Israel "in the sense that it exists now," and said he wanted to see a "democratic secular state in which peace can move forward."
The Palestinian representative to the UK, Husam Zomlot, also addressed the rally.
"As we speak today, the Israelis are continuing the ethnic cleansing campaign they started in 1948," he said. "To the Israelis, I say that there will absolutely be no peace without the right of return." "The right of return is non-negotiable! Apartheid no more!" exclaimed Zomlot.
"We urge our government to cease all trade with Israel," said Jeremy Corbyn, a backbench Labor MP, who went on to express support for nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu.
Former Labor MP Tony Benn said that "the apartheid wall should be removed," referring to the security fence built by Israel to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from reaching Israeli cities.
Calling American president George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon the "two most dangerous men in the world," Benn condemned America's military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel's anti-terrorism measures.
"My dear friends, if this process continues, there will be possibly some sort of a world war," said Benn. "We are talking about respect for international law," he added.
Paul Mackney, president of Britain's second largest university teachers' union, NATPHE, also spoke to the rally. "We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Palestinian refugee camps are like open air prisons," said Mackney. "The Israeli army frequently invades them. There will be no peace in the Middle East until there is justice for the Palestinian people.
"We are calling on all unions to join us," he added. There has been speculation that NATPHE may hold a vote in its upcoming meeting to join the AUT's boycott of Israeli universities.
Galloway, the newly elected MP for the anti-Iraq war Respect Party, used the rally as an attempt to launch an international boycott of Israel.
"It's about time that the British government made some reparations for the Balfour declaration," said Galloway. "Instead, Tony Blair said that Israel has no better friend than the British government. We say to Mr. Blair: You should be ashamed by that.
"The Palestinian people are like the 300 Spartans holding the pass of Thermopylae, until the others can arrive and come to their side. We will join them, by boycotting Israel. By boycotting Israeli goods. By picketing the stores that are selling Israeli goods," he said to cheers and applause.
Azzam Tamimi, head of the Muslim Association of Britain, delivered an Islamist speech, guided by an ideology that rejects nation states in favor of a global Islamic state. "There are 22 stupid Arab states, why have another stupid Palestinian state?" he asked. "I don't want another Palestinian state, I want Jaffa free, I want Haifa free, I want every inch of Palestine free!
"I don't want to see any form of racist nationalism. And the most racist form of nationalism is Zionism. The problem is with a nationalist ideology that is the most racist on the face of the earth."
Stuart Pexley, a former Catholic bishop, and a member of Pax Christi, said: "Jesus Christ attempted to create a new humanity without divisions. As a Christian I am opposed to the apartheid wall."
"This morning we've had a message from the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions, saying they support the AUT boycott, and call for the May 26 AUT conference to boycott Haifa and Bar-Ilan University," said Corbyn, before introducing Sue Blackwell, the Birmingham lecturer who presented anti-Israel boycott motions passed by the Association of University Teachers last month.
Blackwell attacked opponents to the boycott of Israeli universities, listing the Board of Deputies, the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress.
"We can't expel anyone from the union for breaking the boycott, so why is it that the whole world has gone completely hysterical?" she asked.
She bitterly criticized the upcoming emergency May 26 AUT meeting which will vote on a motion to overturn the boycotts. "When the issue is Israel, suddenly the procedures of the union are undemocratic, and a special meeting of the council has to be called, in over to overturn the motion. Comrades, it's not us who are making a special case for Israel, it's the people who lost the vote who are," said Blackwell.
"I'm not very optimistic about the outcome," she added "We are up against a backlash, being promoted by a well-organized, well-funded pro-Israeli lobby." Blackwell also attacked the University of Haifa, and accused it of holding a "racist conference on Arab demographics."
"I stand absolutely by every word in the motion. What we said about Haifa is an understatement. This is a university, which just hosted a conference, two days after the anniversary of the Nakba, entitled 'The demographic problem.' Brothers and sisters, a university which organizes a racist conference as Haifa has just done deserves every bit of trouble it gets from trade unionists in the UK."
"We did not defame Haifa, but what is defamatory is attacks in the press calling us anti-Semitic," said Blackwell.
Speaking to the Post about links on her personal homepage to neo-Nazi Web sites, she described as "defamatory rubbish" the article that exposed them. Blackwell promised to "make a statement" to the Post about the links, which she has since removed, in the near future.
The rally was also attended by members of the fringe anti-Zionist haredi Natorei Karta sect, who held signs which read: "Palestine from the Jordan River to the Sea." "We are abiding by the Torah," said one member. "They [the Israelis] have no right to exist. Israel will fail. Before Israel, Jews were living well in Arab countries," he added.
May. 22, 2005
A central London rally organized by the British Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Saturday heard Respect Party MP George Galloway advocate a general boycott of Israel, as well as other speeches calling for Israel's destruction.
Dark gray clouds poured heavy rain on London's Trafalgar Square, as a crowd waving Palestine flags and anti-Israel banners filled the square to hear speakers shout vitriolic anti-Israel speeches. Demonstrators chanted Islamic slogans and flags calling for "victory to the intifada" were waved. Leading figures in Britain's anti-Israel coalition also lined up to attack Israel.
Andrew Birgin, of the Stop the War Coalition, urged the destruction of the State of Israel. "Israel is a racist state! It is an apartheid state! With its Apache helicopters and its F-16 fighter jets! The South African apartheid state never inflicted the sort of repression that Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians," he said to loud applause. "When there is real democracy, there will be no more Israel!" concluded Birgin. "Allahu Akbar!" yelled several men repeatedly in response.
Speaking to The Jerusalem Post, Birgin said he was referring to Israel "in the sense that it exists now," and said he wanted to see a "democratic secular state in which peace can move forward."
The Palestinian representative to the UK, Husam Zomlot, also addressed the rally.
"As we speak today, the Israelis are continuing the ethnic cleansing campaign they started in 1948," he said. "To the Israelis, I say that there will absolutely be no peace without the right of return." "The right of return is non-negotiable! Apartheid no more!" exclaimed Zomlot.
"We urge our government to cease all trade with Israel," said Jeremy Corbyn, a backbench Labor MP, who went on to express support for nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu.
Former Labor MP Tony Benn said that "the apartheid wall should be removed," referring to the security fence built by Israel to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from reaching Israeli cities.
Calling American president George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon the "two most dangerous men in the world," Benn condemned America's military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel's anti-terrorism measures.
"My dear friends, if this process continues, there will be possibly some sort of a world war," said Benn. "We are talking about respect for international law," he added.
Paul Mackney, president of Britain's second largest university teachers' union, NATPHE, also spoke to the rally. "We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Palestinian refugee camps are like open air prisons," said Mackney. "The Israeli army frequently invades them. There will be no peace in the Middle East until there is justice for the Palestinian people.
"We are calling on all unions to join us," he added. There has been speculation that NATPHE may hold a vote in its upcoming meeting to join the AUT's boycott of Israeli universities.
Galloway, the newly elected MP for the anti-Iraq war Respect Party, used the rally as an attempt to launch an international boycott of Israel.
"It's about time that the British government made some reparations for the Balfour declaration," said Galloway. "Instead, Tony Blair said that Israel has no better friend than the British government. We say to Mr. Blair: You should be ashamed by that.
"The Palestinian people are like the 300 Spartans holding the pass of Thermopylae, until the others can arrive and come to their side. We will join them, by boycotting Israel. By boycotting Israeli goods. By picketing the stores that are selling Israeli goods," he said to cheers and applause.
Azzam Tamimi, head of the Muslim Association of Britain, delivered an Islamist speech, guided by an ideology that rejects nation states in favor of a global Islamic state. "There are 22 stupid Arab states, why have another stupid Palestinian state?" he asked. "I don't want another Palestinian state, I want Jaffa free, I want Haifa free, I want every inch of Palestine free!
"I don't want to see any form of racist nationalism. And the most racist form of nationalism is Zionism. The problem is with a nationalist ideology that is the most racist on the face of the earth."
Stuart Pexley, a former Catholic bishop, and a member of Pax Christi, said: "Jesus Christ attempted to create a new humanity without divisions. As a Christian I am opposed to the apartheid wall."
"This morning we've had a message from the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions, saying they support the AUT boycott, and call for the May 26 AUT conference to boycott Haifa and Bar-Ilan University," said Corbyn, before introducing Sue Blackwell, the Birmingham lecturer who presented anti-Israel boycott motions passed by the Association of University Teachers last month.
Blackwell attacked opponents to the boycott of Israeli universities, listing the Board of Deputies, the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress.
"We can't expel anyone from the union for breaking the boycott, so why is it that the whole world has gone completely hysterical?" she asked.
She bitterly criticized the upcoming emergency May 26 AUT meeting which will vote on a motion to overturn the boycotts. "When the issue is Israel, suddenly the procedures of the union are undemocratic, and a special meeting of the council has to be called, in over to overturn the motion. Comrades, it's not us who are making a special case for Israel, it's the people who lost the vote who are," said Blackwell.
"I'm not very optimistic about the outcome," she added "We are up against a backlash, being promoted by a well-organized, well-funded pro-Israeli lobby." Blackwell also attacked the University of Haifa, and accused it of holding a "racist conference on Arab demographics."
"I stand absolutely by every word in the motion. What we said about Haifa is an understatement. This is a university, which just hosted a conference, two days after the anniversary of the Nakba, entitled 'The demographic problem.' Brothers and sisters, a university which organizes a racist conference as Haifa has just done deserves every bit of trouble it gets from trade unionists in the UK."
"We did not defame Haifa, but what is defamatory is attacks in the press calling us anti-Semitic," said Blackwell.
Speaking to the Post about links on her personal homepage to neo-Nazi Web sites, she described as "defamatory rubbish" the article that exposed them. Blackwell promised to "make a statement" to the Post about the links, which she has since removed, in the near future.
The rally was also attended by members of the fringe anti-Zionist haredi Natorei Karta sect, who held signs which read: "Palestine from the Jordan River to the Sea." "We are abiding by the Torah," said one member. "They [the Israelis] have no right to exist. Israel will fail. Before Israel, Jews were living well in Arab countries," he added.
torsdag, maj 19, 2005
Författningsskyddets årsrapport 2004
Det tyska författningsskyddet har idag presenterat sin årsrapport, som vanligt späckad med information vi sällan ser i medierna. Inte minst avsnittet om de islamistiska organisationerna och deras undergrävande verksamhet är viktigt.
Inrikesminister Otto Schily gav en kort presentation på en presskonferens:
„Als besonders wirkungsvoll haben sich vereinsrechtliche Organisations- und Betätigungsverbote erwiesen“. Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus ist das im Dezember 2004 durch das Bundesverwaltungsgericht bestätigte Verbot des „Al-Aqsa e.V.“. Der Verein hatte Gewalt und Terror im Nahen Osten unterstützt, indem er von ihm gesammelte Spenden an Sozialvereine weiterleitete, die der palästinensisch-islamistischen Terrororganisation HAMAS zuzuordnen sind. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist das Verbot der „Yeni Akit GmbH“, die die anti-jüdische und anti-westliche Hetze verbreitende Zeitung „Anadoluda Vakit“ vertrieben hatte. Zu den zahlreichen Erfolgen deutscher Sicherheitsbehörden im Kampf gegen den islamistischen Terrorismus zählen auch die Aufdeckung eines möglichen Anschlags auf den irakischen Ministerpräsident Allawi bei seinem Deutschland-Besuch im Dezember 2004 durch Mitglieder von „Ansar al Islam“ und die Verhaftung zweier Personen, die verdächtigt werden, Selbstmordanschläge geplant zu haben.".
Finns som vanligt på författningsskyddets hemsida (www.verfassungsschutz.de)
för gratis nedladdning.
Inrikesminister Otto Schily gav en kort presentation på en presskonferens:
„Als besonders wirkungsvoll haben sich vereinsrechtliche Organisations- und Betätigungsverbote erwiesen“. Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus ist das im Dezember 2004 durch das Bundesverwaltungsgericht bestätigte Verbot des „Al-Aqsa e.V.“. Der Verein hatte Gewalt und Terror im Nahen Osten unterstützt, indem er von ihm gesammelte Spenden an Sozialvereine weiterleitete, die der palästinensisch-islamistischen Terrororganisation HAMAS zuzuordnen sind. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist das Verbot der „Yeni Akit GmbH“, die die anti-jüdische und anti-westliche Hetze verbreitende Zeitung „Anadoluda Vakit“ vertrieben hatte. Zu den zahlreichen Erfolgen deutscher Sicherheitsbehörden im Kampf gegen den islamistischen Terrorismus zählen auch die Aufdeckung eines möglichen Anschlags auf den irakischen Ministerpräsident Allawi bei seinem Deutschland-Besuch im Dezember 2004 durch Mitglieder von „Ansar al Islam“ und die Verhaftung zweier Personen, die verdächtigt werden, Selbstmordanschläge geplant zu haben.".
Finns som vanligt på författningsskyddets hemsida (www.verfassungsschutz.de)
för gratis nedladdning.
onsdag, maj 18, 2005
Det brittiska valet I
Den nyligen avslutade valkampanjen i Storbrittanien kommer nog att ihågkommas som en av de svinaktigaste kampanjerna sedan 30-talet.
I den gamla judiska valkretsen Bethnal Green, som nu är centrum i "Banglatown" med en muslimsk majoritet stod den judiska labourledamoten Oona King mot den vänsterextreme populisten George Galloway. Han blev utsparkad från labour p g a sina goda politiska och ekonomiska förbindelser med Sadam Hussein. Nu kandiderade han för sitt eget extremistparti Respect. De riktade in sig på valkretsar med "zionistiska" kandidater och stora muslimska väljargrupper.
Efter en kampanj där King utsatts för ägg- och stenkastning och en internsiv antisemitisk hets lyckades dessvärre Galloway ta mandatet.
BBC kontaterade att i mellan 40 och 50 av de 646 valkretsarna finns idag mer än 10 % muslimer bland väljarna. Även om långtifrån alla brittiska muslimer lyssnar på islamisternas locktoner så tycks i varje fall antisemitismen vara utbredd...
Finns här erfarenheter som vi även ska ta åt oss i Sverige ?
I den gamla judiska valkretsen Bethnal Green, som nu är centrum i "Banglatown" med en muslimsk majoritet stod den judiska labourledamoten Oona King mot den vänsterextreme populisten George Galloway. Han blev utsparkad från labour p g a sina goda politiska och ekonomiska förbindelser med Sadam Hussein. Nu kandiderade han för sitt eget extremistparti Respect. De riktade in sig på valkretsar med "zionistiska" kandidater och stora muslimska väljargrupper.
Efter en kampanj där King utsatts för ägg- och stenkastning och en internsiv antisemitisk hets lyckades dessvärre Galloway ta mandatet.
BBC kontaterade att i mellan 40 och 50 av de 646 valkretsarna finns idag mer än 10 % muslimer bland väljarna. Även om långtifrån alla brittiska muslimer lyssnar på islamisternas locktoner så tycks i varje fall antisemitismen vara utbredd...
Finns här erfarenheter som vi även ska ta åt oss i Sverige ?
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