Få har väl missat den våg av rasism och kommunism som svept fram över Västvärlden de senaste veckorna. Amerikanska polisen har anklagats för att ha mördat en svart kriminell narkoman och med det som argument har vita mördats, affärer plundrats och hela stadsdelar ockuperats av kommunister.
Även i Sverige har gammelmedierna spytt ut lögner om "mordet", kändisar känt sig kallade att solidarisera sig med kommunismen och poliser "tillfångatagits" och förödmjukats vid demonstrationer. Det senaste sinnesförvirrade tramset tycks vara miljöpartiets kampanj för att riva alla statyer som i MP:s förvirrade hjärnor är icke-PK...(alla gamla kungar, Linné m fl)
Men låt oss se på grundfrågan "Hur dog George Floyd" ?
Det finns faktiskt ett obduktionsprotokoll, som avslöjar de flesta av extremisternas lögner.
Det visar bl a hur Floyd var fullpumpad med olika starka narkotika, som till slut stoppade hans hjärta.
Däremot tyder inget på att polisens halsgrepp kunde lett till andningsstillestånd.
"Förvånansvärt" nog tycks medierna helt ha missat det....
Läs en sammanfattning nedan:
- Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.
- Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.
- The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.
- Floyd already began to complain “I can’t breathe” a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.
- It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
- The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.
- Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him
- In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.
police officers have been charged with Floyd’s murder. Yet all the
evidence points to the fact that Floyd had taken a drug overdose so
strong that his imminent death could hardly have been prevented. In all
likelihood, the police were neither an intentional nor accidental cause
of his death. These crucial facts have been completely ignored in the
is widely believed that George Floyd died from a police officer’s knee
on his neck, whether due to asphyxiation or neck injury. That may be how
it looks, to a naïve viewer. In reality, the county autopsy report says
he died of a heart attack, and states that there were “no life-threatening injuries.” Then how could they conclude it was homicide?
scientists review scientific papers, they look primarily at the
evidence, and give less weight to the conclusions, which are only the
other fellow’s opinions. To blindly follow “expert opinions” is the
Authoritarian View of Knowledge. This is no real knowledge at all,
because to assess whether an expert is always right, we would need
infinite knowledge, and doubly so when experts disagree. Not thinking
for oneself is not really thinking.
let us stick to the evidence. The county’s ambivalent autopsy also
included the following hard facts:
“Toxicology Findings: Blood samples
collected at 9:00 p.m. on May 25th, before Floyd died, tested positive
for the following: Fentanyl 11 ng/mL, Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL,
… Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL … 86 ng/mL of morphine,” but draws no
conclusions therefrom, noting only that “Quantities are given for those
who are medically inclined.”