fredag, oktober 29, 2010

En internationell shariadomstol ?

Den kunniga Bat Ye´or berättar om en
skrämmande aspekt på Organization
of the Islamic Conference (OIC), som
få observerat. OIC:s idag 56 medlems-
stater förbinder sig att skapa en gemen-
sam internationell shariadomstol.
The Islamic Court of Justice has an
international mandate and could try
foreigners, both Muslims and non-
Muslims (blasphemers, apostates,
resisters to jihad) who have broken
the laws of shari'a anywhere.
Moreover, the claim by the OIC to
be the guardian and protector of
Muslim immigrants living in all
countries that are not members
of the OIC implies an extension
of its jurisdiction and political
influence over all the Muslims
of Europe, North and South
America, and the other non-
Member States.
This situation exacerbates the
danger incurred by non-religious
European Muslims, whether
atheists, apostates, or free
En svensk muslim, som begår "brottet"
att lämna islam kan således gripas och
dömas om han/hon besöker en OIC-
Den internationella shariadomstolen kan
få många skrämmande konsekvenser...
Läs hela artikeln
Läs också
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