är en av Irans främsta allierade i landet.
Han har på något outgrundligt sätt skaffat
sig svenskt pass, vilket dock inte skyddar
honom mot polisen.
Han greps och dömdes till 20 års fängelse
nyligen för terrorverksamhet och kidnappning av
en polis.
Al-Muqdad greps och dömdes redan förra året för
andra terroraktiviteter, men frigavs i februari vid
en amnesti. Nu är han dömd för nya terrordåd.
Han betraktas som nära kopplad till iranska
Samtidigt greps även den "svenske medborgaren"
Khalil Al Halwachi, som ännu inte åtalats.
Al Halwachi upges tillhöra samma iranska terror-
Det pågående upproret i Bahrain handlar
tillsynes om motsättningen mellan sunni-
minoriteten och shiamajoriteten.
Även om demokratin förbättrats i landet
styr fortfarande sunnishejken med fast hand.
En viktig och förbisedd faktor är dock den
iranska ambitionen att skaffa sig kontroll
över det oljerika och ekonomiskt expansiva
Iran betraktar Bahrain som en del av sin
De flesta shiaorganisationer har nära kontakter
med mullorna i Iran. Liksom f ö i Europa....
Iranska revolutionsgardet utbildar bahrainska
frivilliga för kampen mot det saudiska inflytandet
över Bahrain.
The Qods (Jerusalem) Force of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is responsible
for extraterritorial operations, including terrorist
operations. A primary focus for the Qods Force is
training Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups.
Currently, the Qods Force conducts training activities
in Iran and in Sudan. The Qods Force is also responsible
for gathering information required for targeting
and attack planning. The Pasdaran has contacts
with underground movements in the Gulf region,
and Pasdaran members are assigned to Iranian
diplomatic missions, where, in the course of routine
intelligence activities they monitor dissidents.
Pasdaran influence has been particularly
important in Kuwait, Bahrain, and the United
Arab Emirates.
Tehran's objective was to destabilize Arab
Gulf states by supporting fundamentalists
with military, financial, and logistical support.
Members of these and other organizations
receive military training at a Guardians of the
Revolution facility some 100 kilometers south
of Tehran. A variety of of training courses are
conducted at the facility for fundamentalists from
the Gulf states, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, and
Lebanon, including naval operations, mines, and
diving operations in a special camp near the
Orontes River.
The Qods (Jerusalem) Force of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is responsible
for extraterritorial operations, including terrorist
operations. A primary focus for the Qods Force is
training Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups.
Currently, the Qods Force conducts training activities
in Iran and in Sudan. The Qods Force is also responsible
for gathering information required for targeting
and attack planning. The Pasdaran has contacts
with underground movements in the Gulf region,
and Pasdaran members are assigned to Iranian
diplomatic missions, where, in the course of routine
intelligence activities they monitor dissidents.
Pasdaran influence has been particularly
important in Kuwait, Bahrain, and the United
Arab Emirates.
Tehran's objective was to destabilize Arab
Gulf states by supporting fundamentalists
with military, financial, and logistical support.
Members of these and other organizations
receive military training at a Guardians of the
Revolution facility some 100 kilometers south
of Tehran. A variety of of training courses are
conducted at the facility for fundamentalists from
the Gulf states, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, and
Lebanon, including naval operations, mines, and
diving operations in a special camp near the
Orontes River.