Jordaniern Thaer Alhalah och marockanen Abedelali
Miftah, som utvisades från Sverige till Tyskland i april,
är nu åtalade för en lång rad terrorismrelaterade brott.
De är tillsammans med tre andra islamister bl a åtalade
för att ha planerat sätta upp en
internationell terrorskola i Sudan.
***"A Jordanian has been indicted in Germany over a plot
to set up a school for terrorists in Sudan, prosecutors said Tuesday.
Thaer A, aged 33, who was picked up by Swedish police in
March and extradited to Germany the following month,
is the second member of the alleged ring of five men to face trial.
German federal prosecutors said the group believed a guerrilla-
style war was approaching and divided up the tasks of
establishing a camp where volunteers could train
for "jihad" or holy war.
A was put in charge of fund-raising and remitting
money abroad and was also involved in recruitment
of new members.
Another man, Redouane e-H from the northern city
of Kiel, has been on trial since July.
A third accused, Abdel Ali M, was extradited from
Sweden to Germany in May."