tisdag, oktober 05, 2010

Tio "europeiska" terrorister dödade i Pakistan

Den uzbekiske Al Qaedabefälhavaren
Abdallah Umar al Qurayshi dödades
vid ett amerikanskt angrepp med en drone,
d v s ett förarlöst flygplan, i början på
Det skedde i Datta Khelområdet i Norra
Samtidigt dödades bl a åtta terrorister med
tyska medborgarskap och två med brittiska.
De tillhörde de s k européer som skulle
aktiveras vid det Bombayliknande terrordåd,
som flera europeiska länder nu varnar för.
The 10 Europeans are thought to have been
killed in the same strike that killed Qureshi,
a commander in the Islamic Jihad Group
(IJG), a splinter faction of the Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU).
Qureshi is believed to have been helping to
train and facilitate the European plot, which
is said to involve Mumbai-like terror assaults
of armed suicide bombers in major European
cities, a US intelligence official told The Long
War Journal.
Qureshi was
described by AKI as a commander
who "used to receive foreigners especially the
Germans in North Waziristan and then train
them and resend them to their country of origins."
The Islamic Jihad Group is based out of the Mir

Ali region and maintains close ties with al Qaeda
leader Abu Kasha al Iraqi, and with North
Waziristan Taliban commander Hafiz Gul
Bahadar, who controls the Datta Khel region.
The IJG is known to operate a 'German Taliban
village' in Waziristan.
The IJG is a Specially Designated Global Terrorist
organization. Both the IJG and IMU are al Qaeda
affiliates that operate in Afghanistan, Pakistan,
and Central Asia.
"Tyskarna" och "britterna" har övervakats av
respektive säkerhetstjänster en längre tid.
Deras mobiltelefoner avlyssnats och pejlats.
A Pakistani intelligence official said that the
10 Europeans killed in the Sept. 8 strikes
were communicating with their support
cells in Germany and London, and have
been tracked for months.
They have been making calls to Germany

and London," the official told The Associated Press.
"They have been talking about and looking for
facilitators and logistics they need there to
carry out terror strikes."
USA dödade IMU-ledarna Najmuddin Jalolov
och Ilyas Kashmiri vid en attack redan förra
AP kommenterar de många "europeiska"
terroristerna i Pakistan:
Britain's communications monitoring agency,
the Government Communications Headquarters
or GCHQ, estimates there are as many as 20
British-born militants in the border area, especially
in the North Waziristan district that has been
the focus of recent missile strikes carried out by
unmanned aircraft operated by the CIA.
Mobile phone communications have been
tracked from the border area to points in
Britain, particularly England's Midlands, where
there is a heavy Pakistani immigrant population,
according to a British government official who
spoke on condition of anonymity because the
terror plot investigation is ongoing.
Voice-printing software enables British
intelligence to identify and track specific
individuals believed connected to terror plots,
he said.
In addition, a spokeswoman with Germany's
Federal Criminal Police Office said last week
that there is "concrete evidence" that 70 people
have traveled from Germany to Pakistan
and Afghanistan for paramilitary training,
and that about a third of them have returned
to Germany.