onsdag, oktober 03, 2012

Islamister mördar 27 studenter i Nigeria

Den islamistiska terrorgruppen
Boko Haram mördade på tisdagen
27 studenter och två säkerhetsvakter
vid ett angrepp på högskolan Mubi Poly-
technic i den nordöstra delstaten
Adamawa i Nigeria. Både kristna och
muslimska studenter tycks ha dödats.
Boko Haram bekämpar all utbildning utom
koranskolor. De kristna ska utrotas/fördrivas.
Muslimska studenter betraktas som
förrädare mot religionen och mördas därför.
One resident who did not want his name
to be used, told the BBC's Hausa service
that men in military uniform went to a hall
of residence away from the Federal Poly-
technic Mubi campus just before midnight,
got the students out of their rooms and
ordered them to say their names.
Some were then shot dead and others
stabbed with knives, and their bodies left
in lines outside the buildings.