torsdag, november 04, 2010

YouTube rensar ut Al Qaedafilmer

YouTube meddelade i dag att
de beslutat rensa ut hundratals
våldsförhärligande islamistiska
filmer. Det handlar framförallt
om filmer som kan spåras till
Al Qaeda.
Bland sådant som raderas är den
jemenitiske hatpredikanten Anwar
al-Awlakis många predikningar.
Det var en sådan som inspirerade
Roshonara Choudry att försöka
mörda parlamentsledamoten
Stephen Timms.
Hundreds of videos inciting violence,
including some linked to the suspected
al Qaida mastermind of the cargo
plane terror plot, have been removed
from YouTube.
The clips by Anwar al-Awlaki, a high-

profile member of the terror group
thought to be behind the cargo bomb
plot, were deleted from the video
sharing site and more were being
The videos were highlighted after

a student tried to murder a Labour
MP after being inspired by clips
from the radical cleric.
Roshonara Choudhry, 21, stabbed

Stephen Timms twice in the stomach
after watching the US-born extremist's
online jihadi sermons and was jailed
for life with a minimum term of 15 years.

"Those websites would categorically not
be allowed in the UK. They incite cold-
blooded murder and as such are surely
contrary to the public good."
In one sermon, 44 Ways to Support

Jihad, al-Awlaki told followers:
"Jihad today is obligatory on every
capable Muslim."
A YouTube spokesman said: "YouTube

has community guidelines that prohibit
dangerous or illegal activities such as
bomb-making, hate speech, or incitement
to commit specific and serious acts of
"We also remove all videos and terminate

any account registered by a member of a
designated Foreign Terrorist Organisation
(FTO) and used in an official capacity to
further the interests of the FTO."