Drawing on jihadist literature that marks a
distinction between dar al-harb (the land of
war, which is not governed by Islamic law and
in which there is no truce between Muslims and
non-Muslims) and dar al-'ahd (the land of
covenant, where Muslims and non-Muslims
have entered into a pact of non-aggression),
Awlaki writes:
Muslims are not bound by the covenants of
citizenship and visa that exist between them
and nations of dar al-harb.
It is the consensus of our scholars that the
property of the disbelievers in dar al-harb is
halal [permissible] for the Muslims and is a
legitimate target for the mujahidin.
Awlaki cautions Muslims to "avoid targeting
citizens of countries where the public opinion
is supportive of some of the Muslim causes."
In such unnamed countries, Awlaki says, it
is best to target "Government owned property,
" "Banks," "Global corporations," and "Wealth
belonging to disbelievers with known animosity
towards Muslims."
With respect to
has no reservations about stealing from
any parties in his former homeland.
"In the case of the
Awlaki writes, "both the government and
private citizens should be targeted."
The al Qaeda cleric surmises:
The American people who vote for war
mongering governments are intent on no
good. Anyone who inflicts harm on them
in any form is doing a favor to the ummah.