Bland dagens vidriga nyheter från
CRIF, the largest organization repre-
senting France’s Jewish population
says that an 83 year old Jewish
woman who was raped in Marseilles
may have been the victim of an anti-
Semitic attack.
Last week, a man followed the elderly
woman into her home in southern France,
before hitting and raping her and stealing
her jewelry.
The attack “may have occurred after the
the woman’s door. A report mentioning
this possibility appeared on the blog JSS
News,” according to a report from the JTA.
“I just found out. This woman is the mother
of a friend, she (the victim) moved to her
daughter in Paris and is totally in shock,”
Daniele Chemla, a friend of the victim’s
family told The Algemeiner.
“How can we tolerate such cruelty?”
För den välorienterade läsaren
behöver vi väl knappast påpeka
att kringströvande judiska och kristna
gäng gör Marseille alltmera osäkert.
Typen av brott (rån+våldtäkt riktad
mot åldrig judinna) tyder ju på
ett kristet extremistgäng,
eller hur ? Allah Akbar !