onsdag, oktober 12, 2011

Terrorvarning för iransk terrorism

USA har idag utfärdat en världs-
omfattande terrorvarning mot
iranska terrordåd. Detta sedan
amerikanska myndigheter lyckats
Det var Quds Force, det iranska
styrka som skulle spränga ambassa-
QF-officerarna Manssor Arbabsiar
och Gholam Shakuri försökte hyra
mördare från en mexikansk knark-
kartell, som skulle mörda saudiern.
Den amerikanska narkotikapolisen
DEA avslöjade försöket.
In a new worldwide travel alert issued
late Tuesday, the department said the
foiled scheme could be sign that Iran
has adopted a "more aggressive
focus" on terrorist activity.
It said Iranian-sponsored attacks could
include strikes in the United States,
where the alleged plot against the
Saudi envoy was supposed to have
taken place, as well as other countries.
"The Department of State alerts
U.S. citizens of the potential for
anti-U.S. actions following the
disruption of a plot, linked to Iran,
to commit a significant terrorist act
in the United States," it said in the
warning that expires on Jan. 11, 2012.