måndag, oktober 20, 2008

Salafister stormar fram i politiken

Salafismen har på några årtionden stormat
fram från att ha varit en udda ideologi bland
nordafrikanska akademiker till en stark
ställning i hela arabvärlden.
Wahhabism, salafism och Muslimska
Brödraskapet är inte identiska, men
smälter i den praktiska politiken
alltmera samman.
AP har gjort en intressant analys av
salafisternas framgångar:

"Salafist groups are gaining in numbers and
influence across the Middle East. In Jordan,
a Salafist was chosen as head of the old-guard
opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood.
In Kuwait, Salafists were elected to parliament
and are leading the resistance to any change
they believe threatens traditional Islamic values.
The gains for Salafists are part of a trend of
turning back to conservatism and religion
after nationalism and democratic reform failed
to fulfill promises to improve people's lives.
Egypt has been at the forefront of change in
both directions, toward liberalization in the
1950s and '60s and back to conservatism
more recently.
The growth of Salafism is visible in dress.
In many parts of Cairo women wear the "niqab,"
a veil which shows at most the eyes rather than
the "hijab" scarf that merely covers the hair.
The men grow their beards long and often
shave off mustaches, a style said to imitate
the Prophet Muhammad.
The word "salafi" in Arabic means "ancestor,"
harking back to a supposedly purer form of
Islam said to have been practiced by
Muhammad and his companions in the
7th century. Salafism preaches strict
segregation of the sexes and resists any
innovation in religion or adoption of
Western ways seen as immoral. "