fredag, september 11, 2009

Tre AQ-terrorister från Sverige gripna

En grupp på tolv terrorister med Al Qaedaanknytning
greps 29 augusti i Pakistan. Tre av dem har kopplingar
(pass, uppehållstillstånd) till Sverige . Den mest kände är
Mehdi Ghezali, en algerisk rånare född i Stockholm.
De två andra är ännu ej identifierade.
Pakistanska The Nation berättar:
DERA GHAZI KHAN - Police in Dera Ghazi Khan have arrested
12 Al-Qaeda-linked foreigners from the vicinity of inter-provincial
Tirrimin checkpost on Indus Highway, bordering NWFP on Friday.
These foreigners including seven Turks, three Swedes, one each
Iranian and Russian were arrested when they illegally crossed
the border. They did not have valid documents and were going
to Waziristan.The initial police investigation into the matter
indicated that they have links with Al-Qaeda. The top provincial
officials may soon hold a Press conference over the issue.
Dera police chief Dr Rizwan Khan said they could be militants as
Islamic literature, CDs, laptops were recovered from them.
It is said they were coming from Turkey via Iran. They had
entered Pakistan through Balochistan.
Den azerbaijanska tidningen TREND:
Police were investigating the possible al-Qaida links of 12 suspected
foreign militants arrested Friday on the edge of the tribal area,
after they allegedly sneaked into the country from Iran, Punjab
provincial police official Mohamad Rizwan said.
"One thing is certain, that they are terrorists," Rizwan said.
The men from Sudan, Russia, Turkey and Iran were arrested in
the city of Dera Ghazi Khan, said Hassan Iqbal, a district official.
Police also seized a laptop computer and $10,000 from the men,
he said.The detainees "had links with Taliban" and wanted
to go to Pakistan's South Waziristan tribal region, Iqbal said,
without giving further details.
Gripandet av gruppen om tolv personer kom bara dagar efter
att pakistansk polis arresterat sju män tillhörande Lashkar-
e-Jhangvi, en islamistisk militant organisation med kopplingar
till al-Qaida. Gruppen sägs ha planerat att attackera ”större
mål” i Karachi, Pakistans största stad. (DN)
Fria Nyheter
hd, svd, sds, gp,