Den turkiska staten bygger sedan Kemal
Ataürks tid på en sekulär statsideologi.
Garanten för denna har alltid varit den
mäktiga militären. Sedan Erdogans AKP-
islamister kom till makten har militären
blivit alltmera trängd av de anti-sekulära
krafterna. Medierna har lancerat fantastiska
historier om kemalistiska sammansvärjningar
mot regeringen.
Erdogans kampanj för att knyta Turkiet
närmare Iran, Hamas och Hizballah och
samtidigt bryta förbindelserna med Israel
är också ett led i den anti-sekulära kampen.
Nu berättar DebkaFile om islamisternas
senaste åtgärder mot sina fiender.
1. The prime minister's office in Ankara is
forking out millions of dollars to the IHH
(Insani Yardim Vakfi), the Istanbul-based
terrorist group linked to al Qaeda and Hamas,
with orders to purchase 8-10 large ships for
a formidable fleet to challenge the Israeli
Navy and its enforcement of the 20-mile
blockade of the Gaza Strip.
2. Last week, ahead of the Marmara incident,
Erdogan began deploying at the Turkish end
of Cyprus air, naval and marine units, holding
them ready to combat Israeli takeovers of
Gaza-bound vessels.
He was only restrained from sending them into
action by the last-minute intervention of President
Barack Obama's NSA James Jones and President
Nicolas Sarkozy's chef de bureau who, according
to debkafile's Washington and Paris sources,
threatened him with isolation in NATO and
Europe if he went ahead.
3. At home, the Turkish prime minister shored
up his intelligence ranks ahead of his planned
showdown with Israel, replacing professional
directors for the first time in modern Turkish
history with civilians, radical Muslims close to
him personally.
debkafile names them for the first time here as
Hakan Fidan, the former head of TIKA, the
Turkish International & Development Agency,
who is appointed head of the Central Turkish
Intelligence Agency - MIT, the equivalent of the
Israel Mossad; and Istanbul Governor Muammer
Guler, who is the new Undersecretary for Public
Order and Security, who in fact directs Turkey's
special operations against terrorists.