onsdag, februari 28, 2007

En riktigt hemlig CIA-rapport...

Intresset för hemliga dokument från underrättelse-
världen tycks vara stort.
Därför bjuder jag idag på en riktigt intressant

Den är hemligstämplad (SECRET) och får inte läsas
av utländska medborgare (NOFORN).

Rapporten visar hur fängelser ofta fungerar som
plantskola för terrorister.

"Terrorists groups, including al-Qa'ida, use
incarcerated members to recruit and train
new members, and in some cases run terrorist
organizations and manage or facilitate terrorist

A secret Central Intelligence Agency report

details the recruiting and organizing tactics

of imprisoned al-Qaeda detainees and

the difficulties faced by jailers in combating

these efforts by disciples of Osama bin Laden.

The report, prepared in August 2002 by the

CIA Counterterrorist Center's Office of

Terrorism Analysis, concluded that while

detainees at Guantanamo Bay facilities were

organizing and communicating in accordance

with al-Qaeda training methods, U.S. officials

were hamstrung to counter these moves without

the aid of "inside sources."

Terrorists: Recruiting and Operating behind Bars