fredag, juli 29, 2016

Europas islamisering - på tio minuter

De flesta bilderna har du sett förr....
Men hotet ökar för varje dag, särskilt
är en ren slump ? 


EUROPOLs statistik över gripna terror-islamister 2015
Tänkvärd tablå vid en demonstration i Wien häromdagen.
Flickorna bär skyltar med texterna
Kvinnor i Österrike 2014 - 2016 - 2018
Ytterligare kommentarer överflödiga...

torsdag, juli 28, 2016

Fader Jacques Hamel - en martyr för vår tid

Fader Jacques Hamel, den 86-årige präst som
halshöggs framför altaret mitt under mässan, är
en kristen martyr för Europas islamisering och
De två jihadisterna Abdel Kermiche och Abdel
Malik Petitjean hade före mordet svuret 
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sin vördnad och hyllas nu av
kalifatets nyhetsbyrå som "kalifens soldater".
Efter mordet höll de en predikan på arabiska för
den chockade och oförstående församlingen. 

varje år i Asien och Afrika är det ännu tämligen
få som får offra livet för tron i Europa.
Men antalet ökar hela tiden.
Sommarens pärlband av jihadistdåd i Tyskland
och Frankrike är tyvärr bara en föraning om

Biskopen av Aleppo hyllar i ett uttalande
fader Jacques, men varnar samtidigt USA
och EU för att fortsätta sponsra allsköns
islamister som också försöker utrota
de kristna i Mellanöstern.
Aleppo – The tragic death of Father Jacques Hamel,
the elderly French priest murdered while he was
saying mass, “belongs to the great history of
Christian martyrdom including the recent martyrs
of the Eastern Churches”.
Therefore “it deserves not to be exploited, certainly not
by persons who until recently for their own interests,
thought to exploit the same jihadists invoked by the
priest’s young terrorist murderers ”.

This is how Georges Abou Khazen OFM, Vicar apostolic of
Aleppo for the local Catholics of Latin rite, views from
the Syrian martyr city yesterday morning’s tragic event
in the church Saint Etienne du Rouvray, not far from Rouen.
“Down through the centuries” says the Franciscan Bishop
conversing with Fides, “for Christians, martyrdom has always
been considered the greatest act of faith.
While they mourned their martyrs, they also celebrated
them as Christians who redeem all of us and save the
world, because they take upon their shoulders suffering
for the sake of the name of Jesus, and doing so they
apply to their contemporaries the redemption brought
by Christ”.

For Bishop Georges this event, so close to the mystery of
salvation, shall not be disfigured by persons feigning
indignation for their own political gain.
“For years” says the Vicar apostolic of Aleppo “ we Bishops
in the Middle East have cautioned those western Powers
which to safeguard their own interests do not hesitate
to support those groups of fanatics which pursue jihadist
ideologies. Now I see all around ferocious reactions which
identify all Islam with these groups blinded by an ideology
of hatred and death which seems to be spreading
everywhere along unknown ways. We must be as harmless
as doves and astute as serpents , as the Gospel teaches.
But astuteness does not consist in letting oneself
be contaminated by the poison of the snake”.

tisdag, juli 26, 2016

Kardinal: "Hög tid göra motstånd mot islamiseringen"

Kardinal Raymond Burke, en av Vatikanens
främsta juridiska experter, vågar tala klartext
om hotet mot såväl kristendom som judendom.
väljer han att anlägga ett historiskt perspektiv,
som vi knappast är vana vid idag:
Recalling the Battles of Lepanto (1571)
and Vienna (1683), Cardinal Burke said
that “these historical events relate
directly with the situation of today.
There’s no question that Islam wants
to govern the world.”
(RNS) Amid heightened tensions over ISIS-fueled
terror attacks and anti-Muslim rhetoric, a prominent
U.S. cardinal says Islam “wants to govern the world”
and Americans must decide if they are going to
reassert “the Christian origin of our own nation” in
order to avoid that fate.
Cardinal Raymond Burke, a Rome-based prelate
known as an outspoken conservative and critic
of Pope Francis’ reformist approach, said in
an interview on Wednesday (July 20) that Islam
is “fundamentally a form of government.”
While Catholic teaching recognizes that all
Abrahamic faiths worship the same God, Burke
criticized Catholic leaders who, in an effort to
be tolerant, have a tendency “to simply think that
Islam is a religion like the Catholic faith or the
Jewish faith.”
“That simply is not objectively the case,”
he said.
Burke, who was once archbishop of St. Louis,
stressed that he did not want to be “disrespectful”
of Islam or “generate hostility.”
But he said he worries that many people do
not understand that, in his view, “when they
(Muslims) become the majority in any country
they have the duty to submit the whole
population to Shariah,” as the Islamic
code of law is known.
“But my point is this:
When they become a majority in any country
then they have the religious obligation to
govern that country.
If that’s what the citizens of a nation want,
well, then, they should just allow this to go on.
But if that’s not what they want,
then they have to find a way to deal with it.”
He said that in some cities in France and
Belgium with large Muslim populations
“there are little Muslim states” that are
effectively “no-go zones” for government
– an assertion that is widely disputed.
But Burke claimed “these things aren’t
anomalies for Islam.
This is the way things are to go.
And if you do understand that and you
are not at peace with the idea of being
forcibly under an Islamic government,
then you have reason to be afraid.”
He cited historical examples of famous
military clashes between Muslim forces and
the forces of Christian nations of Europe,
such the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 and
the Battle of Vienna in 1683, both of which
marked defeats for the Ottoman Empire.
“These historical events relate directly
with the situation of today.
There’s no question that Islam wants
to govern the world,” Burke said.
When asked how the West should respond,
the cardinal did not cite or endorse specific
proposals, like those championed by the
Republican presidential nominee Donald
Trump and other conservatives, to ban or
limit Muslims coming into the U.S.
“I think the appropriate response,” he said,
“is to be firm about the Christian origin of
our own nation, and certainly in Europe,
and the Christian foundations of the
government, and to fortify those.”
“I think we have to insist on that.
We have to say no, our country is not
free to become a Muslim state.”


måndag, juli 25, 2016

Terrorvecka i Europa

Mördaren i Reutlingen sedan ett ögonvittne
kört över honom
De senaste veckorna kommer tyvärr att gå till
historien som jihadistiska terrorveckor.
Med start på Frankrikes nationaldag då en
en tung långtradare, två dagar senaste löper 
ett påstått 17-årigt afghanskt "ensamkommande
på en fransk semesterort av en marockansk
islamist, i fredags löper en ung iranier amok på
McDonalds i München och dödar nio personer. 
Även om ett ögonvittne påstår att han skrek
Allahu Akbar vid skjutningen, tycks hans motiv
dock ha varit icke-islamistiskt.
Man bör inte glömma att det fortfarande
finns andra sinnessjukdomar än islam...
Och nu igår, återigen i Bayern:
Syrisk asylsökare hugger ned en gravid kvinna
på gatan i Reutlingen, minst ytterligare tre skadade.
Syrisk självmordsbombare på musikfestival i Ansbach,
spränger bomb sedan hans asylansökan avvisats.
Minst tolv skadade av metallsplitter från
bomb i ryggsäck .
Bayerske inrikesministern säger att han "utgår
ifrån att det finns ett islamistiskt motiv".
Och med undantag av skjutningen i München
tycks alla veckans dåd ha klara jihadistiska motiv.
Det handlar om muslimer "som tar sin religion på
allvar" för att citera ett svenskt statsråd...

Glöm inte Nicolai Sennels nyttiga sommarläsning
I huvudet på en muslim 

lördag, juli 23, 2016

"Terrordåd utan motiv" - Islamisten skrek Allahu Akbar innan han sköt barnen...

Så blev det även denna veckan ett jihadistdåd efter fredagsbönen,
den traditionella terrortidpunkten.
En artonårig iranier mördade nio personer och sårade ett tjugotal
i Münchens Olympiashoppingcenter. Beväpnad med en Glockpistol
började han skjuta inne på McDonalds utanför entrén och sprang
sedan runt en stund på varuhuset. Enligt ögonvittnen sköt han
flera barn. Enl polisen var sju av de mördade tonåringar, de
flesta från Balkan.
Då stora mängder poliser kommit till platsen sköt han sig i
en park i närheten.
Ett ögonvittne inne på McD berättade för CNN att han
skrek Allahu Akbar under skjutningen...
Det finns ännu inget känt om några islamistiska
Däremot kom det omedelbart uppmuntrande tillrop
från kalifatets sociala medier.
Ett löd:
 "Helvetets portar har öppnat sig i München" 

Ännu så länge försöker myndigheterna tona
ned det islamistiska motivet.
Precis som vid tågmassakern i Würzburg.
Men det brukar inte hålla så lång stund...
Först får vi höra en massa om hans psykiska
problem och hur han mobbades i skolan...
Och sedan avslöjas att han var stamkund i
en salafistisk moské och spelat in en
självmordvideo till kalifatet...
Man kan lura folk en tid, men inte hela tiden
Utom i Sverige....

onsdag, juli 20, 2016

Jihadist knivhugger kvinnor på fransk semesterort

En åttaårig flicka svävar mellan liv och död sedan hon
och hennes mor och systrar knivhuggits på en fransk
semesterort av en marockansk jihadist.
Kvinnorna bodde i en semesteranläggning i Högalperna
nära Montpellier.  De åt frukost utomhus när marockanen
Mohamed Boufarkouch plötsligt gick till angrepp med
kniv medan han skrek att de var "osedligt klädda". Yngsta
flickan blev svårast skadad och har flugits till Grenoble
för specialistvård.
Kalifatet hotade senast i förra veckan med
attacker mot semesterorter i Sydeuropa.
Garde-Colombe ligger bara 17 mil från Nice,
där förra veckans massaker ägde rum...
Jihadisten greps nästan omgående.
An eight-year-old girl is fighting for her life after a mum and her three daughters were reportedly stabbed in a French holiday resort for being 'scantily dressed'.

The French family are said to have been targeted while holidaying in Garda-Colombe in the Hautes-Alpes near Montpellier in southern France.
The 46-year-old woman and the girls - aged eight, 12 and 14 - were all attacked before the knifeman fled the scene - according to police.
The eight-year-old was airlifted to hospital in nearby Grenoble with a punctured lung and is in a critical condition.

The 37-year-old man has been identified by French media as Mohamed Boufarkouch, who was born in Morocco.
He is reportedly unknown to the police and gendarmerie.

He was arrested following the incident at around 10am local time (9am UK time) this morning and is still in custody on suspicion of attempted homicide, reports Le Dauphine.

Police say the motive for the attack remains 'vague' but local media reports state the attacker had made references to the females being 'too lightly dressed'.
Eye-witnesses said the mum and her daughters had been having breakfast when they were attacked.

(Enl polisuppgifter har han dock ett tidigare brottsregister...)

tisdag, juli 19, 2016

Afghanskt skäggbarn förvandlar järnvägsvagn till slakthus (uppdaterad)

Ett påstått 17-årigt "skäggbarn" från Afghanistan
löpte sent i går kväll amok på ett tyskt tåg med
Strax utanför Würzburg gick han till angrepp mot
tjugofemtalet passagerare. Medan han skrek
Allahu Akbar hackade han loss på alla som kom
i vägen. Sedan drog han i nödbromsen och hoppade
 av. Oturligt för honom hoppade han nästan direkt
på en polisbil. Då det inte var svenska dialogpoliser
sköt de honom...
De bayerska myndigheterna försöker inte mörka dådet
utan berättade nästan omgående att handlade om
en afghansk asylsökare som bott en tid på en
förläggning i Bayern och att bakgrunden tycks vara
Förmodligen har han inspirerats av kalifatets stora
långtradarmassaker i Nice på franska nationaldagen.
En tysk bloggare kommenterade afghanens dåd:
Han fick väl inte ombord sin långtradare...

Enligt ögonvittnen såg järnvägsvagnen ut som
ett slakthus.
Minst fyra passagerare svävar fortfarande
mellan liv och död.
Den svenska gammelpressen försöker nu mörka
att det handlar om ett nytt jihadistdåd.
Glöm inte att Sverige tog emot 35 369 s k
ensamkommande "barn" 2015, varav över
 23.000 afghaner i värnpliktsåldern.
Terrorn - närmare dig för varje dag...
Islamic State claimed responsibility on Tuesday for an attack
by an axe-wielding Afghan refugee on a German train,
according to its online Amaq news agency.

"The perpetrator of the stabbing attack in Germany was

one  of the fighters of the Islamic State and carried out
the operation in answer to the calls to target the
countries of the coalition fighting the Islamic State,"
the statement said.

måndag, juli 18, 2016

Sommarläsning: I huvudet på en muslim

Den danske psykologen Nicolai Sennels arbetade i många år med kriminella
muslimska ungdomar. Det gav honom djupa insikter i hur muslimsk mentalitet skiljer sig från den västerländska.
Han sammanfattade dessa lärdomar i en artikel till den judiska tidningen

1) What are the differences between the Muslim and Western man?
Nicolai: Working with Muslim clients I found four important psychological differences. Understanding these differences makes us more able to understand the psychological aspects of integration problems that the West experiences when it comes to Muslim immigrants.

The first difference concerns anger. Western cultures see anger as a weakness, and expression of anger is a way to lose social status. In the Muslim culture, where , “might is right”, anger is seen as strength. Some Muslim communities even declares “days of anger”, where they try to convince others by screaming, shooting in the air and hopping up and down. While we Westerners see such behaviour as embracing or even psychiatric, Muslim cultures defines our lack of aggression as weakness, that can – and should – be exploited. To avoid such invitations to exploitation, we should speak the truth, make demands, be consequent – and carry a big stick.

The second difference concerns honor and self confidence. Inside the Western culture it is generally seen as a sign of honor and self confidence, if we are able to handle criticism either with and shrug (if we disagree) or with a “I think you are right – thanks for helping me to improve”. In Muslim culture, it is honorable to defend against criticism with aggression and exhibit the courage to risk physical confrontation – no matter if the criticism is true or not. Islam can not defend, Islam can only attack. This is why we very seldom hear Muslims defend their religion through logic or reason, but almost always with intimidation and violence: It does not matter who is right, it matters who is the strongest. From the perspective of traditional Muslim culture, the Western concept of honor is dishonorable. It makes us look pathetic and fearful, and for a religion that is basically imperialistic and aggressive, it is an invitation to attack.

The third difference concerns self responsibility, and here the psychological term “locus of control” is important to understand. Western culture leans towards an inner locus of control, meaning that we think that our lives are mainly governed by inner factors, such as our own choices, our own view and our way of handling our emotions. That is why we have countless therapists, coaches etc., and countless books and magazines, which all aim at helping us to be better at helping ourselves. Muslim culture and especially Islam is strongly characterized by outer locus of control. Everything happens “Inshallah”; almost every aspect of life is regulated by Islamic law, the brutal sharia that steals away so many human rights from the people living under it; male authorities – fathers, big brothers, uncles, imams, etc. – make the rules and have enormous power over especially the women. There is very little room for personal choices and freedoms, and this naturally creates a feeling of outer locus of control: Your life is created by outside factors, and the freedom to explore and train inner locus of control is very limited. This is also the reason for the world famous, and – from a Western perspective – embarrassing and childish victim mentality, that characterizes many Muslim communities and immigrants. When this victim mentality meets with our Western compassion and questions like “what would you like to do”, integration is doomed to fail. Only now Western authorities are beginning to learn that we need to meet Muslim immigrants with demands, consequences – “you have to do this and that and this is the consequences if you do not.” People with outer locus of control mostly have very little control and needs clear communication, a clear frame work and clear consequences if they break the rules. But even though we are starting to realize this now, it might be too late to stop the failed integration of millions of people from this very different culture from destroying our societies.

The fourth difference concerns tolerance and openness. In the West, being “tolerant and open” is considered a de facto definition of a good person. Hundred years ago, “good persons” went to church every Sunday, while today they stand with #RefugeesWelcome signs on train stations. In Islam, at good person is somebody adhering strictly to the sharia, which is very intolerant and closed – even violent – towards outsiders. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to predict how the meeting between to such different cultures will evolve: As a cultural osmosis, the “open” culture will be consumed by the intolerant culture: The cultural exchange will be a one-way street. This is what is eating up our countries these years in the form of Islamic parallel societies that develop into small Gaza Strips with extreme dense population; radical Islam going viral; poverty, low education and dependence on economic support from outside; and a hostile and violent attitude towards their non-Muslim surroundings: A constant source of aggression that needs constant containment in order not to spill over and into its context.

2) What are the characteristics of Arab culture, as expressed in communication with the Western world?
Nicolai: Arab culture’s, or Muslim culture’s exchange with the Western world is mainly characterized by the Western world trying to contain – or sometime even harvest and exploit it through proxy wars – Muslim aggression. There is very little communication based on the two parties being equal. Instead, the West use appeasement, diplomacy, bribing or bombs in an attempt to tame the constant flow of violence and aggressive imperialism. From the Islamic side, they instinctively have spotted our weaknesses mentioned above, and they are convinced that through the power of their god and through patience and intimidation, they will continue and finish the work that their prophet began one and a half millenium ago and which has already emptied most of the Middle East, North Africa and great parts of Asia from non-Muslims.

3) How can a Muslim change and build a different personality that integrates in the western world?
Well, since this would mean that they would have to adopt a long list of human rights (democracy, freedom of speech, sexuality, religion, etc.) that the sharia punishes with death, it would first and foremost be based on security for those wishing to change. We can start by undermining the sources of the sharia, the imams and the mosques.

4) If they are so different, what are they looking for in Western countries?
Nicolai: Safety, freedom, money and material goods, uniting with their families, and spreading the sharia. Unfortunately, on an average, they give very little back to the countries they enter, and often their concept of freedom is not compatible with human rights and democracy. Of course there are also many Muslims who want to really integrate and embrace our values and rights, but much too often they are stopped by their Islamic surroundings or their own lack of motivation or skills.

5) One who does not integrate – what happens to him? When does he turn into a criminal and when does he run a normal life?
Nicolai: To integrate you need three things. You have to want it, you have to be allowed by you Muslim peers and family, and you have to be able to. Much too few Muslim immigrants, refugees and their descendants manages all three. Because of their intolerant culture, they many have very little or no feeling of commitment and thankfulness towards non-Islamic culture and societies. And if our Western welfare societies provides them with food, money and housing – even if they do not integrate one inch – why should they integrate? And if we let radical imams and mosques spread all over, how can we expect that any attempt on integration into our Wester values will be supported by the Muslim community? And if we do not discriminate between what immigrants we take, and therefore end up with millions of illiterate, uneducated and often inbred migrants, how can we expect that they are able to integrate into our high tech, knowledge-based civilized societies?

6) What often happens in the next generation – in both cases?
Nicolai: The first generation often has a sense of thankfulness to the country receiving them. Statistics show that the following generation are more criminal. Those who really integrates often have to live in fear from the practising Muslims. Some even need police protection.

7) What are the consequences of a failed immigration?
Nicolai: Ultimately it will lead to civil war inside our countries. The point where we could handle this challenge without blood, sweat and tears was passed decades ago. I blame our politicians and media.

8) How can the western world deal with it successfully?
Nicolai: a) Stop Muslim immigration. b) Help refugees in their own region, where they feel home with their culture, language and climate. In this way we can afford to help many more, and not just the young men that are sent here. On top, the refugees will not have to live with the extra traumatization that happens when especially disadvantaged people move to a completely other culture. c) Honorary repatriation for non-citizens who are not self-supporting, speaking the language and law abiding. d) Long prison sentences in prisons outsourced outside Europe to Muslim criminals (so they do not radicalize and intimidate non-Muslim prisoners in national prisons, cheaper). e) Close down every mosque and Islamic organisation that do not actively support democratic values and human rights and which do not openly and pro-actively reject the criminal principles and verses of the Islamic scriptures and of the example of their prophet. f) Integration should be based on demands and consequences. Not complying should lead to honorary repatriation.

9) The protesters against Islam-phobia, what leads them? Are they right and honest, or is it a cover for something deeper?
Nicolai: The greatest islamophobes are to be found among the Muslims themselves. Only fear can lead people to accept such a suppressive system. As one imam said, Islam would have been long gone, had it not been for sharia’s death penalty for apostacy. I think Western protesters against “islamophobia” are either afraid to confront an obviously criminal, sexist and fascist ideology and its intolerant and violent adherents, or they are simply being naive and a modern day version of the “good people”. The violent “anti-fascists” I consider a reincarnation, half joking, of the Inquisition.

10) After the Danish Mohammad cartoon was published in the news – what did you learn from the reactions of both sides (Islamic and western)?
Nicolai: We learned that giving into Muslims demands will just lead to more demands. That we have to find our footing, define our values and borders, and we ready to protect them by any means necessary. And Muslims got aquinted with the concept of Free Speech.

11) What reactions do you get from your writings?
Nicolai: I think many people find that a psychological perspective on the subject helps to understand the dynamics of the situation. I have of course been accused of racism from the Left, but I am no racist. Islam is not a race. It is a weapon of mass destruction (that the CIA have been exploiting for decades) and the greatest enemy of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights. I was born into a Leftist family, and the values that I grew up with – the equality of women, a critical view on the dangerous power of religion, and the freedom for the little guy to speak freely – I consider basic values of the Left. I feel today that I am a Leftist, but somehow the world changed, and today basic Leftist values are, if applied to Islam and Muslim culture, considered “far Right”. I do not care.
I am true to myself and wish happiness and freedom for everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims.”


fredag, juli 15, 2016

Stort jihadistdåd i Nice

Jihadisterna tycks ha en säregen förmåga att välja nya former för
terrordåd varje gång. I natt plöjde en nitton ton tung långtradare
två kilometer genom folkmassor på strandpromenaden i Nice.
Tiotusentals människor var ute och firade Frankrikes nationaldag.
Plötsligt mejades hundratals ned av långtradaren medan föraren
sköt mot de flyende på trottoaren.
De senaste rapporterna säger minst 82 döda och
hundratals skadade. 
En blandad kompott från franska och amerikanska TV-kanaler
visar de första förvirrade timmarna efter dådet.
Terroristen tycks identifierad som en 31-årig tunisier med kriminellt
förflutet. Däremot fanns han inte på säkerhetstjänstens förteckningar.
Långtradaren hade han hyrt... 
Säkerhetstjänsten har ännu inte offentliggjort mördarens namn,
men för den som fortfarande undrar över motivet:
The local newspaper, Nice-Matin, reports that the man driving the truck
was a 31-year-old Nice resident of Tunisian origin.
The truck driver was said to have shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’
— God is greatest — before being shot dead by police.”
 Nu börjar fördömanden från hela världen strömma in 
- där de flesta, liksom Obama, "råkar" undvika nämna att
det är ännu ett jihadistdåd.
Snart kommer väl Wallström att beklaga bilolyckan...